
  • 网络No Regrets;Persist therein
  1. 也许你该自问为何执迷不悔。

    Maybe you have to ask yourself why it 's an obsession .

  2. 执迷不悔的人们都忘了曾经横施于动物身上的毒手。

    Being remorseless , we forgot how cruelly we have treated the animals .

  3. 让我执迷不悔的爱着你。

    Let me love you I won 't regret .

  4. 安然2001年寻求破产保护后,由于斯奇林的自傲、好斗和执迷不悔,他成为当时愤怒的人们攻击的对象。

    Skilling 's arrogance , belligerencelack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in2001 .