
qiān chā
  • cuttage
扦插 [qiān chā]
  • [cuttage] 截取植物的根或枝插入土壤中,使长出新的植株

扦插[qiān chā]
  1. IAA、NAA和B对菊花扦插苗素质的影响

    Effect of IAA NAA and B on the Seeding quality of the Chrysanthemum Cuttage

  2. 不同基质中IBA与NAA对矮牵牛扦插生根的影响

    Effects of IBA and NAA in different media on cuttage rooting of Petunia hybrida

  3. 栽培葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。

    The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings

  4. 等她和卢瑟有了自己的房子,他们就会围起一块草坪扦插玫瑰。

    When she and Luther got their house , they would fence off a lawn and raise roses from cuttings

  5. 利用SSH技术获得落叶松扦插生根过程中差异表达基因

    Acquiring Differentially Expressed Genes in Rooting of Larix Cutting by SSH

  6. 不同扦插方法以垂直扦插效果最好,U形扦插最差;

    The effect of vertical cutting measure is the best among different measures , U cutting measure is the worst .

  7. VA菌根对葡萄扦插成活率的影响

    Effect of Vesicular-Arbuscular mycorhiza on survival rates of Grape Cuttings

  8. 悬铃木硬枝扦插年龄效应及对-αNAA处理的响应

    The Age-Effects of Hardwood-Cutting of Platanus orientalis and Its Rooting Response to α - NAA

  9. 锯木屑和草炭基质及GA3和IBA植物生长调节剂对兰州百合鳞片扦插繁殖的影响

    Effects of Sawdust , Peat , GA_3 and IBA on Scale Cutting Propagation in Lilium davidii var. unicolor

  10. IBA对含笑扦插生根影响初探

    Primary study on the effects of IBA to the rooting of Michelia figo

  11. IAA、IBA、NAA3种药剂组合处理对蜡梅扦插生根都有一定的效果。

    All the branches of wintersweet that treated with IAA , IBA , NAA have certain effect .

  12. IAAO,PPO,POD与桑树扦插生根有密切关系。

    IAAO , POD and PPO have a close connection with the cutting rooting of mulberry .

  13. IBA、树龄、枝段对日本晚樱绿枝扦插生根的影响

    Effect of IBA , Tree Age and Shoot Portion on Japanese Late Cherry Softwood Cuttings Rooting

  14. IAAO、POD和PPO是与四倍体刺槐扦插生根有一定关系的3种酶。

    IAAO , POD and PPO are three important enzymes associated with cutting rooting of tetraploid locust .

  15. 硬枝插穗体内IAA含量高于嫩枝插穗,也是硬枝扦插生根率低于嫩枝的主要原因之一。

    One of the important reasons that the rooting percentage of hardwood cuttings was lower than softwood cuttings is its higher IAA concentration .

  16. 利用不同盐浓度处理枸杞扦插苗,在生长的不同阶段分别测定叶片光合速率及其它生理指标,结果表明:盐处理后,Pn下降,Gs减小,Ls先升高后降低,Ci先降低后升高;

    Using different concentrations of salt treating Lycium barbarum seedlings , the photosynthetic rate and other physiological indexes of leaves were measured at different growth stages .

  17. 植物立体培育器+ABT生根粉是目前桑树扦插育苗的最佳途径,在桑树良种繁育方面具有广阔推广应用前景。

    It was best way of mulberry cuttage breeding to use the incubator and plant growth regulator ABT.

  18. 25倍ABT生根粉液处理短穗扦插生根作用明显;

    The root-sprouting function of cutting propagation with short shoot treated by 25 times ' ABT liquid is evident .

  19. 青杨扦插苗截冠去根、ABT生根粉处理营造山地农田林网试验

    Report on Crown and Root Cutting off Populus Cathayana , taking ABT Treatment , Plant Farmland Forest network Experiment

  20. 采用20~50mg/kg的生根粉-6处理2h,可促进福建观音莲座扦插叶柄的生长发育,缩短繁育周期、提高繁殖系数。

    Treatment with 20 ~ 50mg / kg by 2 hours could promote growth and development of cutting petiole , shorten cultivation period and increase cultivation index .

  21. 没有检测到与扦插和生长均相关的QTL,表明两类性状可能受不同的基因位点控制。

    No QTL was found to affect significantly the rooting ability of cuttings and field growth simultaneously , implying probably the difference in genes responsible for the two types of traits .

  22. 利用发根农杆菌Ri质粒转化植物材料是促进植物扦插生根的有效方法,但是这些转基因植物同时也产生了比较严重的表型变异。

    More researches on improving rooting ability by the Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes have been taken at present . But the trans-genetic plants demonstrate serious phenotype variation at the same time .

  23. 扦插繁殖育苗时利用其根颈部位萌芽条作为繁殖材料比较理想,未经任何处理和经过L1号生根粉处理均可达到70.0%以上的成活率。

    The stump of root is suitable to be used as propagation materials when cottage propagating . The survival rate can reach to 70.0 % without any handling or rooting L1 .

  24. 利用光照喷雾装置,采用ABT生根粉处理色木槭半木质化嫩枝,在不同基质内进行色木槭嫩枝扦插试验。

    A softwood cutting test of Acer mono was conducted which adopted method of treating semi - lignified cuttings by ABT rooting powder and spraying with light installation .

  25. 扦插苗第2年秋季高度为23~35m,地径为2~4cm。

    The height and ground diameter of the cuttage seedlings are 2.3 ~ 3.5 m and 2 ~ 4 cm respectively in the next autumn .

  26. 研究了高、中柱式、矮台式整形修剪方法对不同年龄(2~10a生)日本落叶松采穗母株生长、产穗量、插穗生根(无激素处理)及2a生扦插苗生长的影响。

    Effects of Larix kaempferi pruned in different types on growth and cutting production of ortets , cutting rooting ability and growth of 2-year-old rooted cuttings were compared at different ages ( from 2-year-old to 10-year-old ) of ortets .

  27. 本方法提高四倍体刺槐K4无性系的硬枝扦插成活率达90.6%,而且比常规嫩枝扦插缩短了生根时间。

    The survival rate of hardwood cutting of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K4 was increased to 89.4 % and its rooting time was shorter than the normal softwood cutting by using this method . 5 .

  28. 采用ABT生根粉(100×10-6)和萘乙酸(100×10-6)等药物处理,控制扦插时间,覆盖塑料薄膜等技术,是提高银中杨扦插成活率的有效措施。

    To treat cuttings with ABT ( 100 × 10 - 6 ) and NAA ( 100 × 10 - 6 ), control cuttage time and cover with plastic film are all effective measures for improving cuttage survival rate of the species .

  29. 扦插育苗生长激素以1000mg·kg-1ABT1号生根粉效果最好,基质以70%红心土±30%火烧土为佳,生根率可达80%以上。

    The treatment effect of 1000mg · kg ~ ( - 1 )№ 1 ABT rooting powder was the best , the mixed medium with 70 % red-heart soil and 30 % fire soil were ideal .

  30. 结果表明,径切扦插明显优于平切,生根素IBA的处理效果优于ABT和911,根部插穗成苗率明显不及苗干插穗的成苗率。

    The result shows that radial cutting is obviously superior to flat cutting , the effect of treatment with IBA rooting substance is better than that with ABT and 911 , percentage of establishment for cutting scion from root is not as well as those from seedling trunk .