
  • 网络ruling idea;governing idea;governing philosophy
  1. 简述以人为本与党的执政理念创新

    On Humanism & Innovation of the Party 's Governing Idea

  2. 随着科学发展观、以人为本执政理念的提出,综合减灾能力建设和应急体系建设成为这一时期灾害管理事业发展的指导思想。

    With the scientific outlook on development , and people-oriented governing idea put forward , comprehensive disaster reduction ability construction and the emergency system construction has become the era of disaster management guiding ideology .

  3. 关于党的执政理念。

    ( Six ) On the ruling principle of the party .

  4. 以人为本执政理念下政府服务精神的培育路径

    Cultivation Approaches of Government Service Spirit under the People-oriented Ruling Concept

  5. 一是在坚持执政理念中提升公信力。

    One is to enhance the credibility of the ruling idea .

  6. 论以人为本执政理念下的服务型政府建设

    On the Construction of Service Government under the Approach of People-first

  7. 从正确处理人民内部矛盾到构建社会主义和谐社会&关于国家政治生活主题和党的执政理念的思考

    Thinking about Topic of State Political Life and Reign Idea of Party

  8. 依法行政与执政理念的转变

    Performing Official Duties Lawfully vs the Change of Governance Ideas

  9. 以农为本一直是封建王朝的执政理念。

    Farmers first had been ruling thought in feudal dynasty .

  10. 党的执政理念的价值及其实现

    The value and realization of the value of running state of the CPC

  11. 一个崭新的执政理念:构建社会主义和谐社会

    An New Idea of Being In Power : Constructing a Socialist Harmonious Society

  12. 执政理念是指导执政活动的基本价值取向。

    Guiding philosophy is the ruling power of the fundamental values of activities .

  13. 党的执政理念的历史演化及启示

    Enlightenment Gained from the Evolution of the Party 's Ideas of Assuming Power

  14. 质监部门在行政执法过程中应全面贯彻这一执政理念。

    Qualitative inspect branch in administrative law enforcement process must implement the idea .

  15. 确立新的执政理念是提高执政能力的根本保证

    Establishing New Principles of Governing Is the Guarantee of Improving the Ability to Govern

  16. 这与政府所倡导的以人为本的执政理念的精神也是背道而驰的。

    This administration has proposed people-oriented concept of governance is contrary to the spirit .

  17. 执政理念具有两个层次。

    The concept of governance has two levels .

  18. 执政理念的全部价值在于它对执政实践的指导。

    The full value of the ruling idea lies in its power to guide practice .

  19. 我国政府发展观念和执政理念正在经历再次革命。

    The reform is being carried out in development and administration concept by our government .

  20. 执政理念概念探析

    Conceptual Analysis of the Idea of Ruling

  21. 牢固树立以人为本的执政理念

    Reliably Setting Up the Humanist Ruling Idea

  22. 探析焦裕禄精神中以人为本的执政理念

    Jiao Spirit of People-oriented Concept of Governance

  23. 信用政府是一种全新的执政理念,一种全新的公共管理模式。

    The reputation government is a kind of all new ruling principle and public management mode .

  24. 因此,对执政理念进行界定,形成一个规范的定义,具有重要意义。

    It is significant to define " idea of ruling ", which forms a normal definition .

  25. 当时的执政理念倾向于让政府更多地干预经济并扩大国家福利。

    The reigning ideology favored more government intervention into the economy and an expanding welfare state .

  26. 这一新的执政理念的提出对于维护我们社会的长治久安、增强全社会的创造活力具有极为重要的意义。

    This idea has great significance to maintaining the prolonged political stability and creative vigor of our society .

  27. 对于政党自身建设来说,对其传统的、一贯的执政理念、执政方式、执政环境和制度模式都产生了巨大的影响。

    To the party self-building , it also affects the traditional and consistent concept of governance and institutional modes .

  28. 它是党的执政理念和执政方式的理论表现形态,是党的执政经验和执政水平的集中体现。

    It is theoretical form of governance ability of Communist Party of China , reflecting the governance level of party .

  29. 但是以人为本的思想观念和执政理念并不是天生的,也不是偶然的。

    But the idea of people-oriented concept and the concept of governance is not born , nor is it accidental .

  30. 二是加强党的执政理念建设,实现人与社会关系和谐。

    Strengthening the administration mind constructing of the Party to realize harmony between the human being and the social relations ;