
  • 网络TOEIC;Test of English for International Communication
  1. 在我加入ETS中国区之后参加了一次托业考试,因为是公司的规定。

    I have sat for a TOEIC test after I joined ETS China because this is a requirement of the company .

  2. 尽管我们的托福,GRE和托业考试在中国已经存在很多年了,ETS中国区办公室是新成立的。

    ETS China office is new in China although our TOEFL , GRE and TOEIC have been in China for many years .

  3. 托业即TOEIC(TestofEnglishforInternationalCommunication),中文译为国际交流英语考试,是针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们而指定的英语能力测评。

    The TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication ) Test is a standardized test designed to measure a person 's ability to understand English as it is used in international business situation .

  4. 在2007年,ETS在中国协助过北京奥运会,把托业考试作为在青岛和河北挑选志愿者的一个工具。

    In2007 , ETS in China had assisted the Beijing Olympics in terms of providing TOEIC tests as a screening tool for the selection of volunteers in Qingdao and for Hebei province .

  5. 每年有多少人参加托业考试?

    How many people take Toeic tests each year ?

  6. 托业考试及对我国大学英语课堂评估的启示

    TOEIC and Its Enlightenments on Classroom Assessment of College English Teaching in China

  7. 保险金信托:我国保险业同信托业之间的鹊桥

    Insurance premium trust : the bridge between China 's insurance industry and trust industry

  8. 人们为什么参加托业考试?

    What do people take TOEIC tests for ?

  9. (托业)分类词汇:感觉,情绪,态度及知觉

    TOEIC Vocabulary-Feelings , Emotions , Attitudes & Sensations

  10. 托业考试1979年在日本首次采用,1982年在韩国首次采用。

    The TOEIC Test was first administered in Japan in1979 and in Korea in1982 .

  11. 托业考试实际上是两门测试。

    The TOEIC is really two tests .

  12. 托业桥考试分析及其对高职英语教学评价体系的启示

    TOEIC Bridge Test Analysis and Its Enlightenments on English Teaching Assessment in Higher Vocational College

  13. 什么是托业考试?

    What is the TOEIC Test ?

  14. 我以前在日本时曾经辅导过日本学生备考托福和托业考试。

    I used to be a teacher in Japan , where I taught TOEIC and TOFEL .

  15. 托业中国管理中心保留对一切违纪考生做出相关处理的权利。

    TOEIC China Management Center reserves the right to act against any disciplinary offences of the candidates .

  16. 一些机构使用托业来测试英语培训项目的进度和作为能力分级测试。

    Some organizations use the TOEIC to measure progress in English training programs and as a placement test .

  17. 它提供一套全面的英语语言测试,如托福、托业、大学入学考试和研究生入学考试。

    It provides a comprehensive suite of English language tests , such as TOEFL , TOEIC , SAT and GRE .

  18. 13.所有考生需要积极配合托业中国管理中心对于考试过程中各类舞弊行为的调查和相关行动。

    All candidates should cooperate actively with TOEIC China Management Center on any activities regarding investigating cheating of any kind during the test .

  19. 目前,中国银行业监督管理委员会以信托业市场发展动向为引导,不断出台适应市场的监管文件,使信托业的发展逐步规范化。

    At present , China Banking Regulatory Commission devotes itself to market-adapted regulatory instruments to ensure that the business develops in an orderly way .

  20. 因此托业考试渗入了更多的商务元素,既能测出一个人的英语水平又能反映其商务能力。

    Thus the test involves more or less business elements , so it can not only test one 's English ability but business knowledge as well .

  21. 第二,明确信托业应有的市场地位、确认实践中信托业由各金融机构混业经营趋势、为信托业发展提供交易模式指导等,都需要《信托业法》提供正式制度安排;

    Secondly , it can supply formal system to erect the status of trust industry , notarize the current of mixed management in trust business , and offer the trust transaction mode .