
  • 网络open flow capacity;AOF
  1. 本文在分析天然气在多孔介质中高速渗流基本微分方程物理意义的基础上,采用建立非线性规划模型求解方程系数A、B、C,并用交会法确定绝对无阻流量。

    On the basis of analysing basic differential equation of natural gas rapid percolation in porous media , establishes nonlinear programming model to extract equation coefficient A , B , C. Absolute open flow capacity is determined by using intersection method .

  2. 地层压力下降对气井产能方程及无阻流量的影响分析

    Influence of formation pressure decrease on the productivity equation and open flow capacity of gas well

  3. 折算气相原始无阻流量Q0的概念及计算方法

    Concept of Reduced Gas-Phase Primary Open Flow Rate ( Q_0 ) and its Calculation Method

  4. 油井的产能测试包括确定油井的绝对无阻流量qAOF和预测油井的流入动态曲线(IPR曲线)。

    The productivity testing of oil well includes to determine absolute open flow rate and to forecast inflow performance relationship curve .

  5. 与现在流行的求取压裂气井无阻流量的方法相比,BP人工神经网络方法具有极大的优越性和适用性,它勿需考虑压裂后气井的复杂渗流规律,也不需数值模拟。

    In comparison with the traditional methods , the BP artificial nerve network method possesses considerable superiority and applicability and it isn 't in need of various steady percolation model based on the percolation theory of gas reservoirs after fracturing or numerical value simulation .

  6. 把K和气层厚度H的乘积KH(取名为测井储能特征指数)与气层无阻流量测试数据相拟合,得出相应的经验回归关系。

    Fits the product KH of K and the layer thickness H of the reservoir , named as logging characteristic index for the potential of the reservoir ( KH ), to data measured in non-resistance flux test of the gas reservoir , and gets corresponding empirical regression relation .

  7. 校正地层损害时绝对无阻流量的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Absolute Open Flow Capacity during Formation Damage Correction

  8. 水平气井无阻流量的计算方法及应用

    Calculation and Application of Absolute Open Flow of Horizontal Gas Wells

  9. 确定气井无阻流量的新经验公式

    New Equations for Determination of Non-Resistance Flow in Gas Wells

  10. 确定气井绝对无阻流量和产能的一个简易方法

    A Simple Method to Determine Absolute Open Flow and'Capacity of Gas Well

  11. 凝析气井无阻流量影响因素分析

    Influence factors of open flow potential in condensate gas well

  12. 影响长庆气田气井无阻流量的参数敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters of Affecting Open-Flow Capacity of Gas Well in Changqing Gas Field

  13. 试井确定的无阻流量是气井产能建设的重要依据。

    The absolute open flow potential predicted from testing is the basis of gas well producing .

  14. 地层压降对气井绝对无阻流量的影响及预测

    Effect of formation pressure drawdown on gas well absolute open flow ( AOF ) and its prediction

  15. 然而,对众多的老生产井重新进行产能试井确定气井无阻流量是不现实的,同时又增加了管理成本。

    However , it is unrealistic and uneconomic to perform deliverability well testing in those aged producers .

  16. 若发生水锥,无阻流量比产水前降低得更多。

    If water cone happens , absolute open flow will be decreased more than before water production .

  17. 不重复试井确定气井当前无阻流量的简易方法

    A Simple Method for Determination of Current Open Flow Potential in Gas Well without Repeating Well Testing

  18. 该方程计算出来的无阻流量与产能试井评价结果具有较好的一致性。

    The open flow capacity calculated by this equation had good consistency with results of the deliverability test .

  19. 目前的气井产能分析方法都是确定气井的绝对无阻流量。

    At present , all the gas well productivity analysis method need to ascertain the absolute open flow potential ;

  20. 在气井二项式产能方程的基础上,提出了利用单点测试资料建立气井产能方程、确定气井绝对无阻流量的新方法。

    Influence factors and its extent of AOF for gas wells are analyzed based on one-point method of productivity equation .

  21. 对于定容气藏,气井的绝对无阻流量随地层压力的下降而降低。

    For volumetric gas reservoir , gas well absolute open flow ( AOF ) is reduced with the decrease of formation pressure .

  22. 目前确定气井绝对无阻流量的方法主要是指数式和二项式。

    Index equation and binomial expression are the main methods to determine the absolute open flow capacity of a gas well at present .

  23. 摘要水平井产能试井主要是求取产能方程和绝对无阻流量,优选生产油嘴。

    The horizontal well productivity test is mainly to obtain the productivity equation and absolute open-flow capacity , and to select nozzle for production .

  24. 通过岭回归分析的岭迹曲线确定独立变量的表现形式,建立了该气层的无阻流量的预测模型。

    Through the independent variable obtained from the ridge trace curve of ridge regression analysis , a prediction model for open-flow capacity is established .

  25. 多井泥岩压实曲线的分析发现,靖边气田下古生界气藏石炭系泥岩盖层普遍存在欠压实现象,且其欠压实程度与单井无阻流量呈正相关关系,并得到新完钻试气井证实。

    And the undercompaction level is positively correlated to the open-flow capacity of single well , which has been proved by the newly-drilled gas well testing data .

  26. 本文通过研究气井产能的可比性,得到一种计算气井绝对无阻流量及预测气井生产动态的简易方法。

    Through comparable study of gas well capacity , a simple method is obtained to calculate absolute open flow and to predict production performance of gas well .

  27. 低渗气藏压裂气井产能测试中,常常出现利用测试数据计算的气井无阻流量值小于实际测试产量的现象。

    It often to observe that the absolute-open-flow potential of a fractured gas well calculated by test data is smaller than the well actual test production rate .

  28. 只要知晓气井在地层压力条件下的产能试井无阻流量、当前地层压力,以及各地层压力对应的天然气粘度和偏差系数,便可以由该公式计算当前无阻流量。

    The given parameters include the open flow potential of deliverability test , the current formation pressure , the natural gas viscosity and deviation factor corresponding to formation pressures .

  29. 底水气藏打开不完善井二项式产能公式在对压后气井产能分析的基础上,提出了新的压后气井两项式产能公式,可用于理论上计算压后气井无阻流量。

    BINOMIAL DELIVERABILITY EQUATION OF PARTIAL PENETRATING GAS WELL IN RESERVOIR WITH BOTTOM WATER A new two-term deliverability equation is proposed to theoretically compute open-flow capacity of gas well after fracturing .

  30. 研究结果表明:不渗透岩性边界是造成计算的气井无阻流量小于实际产量的主要原因,且河道砂的宽度越小,测试中气井产量越高,这种现象出现的可能越大。

    The major finds are that the impermeable barriers are the main reasons which causes it , and the more narrow the channel sand is , the more possible it occurrence .