
dǎ dàn qì
  • whisk;egg beater;egg-whisk
  1. 用打蛋器将蛋黄和糖打成均匀的糊状。

    Using a whisk , mix the yolks and sugar to a smooth paste .

  2. 搅拌机附件:拌料棒、打蛋器、搅面钩;

    Attachments included : flat beater , wire whisk , dough hook ;

  3. 用打蛋器在碗中把蛋黄和白糖打到一起。

    Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl .

  4. 用打蛋器将蛋黄发打,然后慢慢加入糖,直至呈奶白色。

    Whisk the egg yolk and sugar until creamy white .

  5. 把蛋白用打蛋器打起,逐少加入糖份,打至变奶白色。

    Whisk egg whites and add sugar gradually .

  6. 取一大盆,用电动打蛋器打发黄油和白糖,至羽毛状,再打入鸡蛋和薄荷精华。

    In large bowl , beat butter with sugar until fluffy ; beat in egg and peppermint .

  7. 用打蛋器打鸡蛋和糖,然后混合面粉,可可粉,发酵粉和香草精。

    Beat the eggs with sugar , mix with flour , cocoa powder , baking powder and vanilla extract .

  8. 牛油加糖后以打蛋器打至轻软及变白,然后把鸡蛋逐一加入拌至完全混合;

    Use eggbeater to beat cream butter and sugar till puffy and milky , add egg gradually and beat until smooth ;

  9. 我还试过打蛋器、茶壶、滤锅,所有这些过去能吸引她的东西都不管用。

    I 've tried whisks , pots , the colander , all objects that have fascinated in the past , but nothing works .

  10. 其它的涡轮机用同样的方式工作,只是涡轮在一垂直的轴上,它的叶片象一个巨大的打蛋器。

    Other turbines work the same way , but the turbine is on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater .

  11. 科学家证明了一种打蛋器如何能够变成一种手持式的离心分离机从而在缺乏资源的环境下把血浆从全血中分离出来用于测试。

    Scientists have shown how an egg beater can be made into a hand-held centrifuge to separate plasma from whole blood for testing in resource-poor settings .

  12. 该研究组在手动打蛋器上安装了塑料管,当它旋转的时候可以把血浆从血细胞中分离出来,它起到了替代昂贵的电动离心分离机的作用。

    The team attached plastic tubing to the manual egg beater , which when rotated separates the plasma from the blood cells , acting as an alternative to expensive electrically-powered centrifuges .

  13. 蛋清用打蛋器打成粗泡,可以加一点点白醋或柠檬汁,并且将50克白糖分三次加入,打发成硬性发泡。

    Use a mixer to whip the egg whites , add a few drops of lemond juice or white vinegar , then add the50g sugar in3 additions , whip until stiff peaks form .

  14. 洛伊富勒,火舞表演后,被形容比转向“像打蛋器轮和圆形。”做多一点然而,先锋舞蹈家,自由的个人表达的是“控制的自由”现代舞今天的基础。祝大家每天进步一点点!

    Loie Fuller , after performing Fire Dance , was described as doing little more than turning " round and round like an eggbeater . " Yet , the free , personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the " controlled freedom " of modern dance today .