
  • 网络Print driver;printer driver
  1. 本文给出了IBM微机的一个打印驱动程序。

    This paper presents a new printer driver for IBM personal computer .

  2. 利用打印驱动程序生成SVG文件

    Generate SVG file by printer driver

  3. 打印驱动程序作为连接操作系统和打印机设备的纽带,研究windows环境下打印驱动程序具有重要的现实意义。

    As the connection of operating system and printer devices , study on the printer driver under windows environment has important practical significance .

  4. 利用打印驱动程序可在几乎不增加任何费用的情况下,使上述软件能够通过打印生成SVG格式文件。

    By printer driver , they can save as SVG format file by print to file but without any extra cost .

  5. 本文经过全面的探讨,彻底解决了Windows9x下的打印驱动程序不支持连续打印随机行数据的难题。

    This paper describes how to solve the problem that the print drive on Windows 9x does not support continuous printing of a random number of lines of data .

  6. 绘图软件增设打印驱动程序方法

    Software & Tools add printer driver to drawing system

  7. 大写键可以直接打印,键盘驱动程序可以对很多更为特殊的情况进行编码,但是其模型是相同的:按下一个键就代表输入某个特定的字符。

    The key caps may be printed differently , and the keyboard driver may encode a few more special cases , but the model is the same : Press a key to type a specific character .

  8. C语言图形打印的算法和驱动程序的设计

    Algorithm for Graphic Output by Printer and Design of Driving Program in C Language

  9. 打印设备跟打印机驱动程序不匹配。请跟系统管理员联系。

    The print device does not match your print driver . Please contact your system administrator .

  10. 这个架构使得应用程序开发者在他们的应用程序中很容易支持打印,对打印机供应商而言打印驱动程序和扩展打印对话框变得轻而易举。

    The architecture makes it much easier for application developers to support printing in their applications and for printer vendors to write printer drivers and extend printing dialogs .

  11. 提出了24点阵图形的打印方法,并开发了图形打印驱动程序。

    A method for graphics printing of 24 dot matrix is presented .

  12. 着重介绍了打印功能、打印基本命令和打印驱动程序等的设计,以及围绕打印机接口发生的历史性变化。

    Especially the historical development of the functions of printing , the basic command of printing and the driver of printing around the interface are discussed .

  13. 本文在分析了嵌入式设备连接USB打印机打印报表这样的需求后,详细设计并编码实现了USB打印驱动程序。

    Based on the analysis of requirement which embedded devices to connect USB printer to print reports , detailed design and coding of the USB printer driver are made in this article .

  14. 包括打印汉字库的建立,及测控系统中常用8针点阵打印机打印驱动程序的设计。

    How to produce printing Chinese words bank and design drive program for 8 pin printer is discussed , this kind of printer is of ten used in industrial measurement and control system .