
cái zǐ
  • Talent;gifted scholar;brilliant writer
才子 [cái zǐ]
  • (1) [gifted scholar]∶才华出众的人

  • 才子佳人

  • (2) [brilliant writer]∶长于文艺创作的人

才子[cái zǐ]
  1. 大历十才子研究

    10 Gifted Scholar Poetry Research in Da-Li Period

  2. 六朝才子谢灵运就深受其影响。

    The gifted scholar in Liuchao ( Six Dynasties ), Xie Lingyun , was influenced deeply by it .

  3. 他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。

    He is a nimble and versatile wit .

  4. 才子配佳人,真是美满姻缘。

    A beauty married to a talented scholar & what an ideal match .

  5. Dweck女士说:“我们的社会迷信才华、天才、迷信那些具有先天能力的“天生”才子。

    " Society is obsessed with the idea of talent and genius and people who are'naturals'with innate ability ," says Ms.

  6. 第二节分析才子形象的传承与创新。

    The second chapter analyzed the images ' inheritance and developments .

  7. 他是个音乐才子,这是无可置疑的。

    He is the music talented person , this is indubitable .

  8. 她就是你所谓的“女才子”。

    She is what you call a " blue-stocking " .

  9. 为何世间没多几个如同爱德华的才子。

    How could there not be more for one such as edward ?

  10. 好莱坞的才子们爱聚在这里互相开玩笑,一个比一个更别出心裁。

    The Hollywood wits gathered to exchange jokes and top one another .

  11. 第一章,十才子总论。

    The first chapter is the general introduction of the ten talents .

  12. 在这所大学了的才子积极参加各项活动。

    The talent in the university take an active part in activities .

  13. 怎么样?大才子,给我们作首诗啊。

    Really ? Great scholar , compose a poem for us now .

  14. 这部电影也许会辜负你对才子姜文的期待。

    The movie defies what you would expect from a talented film auteur .

  15. 他认为自己是一个才子。

    He thinks of himself as a wit .

  16. 说不定你也会变成才子。

    You might even become a talent yourself .

  17. 他确实是一位才子,但没有他妻子,他会一事无成。

    He 's a real intellect , but he 's nowhere without his wife .

  18. 希尔医生是个著名的才子,内科医生和学者。

    Doctor Hill is a noted wit , physician , and man of letters .

  19. 有人发抖喘息,因为这是个极端的女才子环境。

    There were shudders and gasps , for the environment was blue-stocking in the extreme .

  20. 他是一个才子,经常写一些有关军事,情感,励志的诗。

    He is a gifted , always write about military , emotions , inspirational poems .

  21. 在未来的社会,各国才子们之间的竞争是激烈的。

    In the future society , the competitions among the talents from different countries are very fierce .

  22. 容颜美丽的女子随文人才子私奔,体现了不同阶层的封建文人对浪漫爱情的渴望。

    Beautiful girl elopes with feudal scholars showing the desire for romantic love exiting in different hierarchy .

  23. 你觉得只会工作不玩耍,聪明才子也变傻这句话怎么样?

    How do you like the proverb all work and no play makes Jack a doll boy ?

  24. 他自夸有才,他以才子自居。

    Talent is his boast .

  25. 我认为自己是个“无需指点的才华横溢的才子”,拒绝任何爱的关怀。

    A " brilliant without need of guidance " kid , I rejected any overt offering of love .

  26. 唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。

    Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written .

  27. 马洛是文艺复兴时代的巨人,大学才子中最著名的一位。

    Christopher Marlowe , a man of Renaissance , is the most famous of the " University Wits " .

  28. 较之内阁同事,哈萨克斯坦总理卡里姆。马西莫夫可谓数码才子。

    COMPARED with his cabinet colleagues , Karim Massimov , Kazakhstan 's prime minister , is a digital whizz-kid .

  29. 前景看好的才子杰克•布莱克饰演哈尔,一个平凡却一心只想跟身材姣好的美女约会的人。

    Rising talent Jack Black plays Hal , an unremarkable man who will only date beautiful women with perfect bodies .

  30. 罗杰·谢尔曼的康涅狄格州同胞,哈特福德的才子们不喜欢文化上或政治上的过激主张。

    Radicalism , cultural or political , was repellent to Roger Sherman 's fellow-citizens of Connecticut , the Hartford Wits .