
hàn zì kù
  • Chinese character library;Chinese character base
  1. 工控应用程序中专用汉字库的实现技术

    Realization Technique of Special Chinese Character Base In Industry Control Application Program

  2. 计算机汉字库开发液晶汉字显示数据的方法

    A Method to Develop LCD Characters Displaying Data Using Computer Chinese Character Base

  3. C语言直接调用汉字库的实现方法

    Application of Chinese character library in C Language

  4. 本文叙述了用C语言实现应用程序中专用汉字库的技术。

    This article represented realization technique of special of Chinese character base with C language .

  5. 在AUTOCAD中使用矢量汉字库的方法

    Converting vector chinese character sets into Auto CAD

  6. 嵌入式GUI中汉字库的设计方法研究

    Study on the Design Method of Chinese Font Library in Embedded GUI

  7. 利用该算法研制出一个矢量汉字库的自动生成工具软件,以及在C语言环境下矢量汉字应用的软件函数库。

    Converting vector chinese character sets into Auto CAD The paper also presents how to use the vector Chinese character library in C language environment .

  8. 基于ARM和TFT-LCD的汉字库加载与显示

    The Loading and Display of Chinese Character Library Based on ARM and TFT-LCD

  9. 具有SPI接口的串行Flash用于存放汉字库及操作结果,既可以防止掉电数据丢失又能够满足大容量存储的需要。

    Serial flash with SPI interface is used to avoid losing data and meet the demand of large storage .

  10. 介绍一种基于AVR单片机和硬件汉字库的VRAM型彩色液晶显示模块的设计。

    The paper introduces a design of VRAM color LCD display module based on AVR and the chip with Chinese characters .

  11. 介绍了利用UCDOS汉字库生成字模文件并存储于EEPROM中的方法。

    The method of producing the character patter file and storing in EEPROM making use of UCDOS Chinese character s warehouse is introduced .

  12. 利用软件解决了从计算机的汉字库中提取任一不同格式的汉字字模数据,然后转化为可供MCS-51单片机直接调用的数据这一问题,以便于驱动LCD显示时使用。

    It solves the problem of how to contract any Chinese character with different formats from the character library and convert it into data that can be used by MCS-51 so as to drive LCD .

  13. 本文介绍了PROTEL元件符号图形库和点阵汉字库的结构,以及怎样将点阵汉字库转换到PROTEL元件符号图形库的方法。

    This paper introduces the layouts of PROTEL 'S Component library and Chinese character library ( CCLIB ), and how to convert CCLIB to PROTEL 'S component library .

  14. 与不带汉字库的LCM模块相比,ST7920省略了取字模过程,软件控制非常方便。

    Compared to the LCM without Chinese characters storeroom , ST7920 brought a lot of convenience in software designing ignoring the process of making character .

  15. 专用汉字库在仿真系统中的应用

    The Application of Special Library of Chinese Characters in Simulation System

  16. 绘图用矢量汉字库生成工具及应用环境的研制

    A vector Chinese character generating instrument for graphics and its application

  17. 一种简单的自动生成矢量汉字库算法

    An algorithm for automatic generation of vector Chinese character library

  18. 矢量汉字库的结构剖析和二次开发方法研究

    Structure Analysis of Vectorial Chinese Character Library And Its Application

  19. 自适应型24点阵动态汉字库结构及其实现

    The structure of 24-dots matrix self-adapting dynamic chinese character library

  20. 矢量汉字库的产生及其应用

    The Generating and Application of the Vector Chinese Character Library

  21. 略论通用型汉字库信息压缩方案

    On the schemes for reducing the information of the common Hanzi bank

  22. 小型汉字库在PC&1500袖珍计算机上的实现

    Small - Size Chinese Character Pool Realized in PC-1500

  23. 基于笔划描述的样条汉字库及其应用

    The stroke based Chinese outline font and its application

  24. 单片机系统中标准汉字库的生成及应用

    Design and application of standard Chinese character library in single chip microcomputer system

  25. 矢量汉字库生成算法的研究

    Research on Algorithms for generating vector Chinese character library

  26. 便携设备中的汉字库设计

    Design of Chinese Character Library in Portable Instrument

  27. 压缩矢量汉字库在汉字系统中的应用

    The Applications of Compression Vector Chinese Character Library in Chinese Character Disk Operating Systems

  28. 标准汉字库字符的拼音首字母自动提取

    An Extraction Method for the First Letter of Phonetic Symbol Based on Standard Chinese Character

  29. 紧凑汉字库系统的开发

    Developing of Compact Chinese Character Bank System

  30. 汉字库图形点阵库液晶模块在激光告警接收机中的应用

    Application of Liquid Crystal Display Module with Chinese Graphical Lattice Stock to Laser Warning Receiver