
cái lì
  • ability;talent
才力 [cái lì]
  • [force of personality;talent] 才华;智力

  • 才力应难跨数公,凡今谁是出群雄。--唐. 杜甫《戏为六绝句(之四)》

  • 一代宗师才力薄,望溪文集 阮亭诗。-- 清. 袁枚《仿 元遗山论诗》(之一)

  • 才力超群

  1. 关于作家论,笔者从气质才力和修养襟怀两方面展开梳理。

    About the poet discuss , the author launches from two aspects which are the making ability and the tutelage mind .

  2. 水星是一颗管理沟通、媾和、往还、通、感知和我们逻辑头脑的才力。

    Mercury is the planet that rules counication , negotiation , coerce , transportation , perception , and our ability to think logically .

  3. 仔细和勤奋才力抓住机遇。

    Care and diligence bring luck .

  4. 其实他担任那一职务,才力绰绰有余,有如鹤立鸡群。

    He was just too big a man for the position , in fact a triton among minnows .

  5. 曼丽的才力是不适宜于这种表演的,因为她嗓子细弱,态度又不自然。

    Mary 's powers were by no means fitted for such a display ; her voice was weak , and her manner affected .

  6. 企业创新评价也应成为现代企业管理的重要内容。企业创新评价应遵循正确的评价准则:即科学性准则、效益性准则、以人为本准则、才力支撑准则、市场开创准则;

    This thesis explains as following the evaluation criterion of enterprise innovation , namely scientific criterion , human based criterion , finance supporting criterion , market initiated criterion ;

  7. 新时期以来,长期垄断戏剧领域的僵化创作模式,早已成为横在艺术家心中的一道迷墙,阻断艺术天性接通真实、自然与梦境的才力。

    Since the New Period the stifling creation mode dominating in the drama field has become a wall for artists , blocking the collection of art and reality .

  8. 第三,在《文心雕龙》中,刘勰认为文章写作既要凭借先天的才力,也要依靠后天不断地学习和锻炼。

    Third , in " Wenxin Diaolong ", Liu Xie argued that writing should not only rely on innate talent , but also rely on constant learning and training .

  9. 倘若期待直到5月中旬,的封闭未来的幸运和获胜的才力将会增强,所以不要太赶去把事都调节确定好。

    If you wait until mid-May , your future happiness and success in your initiations will be enhanced , so don 't be in too much of a rush to settle things .

  10. 我们应根据自己的才力,国力,制定长远的规划,分步、分阶段实施电子商务,走有中国特色的电子商务发展道路。

    We should follow one 's own just strength , make long-term planning , Implement e-commerce step by step , stage by stage , lead the developing way of e-commerce with Chinese characteristics .

  11. 计算机仿真虽然可以大大节省水声实验在人力,物力,才力等方面的开支,但是简化的水声模型无法全面模拟复杂的水声信道,从而造成仿真结果与实际应用难以切合的问题。

    Computer simulation can greatly reduce costs on human , material , wit during the acoustic experiment and so on , while simplified acoustic model cannot simulate complex acoustic channel comprehensively , which causing difficulty in suiting simulation results and the practical application .