
zhí xínɡ jī ɡuān
  • executing organization;enforcement organization
  1. B.建立专门的执行机关,承担管制刑执行的职责。

    ( ii ) special enforcement organization undertaking the responsibility for public surveillance 's enforcement shall be established ;

  2. 已领取居民身份证的,由执行机关按照规定收缴其居民身份证,释放或者解除劳动教养后,由本人申请领取居民身份证或者将原居民身份证发还本人。

    those who have already obtained their resident identity cards shall , according to stipulations , be divested of their cards by the executing organs . All these persons shall , upon their release or termination of rehabilitation through labour , apply for resident identity cards or get their original ones back .

  3. 在某些情况下,代表其执行机关检举,或一部份,向认可组织(RO)的。

    In some cases , the Flag delegates its enforcement authority , or a portion thereof , to a Recognized Organization ( RO ) .

  4. 试论我国刑罚执行机关的行政处罚适用程序

    On the Applicable Executive Penalty Procedures for the Enforcement Authorities

  5. 因此,实际上,刑罚执行机关在减刑方面拥有非常大的实际权力。

    So , in fact , the penal execution authorities have great actual power .

  6. 高等学校犹如政府决策的执行机关。

    Higher school is the executive organ , alike the government decision making department .

  7. 美国联邦调查局报告中的信息来源于超过11000家的司法执行机关。

    The information in the f.b.i.report comes from more than eleven thousand law enforcement agencies .

  8. 监狱是国家的暴力机器,是刑罚执行机关。

    Prison is the violence machine of the state , and the enforcement authorities for penalty .

  9. 从其他国家的经验和我国的实践来看,作为外贸政策的执行机关&海关是贸易便利化的主要实施者之一。

    From the other nation experience , customs is one of main carriers to trade facilities .

  10. 日本外务省是日本外交政策的制定和执行机关,其对华事业中有相当一部分涉及到教育领域。

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is the authority of formulating and implementing Japanese foreign policies .

  11. 关于假释的执行机关和执行人员,美国和日本有较为成熟的经验值得借鉴。

    About the parole enforcement agency and staff , developed experience of the United States and Japan can learnt .

  12. 监狱作为刑罚执行机关,承担着惩罚、教育改造罪犯的任务。

    The prison as an organization that excute the punishment , undertakes the duty of punishing and educating the prisoners .

  13. 执行机关应当将罪犯及时收押,并且通知罪犯家属。

    An executing organ shall take a criminal into custody without delay and notify the family members of the criminal .

  14. 每个监狱既履行国家刑罚执行机关的职能,又承担监狱企业的生产经营任务。

    Each prison performs the functions of enforcement authority of the state and assumes the business of the Prison Enterprise .

  15. 其次是减刑适用的程序。这包括三个大的方面:首先是刑罚执行机关对罪犯减刑的考核。

    Second , the commutation applicable procedures contain three aspects : The first is the enforcement authority of the criminal sentence penalty assessment .

  16. 在我国,假释的监督考察属于社区矫正的内容,因此对于假释的执行机关和执行人员的探讨,乃是在宏观的社区矫正背景下展开。

    In our country , parole enforcement belongs to community corrections , so it should be discussed in the macroeconomic context of community corrections .

  17. 监狱作为国家重要的刑罚执行机关,主要负责罪犯改造和监狱管理工作。

    The Prison , as a highly important national organ of criminal penalty , which is responsible for rehabilitation of offenders and prison management .

  18. 笔者详细地阐述了业主自治的主体、业主公约、业主自治的意思机关、执行机关这四个问题。

    The author elaborated the owner autonomous organization , the owner pledge , the meaning institution of owner autonomous , and the execution organ .

  19. 其中重刑主义的影响主要体现在多年来实行的严打的刑事政策、刑罚执行机关观念保守和社会公众不认同。

    The severe punishment doctrine mainly influences over the years to implement the criminal policy , criminal execution organs of conservative attitudes and social disapproval .

  20. 事实基础则是民事执行机关的执行瑕疵,执行瑕疵包括执行程序瑕疵和执行结果瑕疵。

    The factual basic of remedy system of execution is the flaw of execution , which consists of flaws in process and flaws in result .

  21. 在法治国家,监狱价值的结构形态是反映监狱政治的、社会的和法律的多面存在,监狱是国家暴力机器、社会防御系统和刑罚执行机关的三重角色法治意义的统一。

    In the country under the rule of law , the configuration of the prison value reflects the existence of politics , society and law .

  22. 本文突破传统监狱之刑罚执行机关的狭隘观点,认为监狱乃是一个特殊的公共组织,亦是一种社会治理结构。

    Instead of a punishment executive agency as the traditional parochial viewpoint , prison should be a particular public organization and a social governance institution .

  23. 根据我国现行法律规定,刑罚执行机关是减刑假释建议的提请机关,其它任何组织和个人都无权提请。

    According to our current law , the penalty enforcement authorities are suggesting authorities , and any other organization or individual has no right to request .

  24. 同时,该制度被具体执行机关一定程度上扭曲运用而成为侵害犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法财产权的借口。

    Meanwhile , this system is specific execu-tive authority by some extent distort become violations of the criminal suspect or defendant legal property rights of excuses .

  25. 董事会是公司权力执行机关,具有股东与公司在权力上的承接关系。

    Executive power of organization The board of directors is the executive organ of company , which is the bond between the shareholders and the company .

  26. 第二章对外国社区矫正制度进行了考察,介绍了国外社区矫正的种类,社区矫正的决定机关、执行机关和人员以及个案管理制度;

    Chapter 2 makes an investigation on the community corrections abroad and introduces their types , decision , organizations , administrative organizations , personnel and administrative systems .

  27. 根本出路在于对业主委员会制度做出相应调整,进而将其明确界定为业主团体的代表机关和执行机关。

    The fundamental solution lies in the adjustment of related legislation and the introduction of " group of owners " which is a representative and executive organization .

  28. 减刑程序是指刑罚执行机关根据减刑的条件提请减刑和人民法院受理减刑案件进行审理的程序。

    The commutation procedure refers to the programs of the enforcement organs of punishment resorting to a commutation and the court accepting and judging the commutation case .

  29. 在假释的执行机关上,在美国,执行机关隶属于司法机关的,以联邦政府为例加以说明;隶属于行政机关的,以华盛顿州及佛罗里达州为例加以说明。

    American parole enforcement agencies operate under judiciary authorities , illustrated with the example of federal government ; under executive authorities with the example of Washington and Florida .

  30. 未经执行机关批准不得离开住处,无固定住处的,未经批准不得离开指定的居所;

    Not to leave his domicile without permission of the executing organ or , if he has no fixed domicile , not to leave the designated residence without permission ;