
  1. 云南撒尼族新生儿、孕母及非孕妇女血清游离与总甲状腺激素水平的研究

    A Study of the Levels of Serum Total and Free Thyroid Hormones in Newborns and Their Mothers

  2. 在石林地区,聚落中传统民族文化模式、宗教信仰产生了独特的民族意识和民族价值观,加上聚落所处的地域、地形、材料、水源等因素共同作用形成了撒尼族民居独特的气质。

    In the area of Stone Forest , the special ethnic consciousness and nationality values producing from the traditional ethnic culture patterns and religious beliefs together with the region , topography , materials and water factors formed the special temperature of Sani .