
bù kě wǎn huí
  • Irreparable;irretrievable;irredeemable;too far gone
不可挽回[bù kě wǎn huí]
  1. 过去的不幸事件造成了不可挽回的损失,双方均应从中吸取教训。

    Both parties should draw a lesson from the past bitter experience which caused irretrievable losses .

  2. 根据一项新法律,只有一种理由可以离婚,那就是婚姻破裂以至于不可挽回。

    Under a new law , there is only one ground for divorce , the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage .

  3. 我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。

    I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption .

  4. 你可以称之为“玻璃悬崖”(glasscliff)——这指的是,只有在其他人都认为局面已不可挽回的情况下,女性才会被委以领导角色。

    You could call this the " glass cliff " - when women are brought into leadership roles only when a situation has been deemed impossible by others .

  5. Maksimuk共上传了7个破坏iPhone7的独立视频,但似乎未能阻挡人们在新买的iPhone手机底部钻孔,造成不可挽回的巨大损失。

    In total Maksimuk has seven separate videos showing him destroying iPhone 7s , but that seemingly hasn 't stopped people drilling holes into the bottom of their new iPhones and causing irreparable damage .

  6. 其中,尤其以含有恶意代码的PDF文档所造成的危害最大最广,给企业和用户造成了巨大的不可挽回的损失,给互联网应用带来了严峻的威胁和挑战。

    The PDF file with malicious code may be the most harmful security problem . It will cause irreparable damage to the enterprise and user and lias posed the serious threat and challenge to internet applications .

  7. 现在,你转动头部将会非常顺畅。由于头部受到撞击造成颈部不可挽回的损伤,重金属乐队Metallica的低音歌手经历14年的生涯终于退出乐坛。

    You 'll be turning heads in no time . The bassist from the heavy metal band Metallica quit after 14 years , citing irreparable neck damage from head-banging .

  8. 所谓的“印刷纸币可能造成不可挽回的影响”的论调,可以休矣。

    So much for the supposedly irreversible dangers of printing .

  9. 不要多想那些已不可挽回的事来烦你自己。

    Don 't upset yourself by thinking about what might have been .

  10. 不可挽回的东西很多,譬如对一个人的感觉。

    Irreparable lot of things , such as a person 's feelings .

  11. 趁你还没做什么不可挽回的事我想说

    So before you do something that can 't be undone

  12. 我怎么会如此不可救药、不可挽回地迷恋它们?

    How can I be so helplessly , irretrievably crazy about them ?

  13. 进而,对网站主站的发展造成不可挽回影响。

    Then , the main website development is impacted .

  14. 不,我们的分开是决定性的,不可挽回的!

    No , our parting is final and irrevocable .

  15. 他们之间的背离达到不可挽回的地步。

    The breach between them would be past bridging .

  16. 上个月,这个瘦削的45岁女人得知,这样做造成了不可挽回的后果。

    Last month , the thin , 45-year-old woman learned the unforgiving consequences .

  17. 唉,已经不能挽回了。他们的婚姻不可挽回了。

    Well , the die is cast . their marriage was not salvageable .

  18. 关闭这家工厂将不可挽回地改变当地社区的特征。

    Closing ther factory would irrevocably alter the character of the local community .

  19. 在犹豫着抉做不做这个不可挽回的决定之前,要与导师谈一谈。

    When in doubt , discuss with a mentor before making irreversible decisions .

  20. 你仍然在坚持当你知道我们的爱已不可挽回。

    You keep insisting when you know our love is out the door .

  21. 如果你曾因为一时的强烈情绪而做出草率的决定,却导致了不可挽回的后果。

    For making rash decisions because of temporary feelings that left permanent consequences .

  22. 一扇门关上是不可挽回的。

    The closing of a door is irrevocable .

  23. 已往的事情不可挽回,未来的却还来得及。

    The past cannot be revised , and the future is yet to come .

  24. 我们重又不可挽回地被投入最大的、无限的苦难之中,这究竟是怎样的光景呢?

    What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which WE WEre again irrevocably plunged ?

  25. 那就意味着双方要摊牌&几乎可以肯定将是不可挽回的,是决定性的。

    It would mean a showdown almost certainly irreversible and final between them both .

  26. 失去的机遇不可挽回。

    An occasion lost cannot Be redeemed .

  27. 正是由于死刑的这种一旦施行就不可挽回的特质,世界上绝大多数国家已经废除了死刑。

    And just for the unique character , many countries have abrogated the death penalty .

  28. 表达对不可挽回的事物的悲痛的。

    Expressing sorrow often for something past .

  29. 他们已经造成了不可挽回的损失;

    They 're already done irreparable damage .

  30. 布尔斯特罗德小姐没有回答。她正处于话一出口便不可挽回的关头。

    Miss Bulstrode did not answer . She was hovering on the brink of irrevocable words .