
  1. 纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。(苏轼《前赤壁赋》)

    We let our boat float along , sailing over the vast expanse .

  2. 纽约国际教育研究所如是说。

    So says the Institution of International Education in New York .

  3. 这是人必须在心中如此定义自己,因为这是他所如是的样子。

    This is how a man MUST think of himself in his heart , because this is what he IS .

  4. 国外各设计事务所、国内私营、民营设计所如雨后春笋般涌现,形成了多元化竞争格局。

    Foreign design offices , domestic privately owned , civil owned design offices were come forth like the bamboo shooting after a spring rain , which forms the multi-pattern of competition .

  5. 如果我可以在一所如贵校般享有声望的大学接受进一步的教育,它将不仅仅提高我的职业前景,也会帮助中国的建筑工业管理取得进步。

    If I can in a prestigious like the University for further education , it will not only improve my career prospects will also help the management of China 's progress in the construction industry .

  6. 只是一所寂静如雪的房子,一个自己归去的空间,洁净如同诗笔未落的纸。

    Only a house quiet as snow , a space for myself to go , clean as paper before the poem .

  7. 肉眼不可见的电波如鬼魂飘荡,无人能幸免于它的纠缠。眼前所见如真如幻,连花也无法证明什麽。

    Nobody can get away with the invisible , ghostly electronic waves . Visual versus virtual ; even the flower can 't prove anything .

  8. 二是Web应用程序采用HTML作为前端用户界面所造成的如用户界面单调呆板和响应速度缓慢等种种问题。

    The second is the HTML front ends of web applications have too much weak points such as monotony and slowness .

  9. 所幸,如Gartner指出的,SOA正进入“启蒙的斜坡”。

    Fortunately , as Gartner points out , SOA is entering the " Slope of Enlightenment " .

  10. 它同时又可被其他工具所调用,如FORTRAN、MATLAB与C等。

    DLL , it concentrates some ABS algorithms , at the same time , it can be called by other tools , FORTRAN , MATLAB , and so on .

  11. 业务流程为其他标准所覆盖,如WSCI(Web服务业务流程接口)和WS-CDL(Web服务业务流程描述语言)。

    Choreography is covered by other standards , such as WSCI ( Web Services choreography Interface ) and WS-CDL ( Web Services Choreography Description Language ) .

  12. VPN技术能够被多个网络层次上的安全协议所支持,如数据链路层上的PPTP,网络层上的IPSec,会话层上的SOCKS等。

    VPN technology can be implemented by many security protocols on different network layers , such as PPTP on data link layer , IPSec on network layer , SOCKS on session layers and so on .

  13. 所用光谱仪如247型掠入射真空紫外摄谱仪。

    The spectrograph used is model 247 grating incidence spectrograph .

  14. 警方时时警戒终有所获(如逮捕了罪犯)。

    Police vigilance was eventually rewarded , eg when an arrest was made .

  15. 哮喘往往是由于我们吸入的刺激物所诱发,如空气污染、烟烟雾。

    This is often triggered when we breathe in irritants in air pollution and tobacco smoke .

  16. 支护墙体与主体结构之间的连接所带来的如水平力传递、二次浇筑接缝、支撑穿越墙板止水方法等一系列技术问题。

    It also gives a method of transferring horizontal force between retaining wall and body structure .

  17. 然而,不同于文学作品等问题,广告的翻译中的一些问题一直为翻译界所轻视,如功能对等、文体对等和翻译技巧等。

    But different from literature translation , many issues in advertisements translation always are ignored by translators .

  18. 所含信息如被透露会对个人隐私构成不当侵犯的档案。

    Records containing information that , if revealed , would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy .

  19. 大胆地或强有力地提出(自己)的观点,以使其为大家所知,如。

    To put ( oneself ) forward boldly or forcefully in an effort to make an opinion known , for example .

  20. 一些名企的大规模数据泄露就是拜这些黑客群所赐(如图表所示)。

    These gangs are behind some of the biggest data breaches that companies have owned up to ( see chart ) .

  21. 它的隐秘程度犹如禅宗所说:如人饮水,冷暖自知。

    The degree of its mystery is as said in Zen – By drinking water , one knows hot and cold .

  22. 微波无源器件通常是由若干通用的基本单元所构成,如波导阶梯、T接头等。

    Generally speaking , microwave passive components are composed of a series of key blocks such as waveguide step discontinuity and T-junction , etc.

  23. 不过,尽管拉美眼睁睁地看着中国企业大举向非洲投资,但他们所期待的如潮水般的中国投资并未成为现实。

    Yet the expected flood of Chinese investment has yet to materialise , although Latin America has watched Chinese companies pour funds into Africa .

  24. 罗马人最初被英格兰巴斯城附近的自然温泉所吸引,如图中所示。

    The Romans were originally attracted to the natural hot springs near what is now the city of Bath in England , pictured here .

  25. 京晶:如你所说,如能看见阿根廷对阵葡萄牙是很好的,同时我也想看到巴西对阵墨西哥。

    Like you mentioned , it 'd be great to see Argentina vs Portugal . But I 'd also like to see Brazil vs Mexico .

  26. 电视多讯道节目制作系统被众多的电视节目类型所使用,如综艺节目,体育节目,谈话节目,新闻节目,情景剧等。

    Multi video channel producing has been used in many types of TV program , such as entertainment , sports , talk show , news , inner opera .

  27. 它们均受一定构造因素所控制,如构造复合部位对金属矿床的形成起重要的作用;

    They have been controlled by certain structure units , e.g. the places of compounding of structural systems play an important part in the formation of metal deposits .

  28. 退休后的养老金被湖南的几所学校(如湖南科技大学)的官吏向国成痞子等贪污了。

    After retirement pensions were Hunan and several schools ( such as Hunan University of Science and Technology ) to Guocheng Pizi officials , such as the corruption .

  29. 根据疾病控制和预防中心,合同内包含了明确的所指,如心脏、肝脏、肺和肾脏,但是没有角膜。

    That contract covers specified solid organs such as hearts , livers , lungs and kidneys , but not eyes , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  30. 在全球许多地区,贸易领域为移居海外者网络所主宰:如印度人统御着东非和加勒比部分区域,而东南亚则由中国人掌控等等。

    Networks of exiles dominate trade in many parts of the world : the Indians in East Africa and parts of the Caribbean , the Chinese in South-East Asia , and so on .