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  • cingulated gyrus
  1. 结果①语义选择的相关脑区包括右侧额上回(BA6区)、右侧扣带回、左侧额中回(BA9区)、双侧运动区和运动前区、左侧顶下小叶;

    Results ① The functional localizations of the selection of semantic task included BA 6 area in the right superior frontal gyrus , right cingulated gyrus , left middle frontal gyrus ( BA 9 area ), bilateral motor areas and premotor areas and left inferior parietal lobule .

  2. 葡萄糖利用率增高的脑区(P<0.001)有右侧额叶(额上回、额下回,BA22/28/44)、右侧扣带回、双侧中脑、小脑。

    , while some cerebral areas showed glucose metabolism heighten ( P < 0.001 ) including right frontal lobe ( superior frontal gyrus , inferior fontal gyrus , BA22 / 28 / 44 ), right cingulated gyrus , double midbrain and cerebella , etc.

  3. 兔扣带回亚区东莨菪碱干预对P(3a)波影响的实验研究

    An experimental study of the effects of scopolamine on rabbit P_ ( 3a ) potential

  4. 杏仁核和扣带回联合毁损对MAP大鼠脑内多巴胺D2受体的影响

    Effect of Nucleus Amygdalae and Gyrus Cinguli Lesions on Dopamine Receptor 2 in Limbic Region in Rats with Schizophrenia Produced by Methamphetamine

  5. 但两种任务中在左内侧眶额回、右侧杏仁体、双侧海马和前扣带回区域的激活有差异(P<0.01)。

    But activation at left medial orbitofrontal lobe , right amygdala , bilateral hippocampi and anterior cingulate gyri was different in the 2 tasks ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 结论前扣带回参与了心理性ED的病理生理过程;

    Conclusion The anterior cingulated cortex may participate in the pathophysiology of psychogenic ED.

  7. Alzheimer病患者扣带回后部损害磁共振扩散张量成像的研究

    Study of diffusion tensor imaging of posterior cingulate gyrus damage in patients with Alzheimer 's disease

  8. 大鼠扣带回&丘脑腹侧基底核投射的HRP研究

    HRP Labeling Study on Anterior Cingulate Cortex & Ventrobasal Nucleus of the Thalamus Projection of the Rat

  9. 电刺激隐神经对大鼠扣带回前部c-fos基因表达的影响及其机制研究

    Effect of Electrically Stimulating Saphenous Nerve on C-fos Gene Expression in Anterior Cingulate Gyrus of Rats and Its Mechanism

  10. 同时,左侧额下回和扣带回后部有小范围的rCBF升高。

    RCBF was also increased in left inferior frontal gyrus and posterior cingulate gyrus .

  11. 在执行反应匹配的Go任务时,正常儿童右侧岛叶、扣带回及左侧额叶可见激活。多动症儿童在右侧额中回(BA6/9)可见少量激活。

    In response controlled Go task , the normal children showed activations in right insula , cingulate gyrus and left frontal gyrus , while the ADHD children showed lower power of response in the right middle frontal gyrus .

  12. 结论杏仁核和扣带回的联合毁损可以抑制使用MAP而诱发的边缘区D2表达的亢进。

    Conclusions Lesion of nucleus amygdalae and cingulum bundle could restrain the haughty expression of dopamine receptor 2 in brim region because methamphetamine employ in rats .

  13. SOD活性与对照组相比额叶升高(P<0.05),而扣带回、海马显著降低(P<0.05)。

    The activity of SOD in frontal lobe increased ( P < 0 05 ), while in cingulate sulcus and hippocampal gyrus decreased ( P < 0 05 ) .

  14. A组腰骶段脊髓背角、下丘脑和前扣带回的c-fos阳性神经元细胞的面积及OD值均明显低于B组(P<0.05)。

    Besides , the areas and OD value of c-fos positive neurons in group A were significantly lower than those of group B ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 他们发现伴有轻微认知障碍PD患者的扣带回灰质有减少的趋势,这一区域与人的认知功能有关。

    They found that the PD patients with mild cognitive impairment showed a trend toward reduced grey matter in the cingulate area , a brain region associated with cognitive performance .

  16. 不稳定型MCI组扣带回血流灌注明显低于稳定型MCI组(P<0.05)。

    Besides , the rCBF in cingulum of instable MCI was much lower than that in cingulum of stable MCI ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 用HRP逆行示踪法证实了大鼠扣带回前部丘脑腹侧基底核投射通路。

    Using HRP labeling techniques , we have demonstrated that there was a direct projection from anterior cingulate cortex to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus in the rat brain .

  18. 目的:利用KCl滴注大脑皮质制作大鼠皮层传播性抑制(Corticalspreadingdepression,CSD)模型,研究94-95-10L对c-fos基因在大鼠脑额顶区内扣带回、新皮质和梨状区表达的影响。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .

  19. 结果Fos阳性神经元表达于1.前脑:扣带回、新皮质(尤其是第3和5层)、外侧隔核、杏仁中央核;

    Results Fos-LI neurons appeared in ( 1 ) Frontal brain : the cingulum , cortex ( especially in third and fifth layer ), lateral septal nucleus , central amygdaloid nucleus .

  20. 此文直接显示NMDA受体参与前额扣带回的突触传递,并提示NMDA受体在前额扣带回中起着调节神经元兴奋的重要作用。

    These data suggest a new function for NMDA receptors in the ACC as important postsynaptic receptors involved in synaptic transmission , in particular when cells are firing at high frequencies .

  21. HRP注射至吻侧丘脑中央外侧核后,标记细胞主要分布在同侧扣带回皮质前部,扣带回后部标记细胞较少,对侧扣带回前部相应部位也出现很少量HRP阳性细胞;

    After injection of HRP into rostral part of the CL , labeled cells were mainly distributed in ipsilateral anterior cingulate cortex . A few cells were also labeled in the corresponding location of the contralateral cingulate cortex .

  22. 结果SPM图像显示,AD组患者两侧大脑皮层顶叶、颞叶、额叶及后扣带回等部位葡萄糖代谢明显降低,左、右不对称;

    Results SPM results showed that cerebral metabolic rates of glucose decreased in bilateral parietal lobe , temporal lobe , frontal lobe and post cingule in AD patients compared with control subjects were obviously decreased , and showed right / left hemispheric asymmetry .

  23. DM外侧部主要接受前扣带回背侧及中央前区内侧皮质、E-W核及上丘等的传入,可能和眼球运动有关。

    The lateral segment of DM received afferent projections mainly from the medial precentral cortex , dorsal division of anterior cingulate cortex , E-W nucleus and superior colliculus , related with the function of eye movement .

  24. 当HRP注入丘脑腹侧基底核时,在同侧扣带回前部观察到标记的细胞,标记细胞密度背侧区比腹侧区高。

    When HRP was injected to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus , labeled cell bodies were observed in anterior cingulate cortex . The density of labeled cell bodies was higher in the dorsal area than that of in the ventral area .

  25. 结果:大多数正常人和IBS患者的直肠刺激明显激活扣带回前皮层(ACC)、脑岛皮层(IC)、前额叶皮层(PFC)和丘脑(THAL)。

    Results The rectal distention stimulation increased the activity of anterior cingulate contex ( ACC ), insular cortex ( IC ), prefrontal cortex ( PFC ) and thalamus ( THAL ) in most of the volunteers and the IBS patients .

  26. 结果扣带回、左丘脑、右侧顶叶灌注与部分认知功能特别是记忆功能成正相关,而CISA和MMSE与脑灌注的关系不明显。

    Results The blood flows of gyrus cinguli , left thalamus and right parietal lobe were related with some cognitive functions especially the memory , while there was no relationship between brain perfusion and MMSE , CISA .

  27. 目前,国外已经对创伤后应激障碍形成的神经生物学机制开展了广泛研究,结果表明创伤后应激障碍患者的边缘系统存在功能紊乱,如海马及前扣带回体积减小,扣带回FA值改变等。

    Nowadays many foreign countries have widely investigated the neurobiology mechanism about PTSD , and the results indicated that the limbic system in patients with PTSD exists functional disorder , such as diminished volume in hippocampus and anterior cingutate , changed FA values in cingutate and so on .

  28. 提示位置相关脑组织激活区见于左侧顶下小叶(BA40)、MT/V5区、右侧背外侧前额叶(BA9)和左侧前扣带回(ACC);

    On cued locations , left inferior parietal lobule ( IPL ), area MT / V5 , right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ( DLPFC ) and left anterior cingulated cortex ( ACC ) were significantly activated .

  29. 本研究将WGA-HRP注射于25只大鼠前额叶皮质的前扣带回背部、前边缘区及岛叶无颗粒皮质背部,观察其间脑和皮质下端脑的传入联系。

    WGA-HRP was injected into the dorsal part of anterior cingulate area , prelim - bic area , and dorsal agranular insular area of the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats to observe the afferent connections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon .

  30. 结果SPM分析显示双侧额叶、左侧颞上回、左侧边缘叶钩回(BrodmannArea20)、左侧丘脑乳头体、右侧扣带回、右侧壳核血流下降。

    Results SPM showed that the rCBF decreased in the bilateral frontal lobe , the left superior temporal gyrus , the left limbic lobe uncus ( Brodmann area 20 ), the left thalamus mammillary body , the right cingulate and the right putamen .