
  1. SPX型湿式喷雾旋流高效脱硫除尘器

    SPX Type Desulphurization Precipitator with Wet Process , Spraying , Spiral-flow and High Effciency

  2. 介绍了原水膜除尘器改造为HSTⅡ型高效脱硫除尘器的工作原理及改造后的使用情况。

    The principle and application of transforming water-membrane dust-remove equipment into HST II high desulfurization dust-remove equipment have been introduced .

  3. 文中介绍了QFTC型全沸腾式脱硫除尘器的基本工作原理、装置结构形式及主要特点、主要技术经济指标、实际应用效果。

    It is introduced that the work principle , structure trait , technological and economic quota , application for Model QFTC total boiling type pyretic duster .

  4. 燃煤工业锅炉湿式脱硫除尘器废水水质波动分析

    Wet Desulphurization Coal-fired Industrial Boiler Precipitator Fluctuations in Water Quality Analysis

  5. SHG-Ⅱ型湿式脱硫除尘器技术

    Dust Remover Technique of SHG - ⅱ Wet Process of Desulfurization

  6. 泡沫式脱硫除尘器的性能及应用

    Performance and Application of Foaming Type Desulphurization ? dust Collector

  7. 模糊集对分析用于脱硫除尘器的综合评价

    Application of Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis in Sulfur Removal-Dust Collector Comprehensive Assessment

  8. 一种新型脱硫除尘器的工作原理与特性

    Principle and Characteristics of A New Dedusting and Desulphurization Device

  9. 浅谈湿式脱硫除尘器的运行维修及选型

    Running maintenance and type selection of wet desulfurization duster

  10. 伞罩型湿式脱硫除尘器气液固三相流数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow field in canopy wet desulfurization dust catcher

  11. 旋流冲击湿式脱硫除尘器在燃煤锅炉中的应用

    Application on whirlwind - impingement - wet desulphurization dust collector in coal fired boilers

  12. 大型文丘里式脱硫除尘器的优化

    Optimization of Large Venturi Sulfur Removal Dust Scrubber

  13. 装脱硫除尘器采暖锅炉污染物监测值超标分析

    Analysis on the Excess Monitoring Value of Pollutants in Boilers with Desulphurization and Dust Remover

  14. 工业锅炉麻石水膜脱硫除尘器的安装改造及使用

    The Erection , Transformation and Use of Crushed Granite and Water Film Desulfurating Dust Separator on Industrial Boiler

  15. 多层叠合复合流沉淀处理脱硫除尘器废水中试研究

    Pilot study on the treatment of wastewater from desulphurization dust removal by sedimentation of multilayer & superimposed compound flow

  16. 评价实例结果表明模糊集对分析用于脱硫除尘器综合评价是可行的。

    The applied result show that fuzzy set pair analysis is possible method for comprehensive assessment of sulfur removal-dust collector of boiler .

  17. 为解决该脱硫除尘器技术中存在的这些问题提出一些改善和解决的技术措施。

    In order to solve these problems which the desulphurization dust remover technology existed , we propose some improvements and the solution technical measure .

  18. 提出了锅炉脱硫除尘器综合评价的模糊集对分析方法。

    In this paper , a new method to comprehensive assessment of sulfur removal-dust collector of boiler by fuzzy set pair analysis is proposed for the first time .

  19. 并以实际净化器为基础,研究了烟气流化床脱硫除尘器的净化效率特性和阻力特性。

    The characteristics of the purifying efficiency and resistance of the desulfurization deduster for the flue gas fluidized bed are researched on the basis of an actual purifier .

  20. 对改进湿式脱硫除尘器的脱硫、除尘、消烟、设备维护等提出了保证措施。

    It bring up the methods of Improving the wet instrument of taking off the sulphur and dust on taking off the sulphur , taking off the dust , dissolving the smoke and maintaining equipments .

  21. 民用采暖的机烧燃煤锅炉上加装脱硫除尘器的目的是为了消烟除尘,使污染物排放达标,但实际监测结果却不甚乐观。

    Desulphurization dust removers are installed on coal-burning boilers for civil heating to remove smoke and dust , and to meat the standard of pollutant emission , but in reality , it 's not so optimistic .

  22. 干法烟气脱硫电除尘器进口喇叭的设计与应用

    Design and application of ESP inlet nozzle in dry CFB-FGD system

  23. 脱硫灰通过除尘器捕集后进入水力除灰管道系统,对管道结垢存在影响。

    Desulphurization ash enters hydraulic ash disposal pipeline system through ESP catching , which has some influence for pipeline scaling .

  24. 密相干塔烟气脱硫工艺是一种半干法烟气脱硫工艺,布袋除尘器用来处理该系统中的高浓度粉尘,在国内还没有广泛地应用。

    Airtight dry tower flue gas desulphurization technology is one kind of half-dry flue gas desulphurization technology and it is not widely used in China that bag precipitator is used to control high concentration of dust in this system .