
  • 网络CBE;CAI;cae;Computer Aided Instruction;computer-assisted instruction
  1. 在计算机辅助教育领域,传统的多媒体教育软件课件显示出了它的局限性和封闭性,基于计算机网络的计算机辅助教学CAI&网络积件系统正在兴起。

    In the field of CAI , the limitations and weakness of traditional multimedia education software have shown off , while internet - based CAI technology - online integrate ware is mushrooming .

  2. 最后,结合现有的计算机辅助教育产品,建立了一个由学习平台、自测平台、通信平台组成的统一的开放性计算机辅助教育平台,并通过这个平台的实现,体现出现代教育的主要思想。

    Lastly , based on the existing CAI products , sets up a uniform and open CAI platform made up of study platform , self-test platform and communication platform . This CAI platform embodies the main thought of modern education .

  3. 积极推广计算机辅助教育(CAI),加强运用现代化教学手段;

    Actively spread computer assistance instruction , applying modern teaching means ;

  4. 建立基于Internet的分布式考试系统是计算机辅助教育领域的一个重要方面,本文研制的系统可以有效地提高考试系统的规范化、自动化及大规模考试的效率,并已经在青岛市相关单位推广使用。

    The system can enhance formalization , automation and efficiency of a large scale Internet-based examination , and it has been used successfully in a few organizations in Qingdao city .

  5. CAI作为一种新型教育模式正蓬勃发展,而CAI课件开发则是计算机辅助教育的前提。

    As a new type teaching mode , CAI is developing very fast and the development of courseware is the prerequisite for CAI .

  6. 计算机辅助教育(CBE)研究方法探讨

    Discussion on CBE Research Methodology

  7. 微波虚拟实验是指开发或利用计算机辅助教育(CAI)课件,将一些基本微波现象通过软件演示或操作来完成。

    Microwave virtual experiment means to demonstrate some microwave phenomena by operating software . To do this , multifunction computer-aided instruction ( CAI ) courseware must be designed and developed .

  8. 计算机辅助教育(CBE)是一种崭新的现代化教育手段,是以计算机为主要媒介所进行的活动。

    Computer Based Education is a wholly new way of modern education . It is an activity using computer as main media .

  9. 而计算机辅助教育cbe,将全面影响和推进现代教育思想、教育结构和教育内容的变革。

    Computer based education , i.e.cbe , iseffecting and promoting the change of modern education idea , education structure and educa-tion content comprehensively .

  10. 采用传统的教学手段,对有些过程只能进行理论研究,而无法进行实验操作,计算机辅助教育(COMPUTERASSISTEDINSTRUCTION,简称为CAI)作为一种新型的教育媒体,为当代教育注入了生机。

    In traditional teaching method , some of the procedure can only be studied theoretically , but experimen-tally . As a new educational medium . Computer Assisted Instruction , CAI for short , pro-vided a new way to solve those problems .

  11. 教育向现代化发展的今天,计算机辅助教育(CAI)软件质量大都不尽理想,如何提高其质量,则是CAI软件设计的焦点问题。

    On the basis of educational modernization , the quality of CAI software is not too ideal at the present time . It is a focus of attention how to improve the quality of designs for CAI software .

  12. 谈高等师范院校《计算机辅助教育》的课程建设

    A Talk on the Course Construction of Computer-Based Education at Teachers College

  13. 面向21世纪的计算机辅助教育发展研究

    Study on Development of ComputerAided Education ( CAE ) Towards 21 Century

  14. 机器人辅助教育是与计算机辅助教育相对应的一个概念。

    Robot Assisted Education is corresponding to Computer Assisted Instruction .

  15. 如何提高中小学计算机辅助教育软件质量

    How to Improve the Quality of CAI Software in Elementary and Secondary Education

  16. 建筑设计课程网络辅助教学改革探讨计算机辅助教育网络课程的设计与实现

    Discussion on the Educational Reformation of Architecture Design Courses ' Network Aided Teaching

  17. 关于计算机辅助教育评价的探讨

    Discussion on Evaluation of Computer - Based Education

  18. 这两大方面构成了计算机辅助教育系统。

    These two parts constitute auxiliary educational system .

  19. 计算机辅助教育系统与课程软件的设计和开发

    Computer-based education systems and courseware design and development

  20. 计算机辅助教育和多媒体教学相关理论和实践也日益成熟。

    Related theories and practice of computer-aided education and multimedia teaching have been increasingly mature .

  21. 计算机辅助教育与有机化学课件

    Computer-based education and making organic chemistry courseware

  22. 《计算机辅助教育管理》网络课程的设计与开发

    Design and Exploit of Net Course on Computer Assistant Education Management ; computer-aided management of instruction

  23. 医学计算机辅助教育系统

    Medical computer assisted instruction system

  24. 计算机辅助教育的应用提升了我国教学手段、技术水平。

    It is the application of computer-based education that has improved our teaching skills and technology standard .

  25. 谈《计算机辅助教育》课程与研究性学习的整合

    The Integration of the Course of the Aiding Education with Computers and Its Research Learning in Network

  26. 计算机辅助教育源于美国,很快引起世界各国的关注、研究、应用。

    Computer-based education is from America and soon attract attention , study and apply from all over the world .

  27. 在此期间,计算机辅助教育技术的传入以出国考察、进口计算机设备和培养人才为主。

    Meanwhile , the introduction of the computer-based education mostly was studying abroad , importing computer devices and training qualified scientists .

  28. 本文对计算机辅助教育的历史进程,计算机辅助教育的研究内容,计算机辅助教育在我国的发展现状进行了综合性论述。

    In this paper we summarize the development and the study contents and the present level in our country of Computer Based Education .

  29. 美国作为计算机辅助教育研究的带头人为教育的发展做出了巨大贡献。

    The United States as the leader in the research area of Computer Aided Instruction has made great contributions of the development of education .

  30. 随着计算机辅助教育研究的不断深入,计算机考试系统作为计算机辅助教学管理的重要组成部分越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of computer based education , computer examination system as an important component of computer managed instruction gets more and more attention .