
  • 网络Print Method;Printing Method;print pattern;Print
  1. 实现基于ActiveX控件技术的打印方式。

    Achieve print method which is based on ActiveX control technology .

  2. PB中数据窗口多种打印方式的实现

    Print Methods of DataWindow in PowerBuilder

  3. 论文对应用TPμP-16A的曲线打印方式实现记录曲线打印及应用图形打印方式实现汉字字符打印的软件控制方法进行了详细论述。

    This paper discusses the software control methods of use the curve printing way of TP μ p-16A to print curve and use the graphic print way to printing Chinese Character in details .

  4. pagesettings类用于指定修改页面打印方式的设置,例如页面方向、页面大小以及页边距。

    The pagesettings class is used to specify settings that modify the way a page will be printed , such as paper orientation , the size of the page , and the margins .

  5. 热敏打印方式在医院信息管理系统中应用前景广阔。

    The foreground of pos printing is vastitude on hospital information system .

  6. 在分析TX-850中英文打印机打印方式及8031单片机接口电路的基础上,将8031单片机与TX-850打印机接口,组成了一个性能价格比比较高的系统,实现了表格的中文输出。

    In this paper , the print mode of TX-850 Chinese-English printer and the interface circuit of 8031 microcontroller are analyzed . The system of high property price rate is made by 8031 microcontroller and TX-850 printer . Chinese table output is realized .

  7. 如果你添加了无线网卡,你可以打印通过无线方式。

    If you add a Wifi adaptor , you can print through wireless mode .

  8. 其中一些选项控制它输出非打印字符的方式,例如制表符和控制字符。

    Some of them control the way it outputs nonprinting characters , such as tabs and control characters .

  9. 稍后我们可能还想改变打印对象的方式,要根据对象类型进行打印。

    Later , we might want to change the way that object gets printed , depending on what type of object it is .

  10. 我们的报告每个月将会把关于按效付费措施方面最新的新闻和信息以邮件或是打印件的方式传达给你。

    Pay-For-Performance Reporter will arrive in your email inbox and in print on your desk every month with the latest news and information on physician incentives and key developments .

  11. 在“发布选项”对话框中,单击“指定出版物的打印或分发方式”列表中与出版物需要相符的优化。

    In the publish Options dialog box , click the optimization in the specify how this publication will be printed or distributed list that matches the needs of the publication .

  12. 代码编辑器包含了若干增强功能,例如自动换行、渐进式搜索、代码大纲、折叠到定义、行编号、彩色打印和快捷方式。

    The code editor has several enhancements , such as word wrap , incremental search , code outlining , collapse to definition , line numbering , color printing , and shortcuts .

  13. 分析校园网环境下提供打印服务的几种方式,介绍网络打印机的安装、使用,最新网络打印技术Internet打印、IPP协议及其发展。

    The paper analyzed some ways for offering printing services via campus-wide LAN . This paper also introduced how to install and use network printer , the new technique and development about distributed printing on the Internet and the Internet Printing Protocol .

  14. 在那之后,您可以打印或者以别的方式处理数据。

    From there , you can print or otherwise process your data .

  15. 以纳米技术领域的打印设备的现有方式来制作硅片往往是复杂与昂贵的,而且更为合适。

    Existing ways of printing devices at the nanoscale tend to be complex and expensive , and more appropriate for making silicon chips .

  16. 为了提高工作效率,传统的单机进行设计然后打印并审核的方式已不能满足要求。

    In order to improve efficiency , the traditional method that use single computer to design and print it out and then audit can not meet the requirements .

  17. 为了保证铁路、银行交易事务的完整性,系统以单张车票作为交易处理的基本单位,多张车票要依次处理,同时采用了先扣除票款,后打印车票的处理方式。

    Considering of ensuring the transaction integrity of railway system and bank system , the system takes a single ticket as the basic unit of transaction processing , if there are many tickets , they should be processed one by one .

  18. 打印机中的打印卡盒与目前的打印方式不匹配。

    The print cartridge in the printer does not match the current print mode .

  19. 根据经常打印的文档类型和您喜欢的打印方式,可以每次选择打印机或更改默认打印机。

    Depending on the type of documents you print most often and how you prefer to print , you can select a printer each time or change your default printer .

  20. 提供重打、续打、选页打印、自动分页打印和整洁打印等几种方式实现病历打印。

    And it provides several forms of printing of the records including re-printing , continued-printing , page-selecting printing and tidy printing .