
  1. 污染防治对策。同时,对评价中灰场、堆场的二次扬尘污染、非正常排放烟气污染的影响预测,NOx影响预测,监测因子应增加飘尘(AP)等内容提出需要改进和讨论的看法。

    Ash field and the secondary pollution caused by flying ash , prediction of impact of abnormal smoke emission , prediction of impact of NOx etc. should be improved .

  2. 我国城市扬尘污染现状及控制对策

    Pollution Statas and Controlling Measures of Raised Dust In City of China

  3. 北京交通扬尘污染控制研究

    The Study of Road Dust Controlling in Beijing City

  4. 宣钢储料场治理扬尘污染实践

    Practice of harnessing raised dust pollution in material field

  5. 铁路隧道煤扬尘污染规律试验研究

    Experimental Study of Coal Dust Pollution of Railway Tunnel

  6. 在干燥的气候环境下,通过大气扬尘污染周围环境。

    In dry weather conditions , atmospheric dust pollution through the surrounding environment .

  7. 噪声和扬尘污染是城市建筑施工中的主要环境问题。

    The Pollution Situation of fugitive dusts in Liwan , Guangzhou and countermeasures ;

  8. 哈尔滨市街道扬尘污染状况分析

    The Analysis of the Pollution Caused by Ralsed Dust in the Roads in Harbin

  9. 天津港货场扬尘污染防控试验与探讨

    Experiment on and Discussion of Dust-Pollution Prevention at the Storage Yard of Tianjin Port

  10. 通化市区二次扬尘污染现状与防治措施

    Current Situation of Pollution and Controling Countermeasures for Second Dust Emission in Tonghua City

  11. 上海市扬尘污染源遥感解译及其管理信息系统

    Remote Sensing Interpretation and its Management Information System of Fugitive Dust Pollution Sources in Shanghai

  12. 城市扬尘污染和抑尘剂研究现状及展望

    Fugitive dust pollution of city and situation and prospect of study on dust - depressor

  13. 城市生活垃圾对扬尘污染的影响及其防治措施

    Influence of Urban House Refuse on Raising Dust Pollution of Taiyuan City and Prevention Measures

  14. 因此,抑尘剂的合成研究成为解决城市扬尘污染的重要课题。

    Therefore , study on synthesizes of dust-depressor become a significant problem in solving fugitive dust pollution in cities .

  15. 减少各种尘土进入道路和进行道路清扫是控制交通扬尘污染的主要措施。

    Reducing the silt entrance to the paved road and sweeping the road are the main measures of road dust controlling .

  16. 研究结果可为有效降低储灰场扬尘污染、减小灰场降水入渗和预测灰场产流等提供理论基础。

    The research is importance in reducing dust pollution , decreasing infiltration and predicting runoff amount in the coal-ash storage place .

  17. 利用遥感影像资料,分析了上海市扬尘污染源的空间分布特征与规律,并计算了上海市主要扬尘源的起尘量。

    The article analyzed the spatial distribution features and regularity of fugitive dust source in Shanghai urban district by using remote sensing images .

  18. 所有施工工地必须强化扬尘污染控制,达到环保要求;

    ¤ stricter control on particle pollution will be required on all construction sites to meet the requirement for environmental protection in this respect .

  19. 针对灰场运行过程扬尘污染大气的问题,通过风洞试验,考察了多种悬液或溶液喷洒灰面固灰防尘的效果。

    Aiming at the air pollution problem in the course of running , with the wind tunnel test , the dustproof effect are seen about .

  20. 相关研究认为,采用抑尘剂控制扬尘污染切实可行,实践也证明使用抑尘剂效果比较理想。

    The relative studies deem that controlling fugitive dust pollution by dust-depressor is effective and feasible . Practice also proves that using dust-depressor can obtain ideal result .

  21. 提出相对起尘量的概念,定量地分析了城市不同类型下垫面对扬尘污染的影响;建立了城市下垫面生态等级的划分方法;

    The term of relative particulate emission rates was introduced in order to describe quantitatively the effects of different types of ground surfaces on resuspended particulate pollution .

  22. 提出通过提高生态域等级及制定道路积尘量限定标准这两类措施来治理扬尘污染;

    The measurement improving the ranks of ecological regions and the suggestion of formulating the limitation standard of road dust loading to control resuspended particulate pollution were proposed .

  23. 利用园林工程中的喷灌技术治理港口货场的扬尘污染,经过不断试验和改进,取得了初步成效。

    Using the spray-irrigation method of landscape engineering to control dust-pollution in port ′ s cargo storage yard has obtained some preliminary results following continual experiment and improvement .

  24. 对其他造成扬尘污染的处罚,由县级以上地方人民政府指定的有关主管部门决定。

    The competent departments designated by the local people 's government at or above the county level shall decide the punishment for dust pollution caused by other activities .

  25. 本文通过总悬浮颗粒物数据分析了高速公路施工阶段所造成的扬尘污染,并且对改善高速公路施工期的环境大气质量提出了建议。

    This text analyzed the dust pollution during the expressway construction by TSP data , and some countermeasures were put forward to improve air condition in the end .

  26. 利用获取的基础数据,建立了上海市扬尘污染源管理地理信息系统,为上海市扬尘污染源的控制管理提供了依据。

    Based on data obtained , to calculate the quantity of dust and establish " The Fugitive Dust Pollution Source Management GIS " for strengthening the management of dust .

  27. 运输作业中,扬尘污染严重,严重危害职工身体健康、破坏矿区环境、损坏运输设备。

    During the course of transportation , dust pollution is very serious , which not only does harm to workers ' heath and atmospheric environment , but also damages transportation equipments .

  28. 综合分析了稳定土技术用于土路扬尘污染治理的各种方法。

    The paper made a comprehensive analysis about kinds of methods using the stabilizing-soil technology to control and cure the raising dust pollution from the surface of the haul soil road .

  29. 国务院有关行政主管部门应当将城市扬尘污染的控制状况作为城市环境综合整治考核的依据之一。

    The competent administrative authorities under the State Council shall take the control of dust pollution as part of the ground for assessment of a city 's comprehensive control of its environment .

  30. 叙述了炼铁厂原料矿槽槽上扬尘污染的特点,及移动式除尘通风口装置技术在槽上除尘的应用实例。

    It is expounded the characteristics of dust pollution of the area above raw material chute in iron works , as well as an application example of travelling vent hole equipment for dedusting .