
  • 网络Desulfurization products;CaS
  1. 烟气脱硫产物-亚硫酸钙非催化氧化的宏观反应动力学研究

    Study on the macroscopical uncatalyzed oxidation kinetics of desulfurization residual Product-Calcium sulfite

  2. 基于脱硫产物化学组成的脱硫剂利用率研究

    Study on Utilization Ratio of Desulfurizing Agent Based on Composition Analysis of By-products

  3. 研究用火电厂简易湿式脱硫产物-脱硫石膏产品作为水泥缓凝剂。

    The application of FGD gypsum product as the cement setting retarder is investigated .

  4. 脉冲放电脱硫产物的收集

    Collection of DeSO_2 Products with Pulsed Corona Discharge

  5. 窄脉冲电晕等离子体烟气脱硫产物收集研究

    Researches on removal of desulphurization product from flue gas by narrow pulse corona discharge

  6. 煤炭脱硫产物在水泥工业中的应用

    Coal Desulfurization and Its Product Apply in Cement

  7. 锰矿石脱硫产物处理含铜废水动态实验研究

    Dynamic Experimental Study on Removal of Copper from Aqueous Solutions by Desulfurization Products of Manganese Ore

  8. 介绍了煤炭脱硫产物和它们作水泥缓凝剂、水泥混合材的研究。GB/T7701.1-1997脱硫用煤质颗粒活性炭

    The paper studies on the principal technologies on coal desulfurization and retardant mechanism of cement retarder and active mechanism of cement mixed material . Granular activated carbon from coal for desulfurization

  9. 白银含铜废石生化浸出-萃取-电积试验研究锰矿石脱硫产物处理含铜废水动态实验研究

    Experimental Research on Biochemical Leaching-Extraction Electrowinning Technology for Recovery of Copper from Baiyin Company ′ s Waste Rocks Containing Copper Dynamic Experimental Study on Removal of Copper from Aqueous Solutions by Desulfurization Products of Manganese Ore

  10. 结果表明磁场增大了脱硫产物的比表面积,加强了铁元素的催化氧化作用,从而明显提高了脱硫效率。

    The experimental results show that magnetic fields enlarge the product ' specific surface area , and strengthen the effects of catalytic oxidation of iron element . Consequently , the efficiency of desulphurization in magnetically fluidized bed is improved significantly .

  11. 脱硫副产物中含有丰富的S、Ca、Si等,这些物质是植物必需或有益的矿质营养。

    Desulphurization by-product are rich in S , Ca , Si , etc. which are essential and useful for crops .

  12. 湿法脱硫除尘产物中CaSO3分解的研究

    Decomposition mechanism of CaSO_3 generated in the wet desulfuration process

  13. 通过土柱淋洗试验的方法,研究了脱硫副产物在改良碱性土壤过程中对碱性土壤化学指标(代换性钠、ESP、SAR、pH值)的影响。

    The soil column leaching method was adopted to study effects of application of desulphurisation products on chemical indices ( exchangeable Na ~ ( + ), ESP , SAR and pH ) of alkaline soil when they were used as amendment to ameliorate sodic soil .

  14. 燃煤烟气脱硫副产物对萝卜营养的作用及其机理研究

    Effect of Desulphurization Byproduct on Radish Crop Nutrition and the Mechanism

  15. 燃煤烟气脱硫副产物的重金属环境行为

    Study on the environmental behaviors of heavy metals in desulphurization byproduct

  16. 燃煤烟气脱硫副产物在酸性土壤上施用的效果&以豆科作物为例

    Effects of desulphurisation byproducts on leguminosae crop growth in acid soils

  17. 氨法脱硫副产物亚硫酸铵的塔外氧化

    The ammonium sulfite oxidation outside of the tower in ammonia-desulfurization system

  18. 燃煤烟气脱硫副产物对花生作物营养效应及其机理

    Effects of applying desulphurization byproduct on peanut crop nutrition and the mechanism

  19. 脱硫副产物在碱化土壤改良中的应用

    Application of By-Product from Flue Gas Desulfurization in Reclamation of Sodic Soils

  20. 脉冲放电脱硫与产物收集相结合的研究

    Study on combination of pulse corona discharge De SO 2 and products collection

  21. 煤烟脱硫副产物改良碱化土壤研究

    The Study on the Alkaline Soil Improvement by Sulfur-removal Waste Residue of Coom

  22. 烟气脱硫副产物资源化利用现状与发展方向

    Application status quo and development for resource utilization of flue gas desulfurization byproduct

  23. 燃煤烟气脱硫副产物用于桉树的效果及机理

    Mechanism and effect of desulphurization byproduct on Eucalyptus

  24. 工业锅炉喷雾干燥法排烟脱硫终产物的某些物化特性

    Some physicochemical specifics of the endproduct from flue gas desulfurization with spray dryer absorbers

  25. 对电子束辐照烟气脱硫副产物粉尘的物性进行分析。

    The characters of by-product are analyzed .

  26. 脱硫副产物用于大田改良存在一个优化利用问题。

    There exists a optimizing problem when by-product from flue gas desulphurization is employed in the field .

  27. 在不同类型的红壤上,豆科作物适量施用脱硫副产物均有不同程度的增产和提高品质的效果,并能有效地改善土壤的理化性能;

    The desulphurisation products applied to red soils derived from different parent material are effective in promoting the growth and improving the quality of the crop .

  28. 研究了燃煤烟气脱硫副产物的农业利用价值,该物质在酸性土壤上施用对豆科作物的影响以及对环境的影响。

    The agricultural value of desulphurisation byproducts and the effects of applying desulphurisation byproducts on the growth of leguminosae crop in pot-experiment with acid soil were studied .

  29. 通过理论分析和试验,获得了收集电子束脱硫副产物电收集器的工艺方案,并得到了工业中试规模设备的试验验证。

    On the basis of theoretical analysis , an electrostatic precipitator technology for collecting by-products has been developed and verified by the investigation on three pilot scale collectors .

  30. 用含石膏的脱硫副产物改良碱(化)土壤是近几年提出的,其理论还不完善。

    The way of using by-product from flue gas desulphurization to reclaim sodic soil is put forward in recent years , and the related theory for it is not perfect .