
zhí jiào
  • coach;teach;be a teacher
执教 [zhí jiào]
  • (1) [teach]∶教书;做教师

  • 他在外贸学院执教多年

  • (2) [serve as coach]∶指担任教练

  1. MettaWorldPeace(即阿泰斯特)说德雷克应该执教猛龙。

    Metta World Peace says Drake should coach the Raptors .

  2. 桀骜不驯的阿根廷足球传奇人物马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)周一抵达北京首都国际机场,并在随后的新闻发布会上重申,他愿意到中国执教。

    Arriving in the Beijing Capital Airport on Monday , madcap Argentinean soccer legend Diego Maradona reiterated in a press conference he would like to coach in China .

  3. 他执教篮球和足球。

    He coaches basketball and soccer .

  4. 他趁澳大利亚的休赛期在意大利执教并参加比赛。

    He has coached and played in Italy during the Australian off-season .

  5. 多年的执教经验令我大受裨益。

    My years of teaching stood me in good stead .

  6. 贝肯鲍尔执教西德队,带领他们在意大利世界杯决赛中获胜。

    Beckenbauer coached the West Germans to success in the World Cup final in Italy

  7. 她应聘到宁波大学执教。

    She accepted a teaching post at Ningbo university .

  8. 他在北京师范学院执教多年。

    He taught at Beijing Teachers'College for many years .

  9. 我们最终到了中国执教。

    We landed up teaching in china .

  10. 我提到一位单亲家长,他有四个孩子,却仍在负责该活动;我也谈到一位爸爸,即便他的孩子不在团队,却仍然给团队执教…

    I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren 't even on …

  11. 马拉多纳早先曾执教阿根廷国家队,但是由于该球队在2010年世界杯(WorldCup)中表现不佳而被解聘。

    Maradona had earlier coached the Argentinian national team but was fired after a weak performance in the 2010 World Cup .

  12. 巴萨的表现给狒狒同志留下了深刻的印象,同时狒狒表示:这是他执教曼X队以来所面对的最好的一支球队。

    Sir Alex Ferguson was obviously impressed by what his team was up against and suggested that Barcelona side was the best he has faced as Manchester United manager .

  13. 曾一度传言会离开活塞转而执教尼克斯队的NBA底特律活塞队主教练拉里·布朗日前向媒体明确表示,他现在没有离开活塞的打算。

    The NBA Champion Detroit Pistons coach Larry Brown made it clear he has no plans to leave the team .

  14. 多诺万曾在美国海军学院(USNavalAcademy)执教。若是在这个学校的工程学测验时作弊,或许就会意味着一旦战舰上发生问题,你将猝不及防。

    Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy , where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship .

  15. 拉里•布朗(LarryBrown)也曾返队执教六周时间,但随后为了一个千载难逢的机会辞职赴比利时执教一支慢速垒球队。

    Larry Brown returned for six weeks , then quit for a ' once in a lifetime opportunity ' to coach a Belgian slow-pitch softball team .

  16. 我想在92年奥运会时的经历,可以帮助我去执教,也可以帮助我融入这个NBA大家庭。

    I think being a part of the1992 ( Olympic ) Team helped me a lot in terms of credibility and also with being a part of the NBA family .

  17. 约翰逊在自己执教的第一个完整赛季,便得到NBA年度教练,他一直致力于给一支高得分、赌博型打法的球队注入韧性和防守。

    Johnson , the NBA coach of the year in his first full season , focused on adding toughness and defense to a team known as a high-scoring finesse squad .

  18. 这位38岁的首次执教西甲的带领加泰罗尼亚人完美挺进冠军杯决赛的主教练告诉CNN,巴塞罗那将战斗并最终赢得胜利。

    The38-year-old , who has guided the Catalan side to the showpiece finale in his debut season in charge , told CNN his side would play to win .

  19. 在亚历克斯·弗格森(AlexFerguson)执教曼彻斯特联队(ManchesterUnited,简称:曼联队)的最后一段日子里,曼联队这位超级成功的苏格兰教练对红酒日渐浓厚的兴趣成了众所周知的事情。

    By the end of his days at Manchester United , it was well known that Alex Ferguson , the club 's hugely successful Scottish manager , had developed a growing interest in fine wine .

  20. 奥尔巴赫1957年执教凯尔特人拿到第一枚总冠军戒指的时候NBA联盟只有8支球队,而且纵观他的整个冠军执教生涯中这个数字也只增长到了9。

    Auerbach 's first title came with the Celtics in1957 when the NBA had only eight teams & and that number increased only to nine for the duration of his championship run .

  21. 火箭教练迈克-德安东尼其实经历过类似状况,之前他曾在太阳执教过两连MVP史蒂夫-纳什。

    Rockets coach Mike D'Antoni has seen this situation play out before during his time coaching a certain two-time MVP with the Phoenix Suns .

  22. 显然这个是很重要的,要执教足球队和NFL球队都是这样。

    It 's obviously crucial that the main person at any football club or an NFL team I suppose , is the coach .

  23. 北伦敦球队接触过当时还在阿伯丁的弗格森,希望他能在1986年夏天接替DonHowe执教阿森纳。

    Ferguson , then at Aberdeen , was approached by the north London club as the potential successor to Don Howe in the summer of1986 .

  24. 对广州市F类学生作文能力训练的实践研究源于本人在广州市第91中学执教六年来所遇到的语文教育方面、特别是作文教学方面的一些问题。

    The practical research of the composition-writing training of the class F students in Guangzhou finds its origin from the problems I have encountered in the teaching of Chinese , especially that of the teaching of composition-writing teaching in my six-year teaching there in Guangzhou .

  25. 在他的得奖演说中,他感谢执教广州的世界杯冠军教练马尔切洛里皮(MarcelloLippi),是教练教会了他如何成为冠军。

    And in his victory speech , he thanked Guangzhou 's World Cup winning coach Marcello Lippi for showing him what it is to become a champion .

  26. 诺基亚(Nokia)营销高管拉尔斯•拉斯穆森(LarsRasmussen)和他在幼儿园执教的太太米歇尔•弗雷泽(MichelleFrazier)在北京住了3年后,决定带上两个孩子返回老家丹麦。

    Lars Rasmussen , a Nokia marketing executive , and his wife , Michelle Frazier , a kindergarten teacher , have decided to return with their two children to their native Denmark after three years in Beijing .

  27. 不过,他渴望来中国执教可能更多是因为有报道称,目前正效力于中国足球的那些满头银发的外国教练(如里皮(MarcelloLippi))和运动员(如德罗巴(DidierDrogba))拿到了天价薪资。

    But his desire to come to China likely has more to do with the reportedly massive salaries graying coaches and players , like Marcelo Lipi and Didier Drogba , are commanding in the country .

  28. 六次入选全明星的保罗·加索尔曾在哈蒙执教的圣安东尼奥马刺队打球。去年,他在《球员论坛报》上发表了一封关于女性教练的公开信,称如果NBA球队对她担任主教练不感兴趣,这才奇了怪呢。

    Pau Gasol , a six-time NBA All-Star who played under Hammon in San Antonio , penned an open letter last year for The Players ' Tribune about female coaches and said it would only be strange if NBA teams were not interested in her as a head coach .

  29. 我加入了一个私人队执教,由我校教练。

    I joined a private team coached by my school coach .

  30. 他执教球队的思路就是帮助队伍建立对胜利的渴望。

    His method was to build a team hungry for success .