
  1. 病变外观为色素性扁平丘疹,组织学与Bowen病相似,但异型性较小。

    Grossly , the disease appeared as multiple flat papules with pigmented , and histologically similar to Bowen 's disease .

  2. 鲍恩样丘疹病为外生殖器部位的多发扁平丘疹,组织病理为低度恶性原位癌表现。

    Bowenoid papulosis is a disease clinically manifested by multiple flat papules on external genitalia .

  3. 颈部多发性肤色或淡黄色扁平丘疹40余年,偶觉瘙痒。组织病理学检查示真皮网状层中部有多量波纹状、扭曲、断裂或不规则形状的深嗜碱性纤维成分。

    Histopathologic examination revealed accumulations of dark basophilic fibers with wavy , split , curled or irregular appearance in the middle of the reticular dermis .

  4. 皮损主要分布四肢伸侧,基本皮疹为扁平疣样的褐色扁平丘疹。

    The main skin lesions are hyperkeratotic papules similar to verruca plana .