
dǎ huǒ jī
  • lighter;cigarette lighter
打火机 [dǎ huǒ jī]
  • [lighter] 点火的器具;尤指用于点燃香烟、雪茄烟或烟斗的器具

  1. 即便是最小的金属物品,不管是指甲锉刀还是打火机,都会马上被没收。

    Even the smallest metallic object , whether a nail file or cigarette lighter , is immediately confiscated

  2. 本文从经济学的新发展中提出了这个观点,并从对日本札幌市建筑行业和我国温州市打火机行业组织形式的考察中验证了这个结论。

    The paper puts forth this viewpoint in line with the new development of economics , and verifies the conclusion by studying the building industry in Sapporo , Japan and the cigarette lighter industry in Wenzhou , China .

  3. 把打火机交给纵火犯简直是不可理喻。

    Giving an arsonist a lighter is beyond a joke

  4. 他伸长胳膊把打火机递了过去。

    He offered his lighter at full stretch .

  5. 儿童的短靴和廉价的打火机很不相称地陈列在一起

    Babies'bootees and cheap cigarette lighters were displayed in unlikely juxtaposition .

  6. 把所有的香烟,打火机,和烟灰缸扔掉以避免引诱。

    Avoid temptation by throwing away all cigarettes , lighters and ashtrays .

  7. 打火机CR装置创新设计打火机CR装置创新设计方法研究

    Research on creative design method for child resistant safety mechanism of lighter

  8. 打火机专用SAN树脂工业化开发生产

    The industrial development and production of speciality SAN resin for lighter

  9. 他用他的打火机、几张名片以及记者的iPhone和钱包,在桌上演示他的成功。

    To illustrate the scope of his success , he arranges his lighter , some name cards , my iPhone and wallet on the table .

  10. SVT的具体摄影机,一个打火机,飞轮和低限制排气完成图片。

    SVT specific cams , a lighter flywheel and low-restriction exhaust complete the picture .

  11. 由欧洲标准化委员会制定并提出,经欧盟批准的CR法案将对我国的打火机企业及相关行业产生重大的影响。

    The CR Bill , which is put forward by the European Standardization Committee and ratified by the EU , will make a great influence on the enterprises of Cigarette Lighter and other relative ones .

  12. Zippo并没有放弃打火机业务。

    Zippo hasn 't given up on lighters .

  13. 研究打火机CR安全装置创新设计方法,描述创新设计思路及其在设计过程中的应用,指导打火机CR装置设计。

    This paper discuses the design methods of Child Resistant mechanism of lighter , and describes the basic philosoph of creative design and is applications in practice , which can be a guidance to safety design of lighter .

  14. 在研究现有CR安全装置专利设计思路和特点基础上,综合运用本文所述打火机CR安全装置设计方法,分别结合电子打火机和金属打火机的特点,进行创新设计,得出8个打火机CR安全装置方案。

    Based on the analysing design ways and characteristics of the existing Child Resistant mechanism , 8 Child Resistant mechanisms are designed using the above methods , and the characteristics of piezoelectric lighter and metal lighter are concerned respectively .

  15. 希腊火这个曾经被搁置的研发项目,加上一个Zippo打火机,堪比战术核武器。

    A previously shuttered RD program , wildfire is a tactical nuke crossed with a Zippo lighter .

  16. 针对这些问题,本文对已有打火机CR安全装置进行了系统归类与分析,提出了打火机CR安全装置设计方法和评价方法,设计了打火机CR安全装置方案,并申请了实用新型专利。

    To solve these problems , the existing Child Resistant mechanisms are systematically analysed and classified in the dissertation , Design method and assessment method are proposed , New Child Resistant mechanisms have been designed to apply the Chinese patent .

  17. 突破性产品的价值机会分析&以Zippo与普通打火机的比较为例

    Value Opportunities Analysis of Breakthrough Product : Taking the Example of the Comparison between Zippo Lighter and the Common One

  18. 今年晚些时候,Zippo打算设立一个网站,使人们可以更加容易地买到定制打火机。

    Later this year , Zippo plans to set up a website that will make it easier for people to order customized lighters .

  19. 布斯对这些产品寄予很高的期望,但他承认,Zippo还没有找到能够媲美其打火机的另一样主打产品。

    Mr. Booth has high hopes for the products but concedes that Zippo hasn 't yet found another home run to rival its lighters .

  20. 在温州兴丰烟具制造有限公司(Winfire)的打火机工厂里,身为外贸部经理的HannahSun不需要看经济数据也知道,中国制造业目前处境艰难。

    At the Winfire cigarette lighter factory in the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou , Hannah Sun , the foreign trade manager , does not need economic data to know that manufacturing in China is struggling .

  21. Zippo还将业务扩展至与打火机关系比较密切的户外产品领域,包括暖手宝和用于烤架、喷灯、篝火的点火装置。

    Zippo is also diversifying into outdoor products that are more closely related to lighters . including hand warmers and devices for lighting grills . torches and camp fires .

  22. 78年以来,Zippo公司一直以制造防风打火机而闻名于世,这种点烟用的打火机以黄铜和锋为原材料制作而成,其工厂位于宾夕法尼亚州西北部一座人口8400人的小镇。

    For 78 years , Zippo Manufacturing Co. has been known for its windproof cigarette lighters , which are fashioned from brass and chrome at a factory in this northwestern Pennsylvania town of 8 , 400 people .

  23. 最后,对火器具的设计演变进行研究,介绍了打火机与火炬各自的历史背景,其中以ZIPPO打火机和中国奥运会火炬这两种比较经典的火器具进行案例分析。

    Finally , this paper studies the evolution of fire apparatus in design , and separately introduces the historical background of the lighter and the torch . It makes case study by ZIPPO lighter and the Chinese Olympic torch , two classic fire apparatus .

  24. 甚至在法国,一次性香烟打火机也是很普遍的了。

    And even in France , disposable cigarette lighters are commonplace .

  25. 于是,我使用了第二招:藏打火机。

    Then , I use the second recruit : hidden lighter .

  26. 将火柴以及打火机油放在宠物够不到的地方。

    Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets'reach .

  27. 打火机在风中很难打着。

    The lighter was hard to get going in the wind .

  28. 他真放肆,问也不问一声就用我的打火机。

    He has the elfrontery to use my lighter without asking .

  29. 将火柴和打火机锁在孩子够不着的地方。

    Keep matches and lighters locked up and away from children .

  30. 另外两种分别是钥匙链和打火机。

    The others included a key chain and a cigarette lighter .