
kòu liú
  • detain;withhold;arrest;seizure;hold in custody
扣留 [kòu liú]
  • [detain;arrest] 用强制手段把人或财物留住不放

  • 扣留一个有犯罪嫌疑的人

扣留[kòu liú]
  1. 使入海湾放在、庇护或扣留在港湾。

    To put , shelter , or detain in a bay .

  2. 我们要暂时扣留你。

    We 'll have to detain you temporarily .

  3. 那辆车在发生车祸之后被警察扣留了。

    The car was impounded by the police after the accident .

  4. 警方扣留了各种图书和磁带。

    Police seized various books and tapes .

  5. 他们扣留了他3个小时后放走了他。

    They held him for three hours and they let him go

  6. 他在机场被一名助理警长扣留了。

    He was stopped at the airport by an assistant superintendent of police .

  7. 降落在那里的战斗机将一直扣留到战争结束。

    Warplanes that have landed there will be kept until the war is over

  8. 弗兰开始不由自主地唠叨起乔恩是怎样无可避免地被扣留的。

    Fran began her automatic patter about how Jon had been unavoidably detained .

  9. 行李员领班扣留了所有人的小费。

    The Head Porter was keeping all the tips .

  10. 如果你欠某人的钱,他可以扣留你的部分薪水,除非你偿还他。

    If you owe money to a man , he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him .

  11. 每个国家都扣留对它不利的消息。

    Each nation suppressed news that was not favorable to it .

  12. 他被警察扣留了。

    He was kept in detention by the police .

  13. 一种改进的构建杂交扣留cDNA文库的方法

    An Improved Method for Constructing Hybrid Arrested cDNA Library

  14. 我还没确定怎样在UI表示扣留才最好。

    I 'm not sure how best to present holds in the UI .

  15. 英国新闻联合社(PressAssociation)称,据报道他想“要辆赛车开”,在到达法拉利维修站时被安保人员扣留。

    He reportedly wanted to " try a car " and was detained by members of the security staff when he reached the Ferrari garage , the Press Association reported .

  16. qa同事发出扣留信息,同时在不合格品上贴扣留单。

    QA colleagues send the detainment information , and paste the detainment bill on the non-conforming products .

  17. 这个延迟意味着麦克维在这段时间一直被扣留在法院,所以FBI才有时间调查清楚爆炸事件,并立即致电警察将他逮捕。

    This delay meant that McVeigh was still in the courthouse when the FBI called up , urgently asking the police to detain him .

  18. 流式细胞仪检测表明HUVECs被扣留在细胞周期G0/G1期;

    Flow cytometry analyses revealed that octreotide treatment arrested HUVECs at the G_0 / G_1 phase of the cell cycle .

  19. 药物评估和研究中心的直属办公室的科主任MichaelLevy表示,到目前为止,已有50船电子香烟被扣留。

    So far , 50 shipments have been seized , according to Michael Levy , division director of the Office of Compliance at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research .

  20. JustinBieber在从新加坡回到美国后被扣留在洛杉矶国际机场,并且正在接受二次审问。

    Justin Bieber detained at LAX after jetting back to the US from Singapore and is being held for ' secondary questioning ' .

  21. 去年秋天,俄罗斯扣留了一艘绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)的船只,以及乘该船前来抗议北方极地另一座俄罗斯钻台的活动人士。

    Russia last fall detained a Greenpeace vessel and its crew of activists protesting another Russian rig in the far north .

  22. 我国加入WTO后农产品、食品被进口国扣留、退货、索赔等事件时有发生,已严重影响到我国的对外贸易。

    After China 's admission to the WTO , the detaining , returning and claiming of agricultural and food products by the importing country have occurred from time to time , it has seriously affected our country 's foreign trade .

  23. qc在线检测发现不合格品时,立即扣留成品,查明原因,通知生产及时调整。

    When finding non-conforming products in the on-line test , QC detains immediately the finished products , identifies the cause and informs production department to make timely adjustments .

  24. 与供应商联系,确定该材料的处置,由iqa贴上扣留单。

    Contact the supplier , determine the handling of the materials , and IQA pastes the detainment sheet .

  25. 尽管先前打了很多预防针并且办齐了所有手续,这只小狗在Lima(利马)机场还是被扣留了,最终被迫送回了Adella的家中。

    Although the puppy had taken many inoculations and gone through all the formalities , it was still detained in Lima Airport and brought back to Adella 's house .

  26. iqa在原材料扣留单上填写让步放行原因和方式并通知产品供应部、采购部和质量主管。

    IQA fills why and how the raw materials are released in the detainment sheet , and informs the managers of product supply department , purchasing department and quality department .

  27. 并非所有银行都发布了旅行禁令。这种禁令重点针对那些访美人士。去年,作为美国联邦税务调查行动的一部分,瑞士最大银行瑞银(UBS)的一名资深私人银行家在美遭扣留。

    The travel bans , which have not been brought in by all banks , have focused on those visiting the US , following the detention there last year of a senior private banker from UBS , Switzerland 's biggest bank , as part of a federal tax investigation .

  28. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦称,离开机场后,这些人驱车带他来到宁波的一家小旅馆,把他强行扣留在那里,直到goldarrow同意将价值35万美元的货运单据寄给中国客户。

    Mr Srivastav says that after being taken from the airport they drove him to a small hotel in Ningbo and held him there against his will until goldarrow agreed to send shipping documents worth $ 350000 to the Chinese customer .

  29. 扣押某人,拘留某人我的密使一定会被扣留。

    Hold sb . prisoner My emissaries would certainly be detained .

  30. 我可以因你浪费我们的时间而扣留你。

    I 'd iock you up just for wasting our time .