
  • 网络Piemonte;piedmont;Piemont;Piedmonte;piedmontese
  1. 意大利皮埃蒙特肉用牛线性体型评分方法

    Scoring Method of Liner Body Shape of Italian Piemonte

  2. “我们的梦想,它正在慢慢实现,是让我们的葡萄酒与这个国家的形象和旅游联系起来,就像托斯卡纳或者皮埃蒙特这些地区夸口他们的的葡萄酒那样,”他说。

    " Our dream , which is slowly coming to fruition , is to have our wines linked to the country 's image and tourism , just like regions like Tuscany or Piemonte boast of their wines ," he said .

  3. 探讨微卫星DNA作为皮埃蒙特和南阳杂交牛生长性状的遗传标记

    Studies of Beef Performance Traits in Piemontese × Nanyang Crossbred Using Microsatellites as Genetic Markers

  4. 翁贝托·艾柯于1932年1月5日生于亚历山德里亚,这是意大利西北部皮埃蒙特地区(Piedmont)一座工业城镇。

    Umberto Eco was born on Jan. 5 , 1932 , in Alessandria , an industrial town in the Piedmont region in northwest Italy .

  5. 正是得益于她的介绍,我才得以区分清各种松露,知道如何一下子辨别白松露菌(Tubermagnatum,产于皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)的名贵野生松露)、黑松露(Tuberaestivum,味道温和的夏块菌)以及黑孢松露(Tubermelanosporum)。

    Thanks to her explanations I learn the taxonomy of the truffle family and to easily distinguish Tuber magnatum , the renowned wild truffle of Piedmont , from Tuber aestivum , the milder-flavoured summer truffle , andTuber melanosporum ,

  6. 这是2004年的巴罗洛葡萄酒,产自我的皮埃蒙特葡萄园。

    Vic : This is a2004 Barolo from my vineyard in Piedmont .

  7. 建立皮埃蒙特牛杂交改良示范推广基地的设想

    Assumption of Setting up Demonstration and Spreading Base of Beef Crossbreeding and Improving

  8. 皮埃蒙特肉牛杂交改良试验

    Crossbreeding Experiments of Piedmont Beef Cattle

  9. 去市中心的皮埃蒙特酒店咯咯笑组合就住那儿,问他们去讨票好了?

    Go downtown to the piedmont hotel where the gurgles are staying and beg them for tickets ?

  10. 本文主要介绍了皮埃蒙特牛、夏洛来牛杂交改良南阳牛方面的最新研究成果。

    The latest research achievements of Nanyang cattle improvement by crossbreeding with either Piedmontese or Charolais were introduced in the review .

  11. 在意大利北部的皮埃蒙特地区,一辆缆车坠落到约20米的地面上,造成14人死亡。

    A cable car has plunged about 20 meters to the ground killing 14 people in the Piedmont region of northern Italy .

  12. 令尊毫不迟疑,差人把那笔款子送到皮埃蒙特边境上,还带去了一张去意大利的护照。

    Your father did not hesitate an instant , and the sum was sent to the frontier of Piedmont , with a passport signed for Italy .

  13. 铁路电缆被盗破坏了用铜作导体的铁路信号系统,曾使皮埃蒙特地区列车乘客遭受数小时的延误。

    The theft of railway cables has caused hours of delays for train travellers in Piedmont by damaging the signalling systems that use copper in their electrical conductors .

  14. 我在米兰得到了武器和几件漂亮的军服,又打算到皮埃蒙特服役。

    I embarked at Alicante , reached Genoa after a prosperous voyage , and proceeded thence to Milan , where I provided myself with arms and a few soldier 's accoutrements ;

  15. 意大利维格尼拉镇镇长说:“你可以在山上安一面镜子,将阳光线反射到大广场上”。该镇长已把这个方案呈报给意大利皮埃蒙特地区,等待批准。

    You put a mirror on the mountain to reflect the sun 's rays into your main square , says the mayor of Viganella , who has just presented the project to Italy 's Piedmont region for approval .