
  • go bowling;play bowling;Playing Bowling
  1. 我打保龄球是为了消遣。

    I go bowling for relaxation .

  2. 理查:但是是爸爸提议要去打保龄球的。

    Richard : but it 's your father who suggested we go bowling .

  3. 比如说,他把Sally的贬损的话转换成肯定的评价(从“莫名其妙”到“独一无二”),为了和Tommy在一起,他还放弃了打保龄球的计划。

    For example , he turns Sally 's negative comment / into / a positive one ( from " weird " to " unique ") and gives up bowling to be with Tommy .

  4. 布雷兹•海塞尔格兰:那么你们今晚会去打保龄球吗?

    BLAZE HESSELGRAN : So are you guys going bowling tonight ?

  5. 所以你妹妹打保龄球赢了你!

    A : So , your sister beat you in bowling !

  6. 周日上午你能否去打保龄球?

    Would you like to go to bowing this Sunday morning ?

  7. 扎克:所以呢,我们等一下就去打保龄球!

    Zack : that 's why we 're going bowling !

  8. 昨天晚上,你去打保龄球了,是吗?

    You went to play bowling last night , didn 't you ?

  9. 他还常常跟几个同事去打保龄球。

    He takes to bowling with a few of them .

  10. 现在打保龄球在中国很受欢迎,尤其是年轻人很爱玩。

    Nowadays bowling is quite popular in china , especially among youngsters .

  11. 晚上过来跟我们一块儿去打保龄球好吗?

    Would you come to join us in playing Bowling this evening ?

  12. 大致相同。我不是很沉迷于打保龄球。

    About the same . I don 't take it too seriously .

  13. 男:那打保龄球,运动运动?

    Men : How about we play bowling , do some exercises ?

  14. 是体力活动,打保龄球或打曲棍球

    is physical activity , bowling , or playing hockey ,

  15. 我们开车去飞优去打保龄球怎么样?

    What do you say we drive out to Fairview and bowl ?

  16. 下星期再去打保龄球吧。

    Maybe next week we can go bowling or .

  17. 然后装作只是一个喜欢打保龄球的人。

    And thinking I was just a fellow bowler .

  18. 你说的就像个打保龄球的社团。

    You make it sound like the bowling league .

  19. 比尔和我明天晚上要去打保龄球。

    Bill and I are going bowling tomorrow night .

  20. 她自己有一群打保龄球的朋友。

    she has her own coterie of bowling friends .

  21. 因为在北京打保龄球非常贵。

    It 's so expensive here in Beijing .

  22. 我从高中就开始打保龄球。

    I 've been bowling since high school .

  23. 马克:你经常打保龄球吗?

    Mark : Do you often play Bowling ?

  24. 打保龄球时,你必须换上专门的鞋子。

    You must have special shoes for bowling .

  25. 今天有什么节目啊,别再去打保龄球了。

    Angie : What 's special for today , then , not bowling again .

  26. 上个礼拜,乔治每晚都打保龄球,那是他最爱的活动。

    George was bowling every night last week . it 's his favorite game .

  27. 没有人。我自己去打保龄球了。

    B.Nobody . I went bowling by myself .

  28. 打保龄球时穿的一种专用鞋。

    A special shoe worn when bowling .

  29. 周三晚上有空打保龄球了。

    Frees up Wednesday nights for bowling .

  30. 海伦不会跟我们打保龄球;

    Helen won 't bowl with us ;