
  • 网络paintings in han dynasty
  1. 第二章是汉画像石的界定及类型。

    The second chapter is to define and Han stone type .

  2. 徐州汉画像石中的神话研究

    Myth - study in Xuzhou 's Painted-stones of the Han Dynasty

  3. 浅析徐州汉画像石的意象造型

    The Image Sculpt Characteristics of Xuzhou Stone Relief in Han Dynasty

  4. 南阳汉画形象的体量控制

    Scale Control of the Image of Han Dynasty Painting in Nanyang

  5. 南阳汉画像石音乐内容之阐释

    Explanation of Music Implication Interpreted on Nanyang Stone Engravings in HAN Dynasty

  6. 长葛新发现的汉画像砖

    A Study of the Han Period Pictorial Brick Recently Discovered at Changge

  7. 汉画与中国戏剧的起源

    The Painting in Han Dynasty and Origination of Chinese Dram

  8. 浅析影响汉画像石艺术发展的几个因素

    Analysis of Factors to Influence the Development of Han Figure Stone Art

  9. 山东汉画与齐鲁文化

    Painting of Han Dynasty in Shandong Province and Qi-Lu Culture

  10. 蜀风汉画传千古成都东汉画像砖特展

    The Exhibition Relief Brick Sculptures in Chengdu of the Eastern Han Dynasty

  11. 汉画资源与学科建设

    The Resources of the Han Stone Engravings and a School Subject Building

  12. 中国汉画像石与古埃及石刻艺术的比较

    Comparison between Chinese Han Dynasty stone portrait and ancient Egyptian stone inscription

  13. 陕北汉画像石的文化考释

    Cultural Study of Han Stone Reliefs in Northern Shaanxi

  14. 千年艺术瑰宝&临沂汉画像石

    One-Thousand-Year Art Rarity-Han Dynasty Stone Relief in Linyi City

  15. 与此同时这三个区域的汉画像石雕刻风格也存在相互影响,借鉴吸收的现象。

    Meanwhile the three regional Han stone carving style also existing mutual influence .

  16. 两个世界的神仙系与汉画像石的宗教品质

    Two Different Fairy System and the Religious Qualities of Stone-Images of Han Dynasty

  17. 江苏汉画像石动物图像的宗教意识思考

    Religious Consciousness in Stone Relief of the Han Dynasty

  18. 南阳汉画平面感初探

    The Plane Sense of Nanyang Han Stone Relief

  19. 汉画像石与齐鲁风俗

    The Han Dynasty Stone-carved Picture and Qilu Customes

  20. 四川汉画像中的性题材内容直率而古拙,其所宣扬的是对生命的肯定和依恋;

    The sexual subjects presented in Sichuan province Han portraits are straightforward but clumsy .

  21. 五十年来的汉画像石研究

    The 50 Years Study of Han Carved Stones

  22. 从出土汉画看当前儒家人生境界研究的缺失

    Deficiency in Study of Confucian Frame of Mind Detected from Unearthed Han Stone Carvings

  23. 汉画像石是中国绘画艺术史上的重要丰碑

    Portrait Stones in the Han Dynasty - Monumental Work in the Chinese Art History

  24. 南阳汉画像石艺术的影响。

    The artistic influence of relieves stone of Han Dynasty in Nanyang , and 2 .

  25. 历史悠久,辉煌灿烂的龙图像是汉画像石艺术重要的组成部分。

    With a long history , splendid perfect like han grave fresco art important part .

  26. 徐州汉画像石装饰艺术研究

    A Study of the Decorate Arts of the Han Dynasty Stone-carved Picture in Xu Zhou

  27. 检验并证实了汉画像石艺术的现代化转化之可行性。

    Inspect and prove the feasibility of modernistic transform of the HAN dynasty stone relief .

  28. 在徐州,汉画像石已然成为汉文化的代表。

    In Xuzhou , stone relief of Han Dynasty has become the representative of Han culture .

  29. 从多重因素综合考虑,汉画分布区域划分为四个主要区域是比较合理的。

    Considering synthetically from multiple factor , we can divide the figures into into four main areas .

  30. “云气”图是汉画像中的典型图像,以各种形式出现在汉画像中。

    The cloudy haze design as a typical image presents in various forms in Han stone reliefs .