
  • 网络Immortals;Eternal Life;unkillable
  1. 当不死之身失败时,其他人都失去信心。

    When the immortals failed , all others lost heart .

  2. 把一半的不死之身带去跟这人走。

    Take halfthe immortals and go with this man .

  3. 从吸血鬼猎人到惩恶扬善的少年,几乎无所不有。今夏,这位最具英伦风范的侦探将在日本漫画中成为不死之身。

    This summer , that most British of detectives , who has appeared as everything from a vampire hunter to a crime-fighting teenager , is being immortalised in Japanese manga .

  4. 当然尼古拉斯凯奇已经否定了他的所谓的不死之身。

    Cage has yet to confirm or deny his undead status .

  5. 不死之身莉迪亚·戴维斯的演讲稿碎片

    of a shredded speech by the unbreakable Lydia Davis .

  6. 传闻你是不死之身,猎人阔特曼。

    They say you 're indestructible , quatermain .

  7. 可魔咒一旦破解,我们就不会是不死之身了。

    But if the curse is broken , we will no longer be immortal .

  8. 等等,你把她弄成了不死之身?

    Wait , you made her indestructible ?

  9. 你是不死之身吗?

    Are you by any chance immortal ?

  10. 但他没有不死之身!

    But he was not immortal !

  11. 一群不死之身的傀儡兵,让鸣人一行人陷入苦战。

    Puppet of a group of immortal soldiers , to Naruto , a pedestrian into a bitter struggle .

  12. 不要误会,我很庆幸他们没有,可是他们基本上都拥有不死之身啊。

    Don 't get me wrong , I am glad they don 't , but they 're basically indestructible .

  13. 在今后的二十年内,他们中的大多数将不可避免的消亡。而其中剩下的将拥有几近不死之身。

    During the next twenty years , the vast majority will inevitably die , and the rest becomes almost indestructible .

  14. 虽然多年来它的意思有细微的改变,它仍然指的是被不死之身操纵的神秘地复活人类的尸体。

    Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years , it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead .

  15. 吸血鬼和反基督者共同拥有的另外一个更值得疑问的能力,就是他们都有着“有限的”不死之身。

    One of the more questionable powers , supposedly assumed by these two demonic beings , is the gift of a somewhat limited immortality .

  16. 我称之为“有限的”不死之身,是因为实际上基督最后终于打败了反基督者,并且吸血鬼在某些情况下,是极脆弱和易死亡的。

    I call it a limited immortality due to the fact that Christ eventually overcomes the Antichrist and vampires are vulnerable to some methods of death .

  17. 近年来,“僵尸”题材变得越来越严肃,一大批电子游戏、电影、电视剧都使劲浑身解数,想要通过这些“不死之身”表达一些关于生死的深奥之理,不过效果貌似喜忧参半。

    Zombies have become very serious business over the years . Legions of video games , movies and television shows have all tried their best to use the undead to say something profound about the living , to mixed results .