
quán mín ɡuó jiā
  • state of the whole people
  1. 但这些指导方针却完全无法贯彻,原因是英国全民国家健康中心(nhs)的心理治疗师人数太少。

    These guidelines are simply not implemented , because there are far too few psychotherapists in the national health service .

  2. 二十世纪中期的中苏大论战激烈地争议了全民国家、全民党、社会主义社会阶级斗争等关于社会主义社会的政治关系的问题。论战双方都提出过许多重要观点。

    ″ The whole people 's country ″ of dispute fiercely of great Sino-Soviet debate of the middle period of the 20th century ″ the whole people 's party ″ Question in such political relations about the socialist society as the class struggle of the socialist society , etc.

  3. 国有公司治理结构不能用委托代理论分析,原因在于全民与国家之间的关系不是委托代理关系。

    The state-owned corporate improvement structure cannot be replaced by the theory of per procurationem because the relationship between people and country is not the one of procuration .

  4. 它关系到欧洲主流政党能否让选民相信,他们将创造就业机会,提供像样的工资,保持金融稳,让经济强劲增长,以维系全民福利国家的支柱。

    It concerns the ability of mainstream European political parties to convince voters that they will deliver jobs , decent wages , financial stability and enough growth to preserve the backbone of the universal welfare state .

  5. 不仅仅是全民关注的国家级竞选,而应该是每一场竞选。

    not just the big national ones that get all the attention , but every single election .

  6. 为了促进教育的现代化,提高全民素质,国家进行了大规模的教育技术装备建设投资。

    Our country have invest so much in educational technical equipment in order to increase the quality education and realize educational modernization .

  7. 同胞们,让我们建设这样的美国,一个永远前进,以充分发挥全民潜力的国家。

    Fellow citizens , let us build that America , a nation ever moving forward toward realizing the full potential of all its citizens .

  8. 对沙皇俄国的宗教状况和教会与沙皇政权的关系进行了概述,指出俄国是一个基本上全民信教的国家,而俄国东正教会和沙皇政权的关系是教会依附于皇权。

    It first talks about the relationship between the Russian religions situation and Tsar state , and points out that Russian is a religious nation .

  9. 在西方最发达国家中,美国是唯一一个没有政府资助的全民医疗保障的国家。

    Among the most highly developed nations in the Western world , only the United States has no comprehensive system of universal health insurance .

  10. 我们必需把它放在第一位,全民动员,参与国家这项建设,使中国早日远离灾害。

    We must put it in the first , all the people mobilize , participates in this construction in nation and makes China keep off disaster soon .

  11. 全民所有,即国家所有土地的所有权由国务院代表国家行使。

    In ownership by the whole people , the State Council is empowered to be on behalf of the State to administer the land owned by the State .