
guò sǎo miáo
  • overscanning
过扫描[guò sǎo miáo]
  1. 数字电视显示图像的同心度、重显率和过扫描

    Concentricity , Reproduction Ratio and Overscanning of Digital TV Reproductive Pictures

  2. 您的系统文件已经过扫描,没有遇到问题。

    Your system files have been scanned and no problems were encountered .

  3. 光点偏转超过荧光屏边缘的总数叫做荧光屏过扫描。

    The amount by which the dot deflects past the end of the screen is called the screen-overscan .

  4. 吉文已经做过扫描,伤势看上去不那么严重,只是轻微拉伤。

    He has been for a scan and it doesn 't look serious-it 's just a slight strain .

  5. 也就是,读出噪声的测量以过扫描区的方差为基础来进行。

    The modified readout noise measurement is based on the standard deviation of a selected square in the overscan image .

  6. 首先,由平行且过扫描面特征的切片点云数据获取扫描轨迹曲线;

    Firstly , the track curve of the scanned surface is extracted from the parallel section point cloud which is parallel to and includes the track curve .

  7. 肚子里的宝宝现在已经有12周大了,拉德福夫人做过扫描后在脸书上写道:我们很兴奋地向大家宣布,第17位宝宝将于四月加入这个大家庭。

    Mrs Radford wrote on Facebook after her 12-week scan : We are so excited to announce Radford baby 17 will be joining this family in April .

  8. 46例均行过增强扫描,病灶呈中度增强,CT值增幅为20~70HU。

    Enhanced scanning in all cases showed that the foci were moderately enhanced and the amplitude of CT value was 20 ~ 70 HU .

  9. ESR谱仪磁场过零扫描

    Magnetic field scanning through zero of ESR spectrometer

  10. 本文介绍两种附加反向直流磁场的实验方法,即外加补偿的亥姆霍兹线圈,或直接借用ESR谱仪本身的快扫描线圈,来实现过零扫描。

    Two kinds of methods to add reverse magnetic field have been recommended , one is adding compensating Helmholtz coils , another is applying direct current to the rapid scan sweep coils of ESR spectrometer .

  11. 通过附加反向直流磁场,使通用的ESR谱仪的磁场实现过零扫描,这样就能记录下某些材料的样品在零场附近微波信号的变化。

    A reverse magnetic field was added to a conventional ESR spectrometer in order to get a magnetic field scanning through zero , therefore the microwave signal of a sample at about zero field could be recorded .

  12. 结论:扫描野小、过角度扫描、图像矩阵大的参数组合,其扫描可提高图像质量。

    Conclusion : Scanning with the combination of small field of view , orer scan angle and large imaging matrix can improve the quality of images .

  13. 在长达四年多的时间里,曼迪和她的父母多次向大夫描述其身上日趋恶化的种种症状,但至今既未做过计算机CT扫描,也未做过其他任何系统的检查。

    Mandi and her parents described the worsening symptoms to her doctors for more than four years , yet neither a computed tomography ( CT ) scan nor any other investigation was ever done .

  14. 我们将本组14例已做过腰椎CT扫描,确诊为腰椎间盘突出症患者其X线平片表现与非本病的一般腰腿痛患者(年纪相似)14例腰椎平片作对照。

    We compared lumbar roentgenogram manifestation of 14 cases taken lumbar CT scanning with lumbar roentgenogram manifestation of 14 cases who were general lumbago & leg pain patients of similar age , not this disease patients .

  15. 过大的扫描周期将使VCSEL输出双稳区宽度对反馈率的变化不敏感。

    And , the width of the bistability region of VCSEL will become insensitive to the variety of the feedback index with great scan period .

  16. 历史纪录里可以查看进行过的计划扫描纪录。

    Flyer history will show past occurrences of the scheduled scan notification flyers .

  17. 医生们安慰他,说他们已经帮我做过电脑断层扫描,确定子弹没有伤到我的大脑。

    The doctors reassured him that they had done a CT scan which showed that the bullet had not gone near my brain .

  18. 该算法将多边形顶点和新生成的交点划分为三种类型进行存储,然后由过顶点的扫描线将多边形分割成若干个梯形区域分别进行填充。

    The algorithm will divide the polygon vertex and the new nodes into three types of storage , and then the scan line through the vertex will divide the polygon into several regions to fill .

  19. 此算法只涉及过顶点的扫描线,且多边行边上的象素点坐标可以直接从边的直线方程中获得,从而使得该算法降低了计算的复杂性。

    This algorithm only refers to the scan line in the vertex and the pixel coordinates of the polygon edges can be directly calculated from the linear equation of the polygon edges . Consequently , the algorithm greatly reduces the computational complexity .

  20. 其中6例布鲁菌病患者于6年前作过同部位CT扫描。

    In which , 6 brucellar spondylitis were examined by CT in same position 6 years ago .

  21. 它研究了英国国民健康服务(NationalHealthService)对22岁前接受过一次CT扫描的病人记录,并考察了他们平均10年后的病史。

    It examined the U.K. 's National Health Service records of patients who had received a CT before age 22 and looked at their medical history for an average of 10 years afterward .

  22. 这项研究发现,每接受一次CT扫描,患癌风险就随之升高,即使对于只接受过一次CT扫描(以前被称为CAT扫描)的人,风险也有升高。

    The report found cancer risk grew with each scan received , and there was an elevated risk even in those who received only one CT , formerly called a CAT scan .

  23. Wikipedia关于伊拉克战争和关塔那摩的话题已经被个人编辑过了,经过扫描程序猜测,这可能是FBI和CIA干的。

    Entries in Wikipedia involving subjects such as the Iraq War and Guantanamo Bay have been edited by individuals using FBI and CIA computers , a scanning program indicates .

  24. 这将为我们展示类似的信息,但是在会话级别,因此我们会看到会话做了过多的顺序扫描与锁定请求。

    This would have showed us similar information , but at a session level , so we could have seen that our session had done an inordinate number of sequential scans and lock requests .

  25. 然而,联系上下文看到所有大城市有类似的表现时,则可帮助识别现有的零售市场空间过大还是过小,并可作为“首过扫描”工具用于依次观察供应不足还是供应过量。

    However , in context with similar figures for all metro can help to identify which markets have greater or lesser retail space and can , in turn , be used as a " first pass " look at over-or under-supply .