
  1. 《全宋词》四川词人作品中的推理转折句

    Speculative Turning Sentence of the Works Written by Sichuan 's Authors in Whole Poetry of Song

  2. 全宋词切分语料库的建立是计算机研究宋词的基础。

    The annotated corpus of Song Dynasty poetry is the foundation of the computer-based study of Song Dynasty poetry .

  3. 《全宋词》徐氏小传因属草创,故较简略,且其中有一半是错误信息。

    The brief biography of Xu Anguo in Complete Collection of Song Ci Poetry was very sketchy , and half of the biography gave the wrong information .

  4. 本文采用文献研究法、文本分析法、分类统计法和图表列举法对《全宋词》涉及乐器进行了较为全面的统计分析。

    The thesis makes use of several methods including archival research , textual analysis , classification statistics , and tables , so as to make a systematical analysis of musical instruments in 《 Complete Collection of Song Ci Poetry 》 .

  5. 杨甲虽为《全宋词》漏收的诗人之一,但从笔者辑得的20首诗来看,其诗歌艺术水准均较高,且有鲜明的个性特色。

    Although Yang Jia was a poet whose poems had not been collected in A Collection of Poems in the Song Dynasty , his artistic standard in poems were rather high and enjoyed his own individuality judging from the 20 poems collected by the paper writer .

  6. 遍检《全宋诗》、《全宋词》及诸多笔记、话本等文献,考察唐代声诗在宋代的传播情况,对其歌唱事实作了辨证;

    The author studied many documents thoroughly to reveal the spread of musical poems of the Tang Dynasty in the Song Dynasty , and analyzed the singing methods along with singing occasions .