首页 / 词典 / good


dǎ rǎo
  • disturb;bother;interruption;trouble;intrude;annoy;pester;persecute;incommode;roust
打扰 [dǎ rǎo]
  • (1) [disturb]∶干扰;扰乱人心或注意力

  • 他在写书,别去打扰他

  • (2) [trouble]∶婉辞。麻烦,给某事导致不便

  • 对不起,我可以打扰你一下吗

  • (3) [pester]∶用琐碎和一再侵扰的事折磨

  • 总是用令人讨厌的问题打扰别人

打扰[dǎ rǎo]
  1. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

    Don 't disturb Jane , she 's studying for her exams .

  2. 如果你起得早,尽量不要打扰别人。

    If you get up early , try not to disturb everyone else .

  3. 别老用许多愚蠢的问题打扰他。

    Don 't keep worrying him with a lot of silly questions .

  4. 对不起打扰一下,有人要见你。

    Sorry to interrupt , but there 's someone to see you .

  5. 她严格指示不得打扰她。

    She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed .

  6. 萨拉希望他能明白她的意思,不来打扰她。

    Sarah hoped he 'd take the hint and leave her alone .

  7. 对不起,又这么打扰你了!

    Sorry to inflict myself on you again like this !

  8. 隔壁的音乐声打扰了他的思绪。

    Music from the next room obtruded upon his thoughts .

  9. 他知道一处适合幽会的小酒吧,他们在那里不会受到打扰。

    He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed .

  10. 对不起打扰您一下,请问几点了?

    Sorry to trouble you , but could you tell me the time ?

  11. 打扰不断,让我怎么工作?

    How can I work with these perpetual interruptions ?

  12. 对不起打扰了,不过我得找人有话要说。

    I 'm sorry to intrude , but I need to talk to someone .

  13. 她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。

    She 's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere .

  14. 他不想被电话打扰,就把电话听筒摘下来了。

    He left the phone off the hook as he didn 't want to be disturbed .

  15. 今晚就别打扰你父亲了——他的烦心事儿已经够多了。

    Don 't bother your father tonight ─ he 's got a lot on his mind .

  16. 很抱歉打扰你一下,二号线有你的电话。

    Sorry to bother you , but there 's a call for you on line two .

  17. 对不起,打扰你一下,我能跟你谈一会儿吗?

    I 'm sorry to disturb you , but can I talk to you for a moment ?

  18. 对不起,打扰你一下。

    Excuse my interrupting you .

  19. 再问一个问题,我就不打扰你了。

    One more question and I 'll leave you in peace .

  20. 乔恩,希望你别介意这次打扰。

    I hope you don 't mind this intrusion , Jon .

  21. 亲爱的,好了,别这么大声说话打扰他。

    Now don 't talk so loud and bother him , honey .

  22. 他如此大声喧闹,我怕他打扰了邻居。

    He makes such a racket I 'm afraid he disturbs the neighbours

  23. 我可以一整天都呆在仓库里而不受打扰。

    I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse

  24. 我不想打扰自己已婚的朋友。

    I didn 't want to impose myself on my married friends .

  25. 很抱歉这样来打扰你。

    I 'm sorry to intrude on you like this

  26. 就我们自己,没有其他人打扰,连安吉拉也不在。

    We were alone , completely private , with not even Angela present .

  27. 沙利文大街上有一家小餐馆,我们可以在那里不受打扰地聊。

    There was a small restaurant on Sullivan Street where we could talk undisturbed

  28. 我不打扰你了,你在这儿可以仔细考虑考虑这事儿。

    I 'll leave you alone here so you can mull it over .

  29. 我不想打扰你们的会议。

    I don 't want to intrude on your meeting

  30. 我希望没有打扰到你。

    I hope I 'm not disturbing you .