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wú wǒ
  • Without Me;anatman;no individual independent existence
无我 [wú wǒ]
  • [anatta;anatman] 佛教基本教义之一,断言否认灵魂、本体或任何其他先于任何现象存在的永久的物质实体的存在

  1. 现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界。

    Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death . A world in which there is no place for me .

  2. 一个无我容身之处的世界。

    A world in which there is no place for me .

  3. 祂是佛经里说的“我”,而肉身是佛经里说的“无我”。

    The Qi is'ego'in sutra and the flesh body is'non-ego ' .

  4. 在尚情无我与用心致意之间

    In " Feeling No Me " and " Thought Will "

  5. 经营理念:人无我有,人有我优!永续经营,诚信发展。

    Business Philosophy : No one I have , I have excellent !

  6. 谈王国维“无我之境”的哲学意蕴

    On the philosophical implication of Wang guo-wei 's " selfless state "

  7. 须先参加无我茶会讲座。

    Tea ceremony in advance of the tea gathering .

  8. 要如何才能真正的无我?

    How Can I be Free of the Self ?

  9. “无我”意指我们不能主宰事物,一切事物会自行变化。

    Anatta means we can not control things : things change by themselves .

  10. 佛法教示之根本原理是「一切无我」。

    The fundamental principle of Buddhist teachings is that all are without self .

  11. 禅宗自然观蕴藏着丰富的生态美学智慧,其哲学基础是缘起论与无我论。

    The concept of nature of Chan Sect contains much ecological aesthetic wisdom .

  12. 我去信是想询问贵方有无我方需要的产品。

    I am writing to ask whether your company provides products we need .

  13. 它们都是缘起的、无我的。

    They are all conditioned and not Self .

  14. 你观照“无我”,但“我”的观念却强且坚稳。

    You reflect on not-self , but the self notion remains strong and firm .

  15. 第五,无我与重我的差异;

    Difference of self ignorance and self valuing ;

  16. 如果你借给我一百美无我会非常感激的。

    A : I 'd appreciate it if you could loan me a hundred dollars .

  17. 艺术的情感是无我的。

    The emotion of art is impersonal .

  18. 无我之境&王国维境界论的精华所在

    Selfless State " ── The Quintessence of Wang Guowei 's Theory of " Artistic Conception

  19. 见到无常、苦和无我。

    Seeing impermanence , instability and non-selfhood .

  20. 《人间词话》无我之境的道家文化阐释

    Interpretation on Taoist Culture of Selfless States in Comment on Ci and Poetry of Human World

  21. 印度现代教育哲学家无不具有悲天悯人、无我利他、普度众生的“救世精神”。

    Most of the contemporary Indian educational philosophers have inherited the tradition of meditation and action .

  22. 有人将他的绘画称为“新东方主义”绘画,认为他营造了一种无我不分、浑然未醒、混沌整一的世界。

    Someone called his drawings as Neo-Orientalism painting , and thought he built an unawakened altruism world .

  23. 走向无我之境:中国哲学诠释学基本问题之一

    To " a Combination of Man and Nature ": One of Basic Question of Chinese Philosophical Hermeneutics

  24. 诗人不完全沉浸于诗作是不能达到这种无我境界的。

    And the poet cannot reach this impersonality without surrounding himself wholly to the work to be done .

  25. 气除了照顾你那“无我”的肉身外,四周的鬼神也都将受益。

    Besides taking care of your non-ego , the Qi also benefits the ghost and god around you .

  26. 女作家通过这类病妇的患病来展示女性悲凉的无我处境。

    Women writers show me free female desolate situation with such " disease " in the ill woman .

  27. 历来关于王国维“有我”、“无我”之境的研究

    A study of Wang guowei 's conception of " me alive " and " oblivious of me "

  28. 没有什么比这样无我的、勇敢的承认自己的错误更能点燃宽容的火焰了

    Few words have the power to ignite the flame of forgivenesslike the unselfish , courageous admission of wrongdoing

  29. 在现世苦难的打击下,鲁迅常常觉得唯黑暗与虚无乃是实有,佛学无常无我价值观促使他走向绝望之为虚妄,正与希望相同的空无状态。

    Hit by the existing bitterness , Lu Xun often felt that only Darkness and vanity are real existence .

  30. 其哲学基础是佛教的“缘起论”与“无我论”。

    Its philosophical foundation is the " the origin theory " and " the altruism theory " in Buddhism .