
zhí xínɡ jī ɡòu
  • actuator;executing body;enforcement body;enforcement machinery
  1. 基于EPA标准的执行机构产品开发

    The Development of Actuator and Positioner Based on EPA Standard

  2. 基于MODBUS总线的智能农用阀门电动执行机构

    Intelligent Agricultural Electrical Valve Actuator Based on MODBUS Bus

  3. 驱动电路采用具有高速开关特性和高可靠性的N沟道增强型功率器件,可以满足执行机构可靠控制要求。

    N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET with fast intrinsic diode was used to control the valve .

  4. PLC数据采集系统可实现温室环境参数采集及对执行机构的控制。

    PLC data collecting system can realize gathering parameter and controlling on executive body .

  5. 基于PWM方式的变几何涡轮增压器可调喷嘴气动执行机构

    Pneumatic Actuating Mechanism for Variable Nozzle of VGT Based on PWM

  6. 基于DSP的电动执行机构的设计与实现

    Design of Electric Actuator Based on DSP

  7. RBF神经元网络在热力系统执行机构故障诊断中的应用

    Operators Fault Diagnosis in Thermal System by Using RBF Neural Network

  8. 位置式PID控制算法造成计算机运算工作量大,而且计算机的任何故障都会引起执行机构大幅度的变化。

    Any faults of computer can cause great changes of executor and increase burden of computer by adopting positional PID .

  9. 该方法的第1步以B样条曲线描述执行机构输出构件的期望运动特性;

    The first step of this method is to use B spline functions to describe the desired motion characteristics of the output link of the executive mechanism .

  10. 城市供水加压站2次加压控制系统由PLC、变频器及执行机构组成。

    The twice pressurizing control system of the city water supply pressurizing station consists of PLC , transducer and the implementing agency .

  11. 研究了采用反作用飞轮为执行机构的整星零动量卫星绕X轴大角度偏置飞行模式的姿态解耦控制问题。

    This paper designs an attitude decoupling control law for small satellite in large-angle biased flight mode about roll axis of zero-momentum system via reaction wheels .

  12. 单片机系统以颜色信号的采集和传输为主要任务,同时通过PLC模块控制自动测量和自动定标的执行机构。

    The single-chip micro-computer system sampled the color signals and sent them to PC , while controlled the auto-measurement and auto-calibration machinery via the PLC module .

  13. 该系统用PLC作为核心控制器、GK112光电隔离器检测位置偏移量、三相步进电机驱动丝杠作为执行机构。

    This system is realized by using PLC as controller , using photoelectric insulator to detect offset of position , and using three phases pace motor as executor .

  14. 喷射高度控制系统包括漏包提升执行机构、沉积层厚度在线测量、基于PLC的喷嘴高度控制。

    The control system of spray height consists of executive mechanism of tundish lift , online measurement of deposit layer thickness and control of nozzle height based on PLC .

  15. 行为在基于功能-行为-结构(FBS)的概念设计过程模型中起着承上启下的重要作用,在行为层次进行执行机构系统的创新的研究具有重要的意义。

    Motion behavior plays an important role in FBS conceptual design process model .

  16. 本文首先介绍了电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的发展概况、控制原理、控制装置组成、液压执行机构;

    The paper firstly introduces AMT development summarization , control principle , control equipment composing , and hydraulic execution organization ;

  17. 该计划执行机构国家癌症研究所(NCI)的研究经费在过去30多年中增加了30多倍,但是肿瘤对人类的威胁并没有减轻。

    The cancer establishment is the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) .

  18. VNT电控系统的硬件组成包括信号采集、电控单元(ECU)和执行机构三部分。

    The components of this system include signal sensors , electronic control unit ( ECU ) and executing agency .

  19. RB精小型气动保温O型切断球阀是由阿斯塔气动活塞式执行机构和夹层整体铸造阀体组成。

    QJ ( D / S ) RB O-intensive small air cut off valve insulation by pneumatic piston actuator Astana and laminated the whole cast body composition .

  20. 整个系统通过自动整定PID的参数KP、KI、KD,使PID控制器能够通过改变输出的PWM脉冲来控制执行机构使系统保持预定温度。

    It can keep its predetermined temperature values by automatically tuning the PID parameters K_P , K_I and K_D to enable the PID controller to control and change the PWM output pulse .

  21. 基于LQ理论和变结构方法,导出一种带有饱和执行机构和不确定性线性系统的混合PLC/VSC控制律。

    A combined PLC / VSC law , based on LQ theory and VSC method , is derived for systems with saturating actuators and uncertainties .

  22. 针对拦截弹在末制导段拦截战术弹道导弹(TBM),本文分析了拦截弹制导控制系统中存在的导引头信息处理延迟、制导控制指令延迟和执行机构响应延迟对制导精度的影响。

    The effect of main delay in guidance & control system of interceptor on guidance accuracy is investigated during terminal phase of intercepting a tactical ballistic missile ( TBM ) .

  23. 其中液压控制单元是ABS的执行机构,其动态响应特性对ABS的性能起着非常重要的作用,是决定汽车制动防抱死系统性能的重要原因。

    Hydraulic Control Unit is the implement outfit of ABS . The dynamic respond characteristic of it plays an important role to ABS . It is the main fact that can influence the performance of ABS .

  24. 运用人工智能型模糊推理和判断,显著提高了执行机构的控制性能,并且实现了在发电厂DCS系统故障时由自动控制到手动控制的智能切换。

    Artificial intelligence fuzzy inference and judgment are applied . Control performance is effectively improved , and intelligent non-disturbance switching between auto-control and manual control is realized when the DCS system in a power plant goes wrong .

  25. 将神经网络技术应用于柴油机振动主动隔离,构造了一种振动主动控制(AVC)系统,并采用液压执行机构在柴油机双层隔振试验台上进行试验研究。

    Artificial neural network was applied to the diesel two stage vibration isolating system and an AVC ( Active Vibration Control ) system was constructed .

  26. 阐述了DDVC电液执行机构的工作原理,分析了其对于传统电液执行机构的优点。

    The operation principle of DDVC electro-hydraulic actuator is expounded and its advantage over the classical is analyzed .

  27. 在航空航天领域,EMA是控制系统的关键执行机构,一般要求其具有快响应、高可靠性的特点。

    In the aerospace field , EMA is the key implementing agency of control systems . It is generally required to have features of faster response and higher reliability .

  28. 针对典型钢筋切断机的结构建立了钢筋切断过程中的通用动力学计算模型,并采用VB程序编制了执行机构的运动分析程序、各构件转动惯量的计算程序以及电机真实运动分析的总程序。

    A dynamic calculating model for reinforcing steel cutting machine was set up VB are used to perform mechanism 's movement analysis program , part 's moment of inertia calculation program , and real movement of electric motor calculation program .

  29. 建立离合器液压执行机构的数学模型,设计了离合器接合位置模糊PID、占空比PID控制双闭环控制器,并搭建仿真模型检验离合器执行机构对控制目标的跟踪响应情况。

    The mathematical model of hydraulic actuator for Auto-clutch was established . A two-loop controller with clutch position fuzzy PID control and duty cycle PID control was designed . Then a simulation model was build in order to test the dynamic response of hydraulic actuator being designed .

  30. 为了实现AFS的以上功能,给出控制电路的硬件构成,系统由传感器组、传输通路、处理单元和执行机构四部分组成。

    In order to realize the function of AFS above , the hardware configuration of the control circuit is given and this system includes sensors group , transmission path , processing unit and driving unit .