
kuò chōng
  • expand;augment;enlarge;extend;increase
扩充 [kuò chōng]
  • [expand;augment;extend;enlarge;extend;increase] 扩大充实,使增多

  • 扩充实力

  • 扩充设备

扩充[kuò chōng]
  1. 学校扩充未得到许可。

    The school has been refused permission to expand .

  2. 构建面向对象的GIS空间数据存储模型,模型具有易扩充、易访问、易管理的特征;

    Building a O-O data model of GIS , it is easy to expand , access and manage ;

  3. 内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。

    The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer .

  4. 这个系统内存256兆字节,可扩充到2千兆字节。

    The system has 256 MB RAM , expandable to 2GB .

  5. 本书是去年举行的系列讲座的扩充。

    The book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year .

  6. 政府关心的首要问题是扩充军队及辅助队伍。

    The government 's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces .

  7. 这部辞典将扩充到一千五百页。

    The dictionary will be enlarged to 1500 pages .

  8. 他那本大部头著作是由他以前写的那本小书扩充而成的。

    His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before .

  9. 他把他的短篇小说扩充成一本书。

    He expanded his short story into a book .

  10. 布赖斯百货公司大约在1年前扩充了其家具部。

    Bryce 's department store enlarged its furniture department in the order of a year ago .

  11. 线上有打折商品无限的空间,店铺里有普通商品更大的空间,公司有扩充的客户群,以及更少的原价商品降价销售。

    Unlimited space online for discounted merchandise , more space in thestores for regular merchandise , an expanded customer base , and less cannibalizationof regular-price sales .

  12. 他所希望的只是扩充他的家业。

    All he desired was to aggrandize his estate .

  13. 格区间值Fuzzy集分解定理的扩充

    The expension of the separation theorem of lattice interval value fuzzy set

  14. 对时间本体和本体自动扩充的研究是语义web领域的重要研究方向。

    Time ontology and automatic ontology population are important research fields in semantic web .

  15. 其中λ为接触矩阵的特征值,c为扩充因子。

    Where λ is the largest eigenvalue of the contact matrix , c is expansive factor .

  16. 关于IBMPCBASIC空间的虚拟扩充

    On fictitious expansion of IBM PC BASIC space

  17. 新系统的计算机主机为联想PⅢ品牌机,带有两块功能扩充板。

    A Legend PHI with two function-expansion cards works as the main computer of the new digital system .

  18. IBMPc数字示波器扩充插卡及其驱动程序设计

    An Expanded IBM PC Digital Oscillometer Card and the Programming for its Driving

  19. 通过XML接口,可以轻松对资源库进行扩充。

    With the interface of XML , it is easy to improve the test - problem library .

  20. 迹为1的n阶(0,1)对称矩阵的n可扩充性

    The property of n - extendable of ( 0,1 ) - symmetric matrix of order n with trace 1

  21. 一种扩充的面向对象Petri网

    An Approach to the Expanded Object Oriented Petri Net

  22. 本文分析了扩充UML元模型的方法,并在此基础上定义了基于UML的企业建模方法。

    This thesis studied how to define the method of enterprise modeling by extending UML meta-modeling .

  23. 当代生成语法的X阶标理论是对结构主义的向心结构理论的扩充和发展,其最重要的创新之处在于认定所有的合格句法格式都是向心结构。句子也是一种向心结构。

    The X-Bar Theory of the Generative Grammar is an extension of the endocentric construction theory of structuralism in spirit .

  24. MORSE程序中的MonteCarlo技巧扩充

    The extending of Monte Carlo technique for Morse code

  25. 通过扩充动态源路由协议(DSR)可以使adhoc网络接入Internet。

    Ad hoc can access to the Internet by expanding Dynamic Source Routing protocol ( DSR ) .

  26. 这样的结构使得交易平台有很高的性能,并且可以透明地增加APServer以扩充平台性能。

    This makes a high performance trade platform , and it is easy to add AP Server to improve the performance .

  27. Navier-Stokes方程简单分歧点的扩充系统

    The Extended System of Simple Bifurcation Point of the Navier-Stokes Equations

  28. 从已有的消色差系统中的束流尾场效应公式,变换成六维传输矩阵的形式,并扩充束流传输计算机程序TRANSPORT-EM/PC的功能,使之能用以计算尾场效应。

    The formulae of beam wakefield effects in achromatic system obtained from author are Changed into the form of six-dimensional transform matrix .

  29. 同样地,中介关系代数以中介集合论MS为基础,扩充了关系代数的功能。

    Similarly , based on the medium set theory MS , the medium relational algebra can extend the capability of relational algebra .

  30. 可扩充DBMS的用户扩充存取方法的研究

    The research on the new access method extended by user in extensible DBMS