
  • 网络pierre;Piech
  1. XL1算是皮耶主持推出的第四代超级节能汽车了。

    This is the fourth iteration of a super-efficient car ordered by Piech .

  2. 不过,日后皮耶在事关大众的决策上再也不用有所顾忌了。

    But then Piech seldom has to look any further than a mirror when making a decision about VW .

  3. 华盛顿约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院的中国问题专家皮耶·P·鲍迪乐如是说。

    Bottelier , a China expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington .

  4. 贝克指出,目前使用DegreeCompass的有四所大学&奥斯汀皮耶州立大学、孟菲斯大学(UniversityofMemphis)和两所社区大学,预计其他高校将很快成为这个平台的用户。

    Four schools Austin Peay , the University of Memphis , and two community colleges currently use degree compass , with others expected to join in the near future , says Baker .

  5. 皮耶:可是我们在一起会很幸福的。

    Pierre : 3 Mais , we would be happy together .

  6. 皮耶:话是没错,不过你也知道个中故事吗?

    Pierre : Mais oui , but you know the story as well ?

  7. 声音1:1799年7月15日,法国陆军工程师皮耶-佛罕索瓦·布夏贺上尉发现了可以改变世界的东西。

    Voice 1 : On July 15 , 1799 , French Army engineer Captain Pierre-Francois Bouchard discovered something that would change the world .