
  • 网络Process model;process mode;PDCA
  1. 陆面过程模式BATS中地气通量计算方案的一个改进试验

    An Experiment to Improve the Computation of the Surface Fluxes in the Land Surface Process Model BATS

  2. 自杀评估理论中的SSF评估、四阶段过程模式;

    SSF assessment , Four stage process model assessment ;

  3. NIM陆面过程模式的研究:模式建立与对比研究

    Study on the NIM land surface model ⅰ: model formulation and contrast experiment

  4. 分析了ISO9000质量体系的构成及过程模式,提出建立质量管理体系对过程管理的要求。

    The structure and process mode of ISO9000 are analyzed and the requirements for process management are proposed .

  5. 以语言学、心理学尤其是信息加工心理学知识为基础,Bell提出了一个翻译的心理过程模式。但他没有对翻译标准作评价。

    Based on linguistics and psychology especially information processing psychology which centers on MR , Bell depicts a translation process model , nevertheless , he leaves out the notion of TC .

  6. 然而,2000版ISO9000在标准内容和思维模式方面都有较大变化,其特点主要表现在八大质量管理原则和过程模式的引入。

    However , ISO 9000:2000 has obvious changes in content and theory . ISO 9000:2000 's main focus is the introduction of eight quality management principles and processes model .

  7. 至于软件工程的社会效应方面,Scrum已被证实的过程模式可以即时地方便需求管理,变化控制以及项目管理提供。

    Addressing the social side of software engineering , Scrum 's proven process patterns can offer immediate benefit in requirements management , change control , and project management .

  8. 采用北京大学三维的复杂地形中尺度模式,结合陆面过程模式(SiB),模拟了草原和沙漠并存的下垫面的边界层大气运动。

    A three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model combined with SiB is used to simulate the atmospheric boundary layer over a surface of desert-grassland area .

  9. 还基于经典计算模型图灵(Turing)机和形式系统序列及其极限,提出了收敛无穷计算的模型,称为过程模式。

    A computation model , called procedure scheme , for convergent infinite computations was proposed , on the basis of classical Turing machine and formal theory sequences and their limits .

  10. 大学生就业指导教学过程模式的初探

    Discussion of teaching procedure and model of college students employment

  11. 基于递阶过程模式复用的软件项目过程控制

    Software Project Process Control Based on Hierarchical Process Patterns Reuse

  12. 课堂环境下外语自主学习的过程模式

    Process Model of Autonomous Language Learning in EFL Classroom Setting

  13. 提出了中国企业与国外跨国公司知识联盟的过程模式。

    Chapter one gives the objective of enterprise knowledge alliance .

  14. 信息加工理论指导下的翻译过程模式

    The Mode of Translation Process from the Perspective of Information Processing Theory

  15. 写作过程模式比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Models of the Writing Process

  16. 基于过程模式建立了软件过程实施系统。

    Based on process patterns , a software process implementation system is built .

  17. 基于企业家网络的企业家学习过程模式剖析

    Pattern on Entrepreneurial Learning Process Based on Entrepreneurial Network

  18. 课程开发的过程模式及其评价

    The Process Model of Curriculum Development and Its Evaluation

  19. 论阅读的心理过程模式对英语阅读理解的作用

    The Mental Process of Reading for the Influence of Reading Comprehension in English

  20. 文中还初步提出研究区微生物(蓝藻等)起控制作用的石灰华发生和形成过程模式。

    Accordingly , the development process model of calcareous tufa is proposed preliminarily .

  21. 消费社会下广告创意过程模式的建构

    The Foundation of the Advertising Creativity Process from the Semiotics in Consumptive Society

  22. 第六章学习过程模式:综合分析了现有的学习过程模式优缺点及相互矛盾之处;

    Chapter six : Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of present learning process model .

  23. 教学设计过程模式在学习软件中的应用

    Applying Teaching Design Process Mode to Studying Software

  24. 回顾了陆面过程模式的发展历史;

    The history of development of land surface process model is re - viewed .

  25. 马莱茨克的大众传播过程模式具体体现了传播学与心理学的学科交融;

    Maletzke model of mass communication process reflected the disciplines'integration of communication and psychology ;

  26. 质量管理体系的过程模式

    Process Model of Quality and Management System

  27. 强降水过程模式中尺度水汽初值的敏感性试验

    Sensitivity Test for Mesoscale Moisture Initial Value in Numerical Model for a Severe Rainfall Process

  28. 教学质量标准的关键在于教学过程模式的设计。

    The key of the standard of teaching quality lies in the design of teaching pattern .

  29. 基于过程模式的软件过程建模

    Process Pattern Based Software Process Modeling

  30. 揭示出数学问题解决过程模式的本质是双循环与监控的动态系统。

    Revealing the nature that mathematical problem-solving process is a dynamic system of dual-circulation and control .