
  • 网络Ptolemy XIII
  1. 庞培逃到了埃及,希望能够得到年轻的法老托勒密十三世与其姊克娄巴特拉(伊丽莎白•泰勒饰)的帮助。

    Pompey flees to Egypt , hoping to enlist the support of the young Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII and his sister Cleopatra ( Elizabeth Taylor ) .

  2. 无论如何,庞培有理由认为托勒密十三世,托勒密十二世之子,会热情地接待他父亲的朋友。

    Nevertheless , Pompey had reason to think that Ptolemy XIII , the son of Ptolemy XII would greet him with open arms having been a friend of his father .

  3. 其中就有声名显赫的埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉七世下嫁托勒密十三世(PtolemyXIII),共享床笫之欢。

    One notable Queen Pharaoh ( Pharaess ? ) was the famous Cleopatra VII , who married her young brother Ptolemy XIII .

  4. 所以他才逃到埃及寻求还是小孩的托勒密十三世(?)的庇护。

    Knowing this , he fled to Egypt to the protection of the current boy-king Ptolemy XIII (?) .