
qiān chā fǎ
  • cuttage
  1. 叶片扦插法鉴定大白菜耐低钙性的研究初报

    A preliminary report on identifying Chinese cabbage 's low calcium resistance by inserting detached leaves

  2. 迷迭香种子发育不良,种子萌发力极低,故通常采用无性繁殖法育苗,在生产中为了降低成本,节约资金,现阶段主要采用扦插法繁殖进行苗木生产。

    In order to decline the costs and economize fund in the course of production , cutting is mainly adopted to nursery stock production in present stage .

  3. 比较了三种不同的干烧心鉴定方法,结果表明大量材料的粗劣鉴定适合用叶片扦插法,此法简单、方便、迅速;

    We studied 3 different identifying methods of tip-burn , the results show that : the method of insertion of detached leaves is adapt to screening for many varieties roughly and it is a simple , convenient and quick method ;

  4. 为探讨铁坚油杉无性系苗木快繁技术,采用嫩枝扦插繁殖法开展此项研究。

    In order to explore the rapid reproduction technology , the softwood cutting of Ketelleria davidiaca was conducted in this paper .

  5. 采用离体叶片溶液扦插鉴定法,研究了大白菜心叶在低钙条件下的抗性及症状表现特征。

    In this paper , detached leaves from Chinese cabbage were inserted into detecting solution to study the resistance and character of symptom of leaves of Chinese cabbage under low calcium .