
  • 网络Peroxy bond;O-O
  1. 聚合速率与过氧键浓度的1/2次方成正比。基于JWEB50中活性基团等活性假设、长链假定以及引发效率相等假定,建立了JWEB50引发St本体聚合的动力学模型。

    And it is proportional to the square of the concentration of O-O group . A kinetic model for polymerization rate of St was established based on the hypothesis of equal reactivity , long chain assumption and under the quasi steady state .

  2. 有机过氧化物中过氧键的建立(引入)方法

    Methods for Constructing the Peroxy Bonds of Organic Peroxides

  3. 基于过氧键裂解的青蒿素抗疟机制量子化学研究

    A quantum chemistry investigation on antimalarial mechanism of Qinghaosu based on cleavage of the peroxide bridge

  4. 首次研究了在酸或碱性条件下,该类过氧化物中过氧键断裂的机理。

    The decomposition mechanisms of the peroxides under acidic or basic conditions were firstly discussed . 5 .

  5. 采用循环伏安法研究了谷胱甘肽、表面活性剂共存体系对青蒿素过氧键稳定性的影响。

    The cyclic voltammetric experiments were used to study the influence of peroxy bond ′ s stability in artemisinin in the presence of glutathione ( GSH ) and surfactant .

  6. 四官能度过氧化物引发剂是一种新型的自由基聚合引发剂,其分子中含有四个过氧键,使聚合过程变得复杂。

    Tetrafunctional peroxide is a new type of initiator for free radical polymerization . The polymerization process initiated by tetrafunctional initiator is more complex since there are more than one active group in it .

  7. 我们通过控制分解过氧键,开发了以钛铁矿为原材料的纳米二氧化钛溶胶低温晶化合成工艺;可控制备了不同粒径的二氧化钛微球,提供了一种水相合成单分散二氧化钛微球的方法。

    Firstly , we offer a low temperature crystallized synthesis technology of titanium dioxide sol originated from ilmenite ; Secondly , sized controlled mono-dispersed titanium dioxide spheres are prepared in an aqueous solution procedure .

  8. 结果过氧桥键是青蒿素类化合物的活性中心,在Fe2+影响下过氧键逐渐裂解,两个氧原子与Fe2+以共价键结合形成环状加成产物。

    Results The peroxide bridge is the active center of QHS and induced by ferrous iron to produce cyclic product .