  • bear;hold;carry;undertake;steady
  • 在下面接受,托着:~重。~受。

  • 担当,应允:~担。~当。~包。~做。~认。

  • 受到,蒙受:~蒙。~恩(蒙受恩泽)。

  • 继续,接连:继~。~平(指社会比较持久安定的局面)。~前启后。

  • 顺从,迎合:奉~。~颜候色(顺着别人颜色办事)。

  • 姓。


(托着; 接着) bear; hold; carry:

  • 薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    The thin ice cannot bear truckloads.

  • 那木桥承得住这样重的卡车吗?

    Can that wooden bridge carry such heavy trucks?


(承担) undertake; contract (to do a job):

  • 承印

    undertake the printing of;

  • 承制棉衣

    accept orders for padded clothes


(客套话, 承蒙) be indebted (to sb. for a kindness); be granted a favour:

  • 承您过奖。

    You flatter me.


(继续; 接续) continue; carry on:

  • 继承

    inherit; carry on


[书](接受命令或吩咐) receive from above (instructions, mandate):

  • 秉承

    take (orders); receive (commands);

  • 承命

    receive (instructions)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 承盆

    Cheng Pen

  1. 薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    The thin ice cannot bear truckloads .

  2. 湖上结了一层薄冰.薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    Thin ice filmed the lake . The thin ice cannot bear truckloads .

  3. 新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。

    Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area .

  4. 所选产品类别的报价承索即寄。

    Price quotes on selected product categories will be sent on request

  5. 安妮-弗瑞德的儿子子承母业,也进入了音乐圈。

    Anni-Frid 's son has followed her into the music business .

  6. 他子承父业,成为了一名外科医生。

    He followed his father and became a surgeon

  7. 他的儿子,小阿瑟·奥克斯,有望子承父业继续从事出版。

    His son , Arthur Ochs Junior , is expected to succeed him as publisher .

  8. 他子承母业,投身教育。

    He followed his mother into the teaching profession .

  9. 那木桥承得住这样重的卡车吗?

    Can that wooden bridge carry such heavy trucks ?

  10. 承您过奖。

    You flatter me .

  11. 此事当由外事办承管。

    The foreign affairs office should take full charge of this .

  12. 深承眷注。

    I am most grateful to you for your great solicitude .

  13. 我店承做中式服装。

    We accept orders for Chinese-style clothes .

  14. 这些微小的能够承栽细菌的薄层被称为生物薄膜,它们常见于大多数表面上和物体上。

    These microscopic layers of deposits containing bacteria are known as biofilms and they are found on most surfaces and objects .

  15. 本公司拒绝承做虚假广告。

    We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements .

  16. 书籍目录承索即寄

    Catalogues of our books will be sent on request .

  17. 时至今日,承负说仍具有警示作用

    To date , the Doctrine of Cheng Fu still exerts its admonishing effect .

  18. 保承集的Fuzzy序同态

    Support-preserving Fuzzy Order Homomorphisms

  19. 桃核承气汤对热瘀证大鼠SOD、MDA的影响

    Influence of Taohe Chengqi Decoction on SOD and MDA of Rats with Heart Stagnation Syndrome

  20. 正如前面讨论的,多承租者平台的每个订阅者都使用唯一的平台级订阅者ID进行标识。

    As discussed in the previous section , each subscriber of a multi-tenant platform is identified by a unique , platform-wide subscriber ID.

  21. 位置检测器件(PSD)在承船厢水平偏差测量中的应用

    The Application of Position Sensing Device ( PSD ) in Measurement of Horizontal Deviation of Vessel Supporting Carriage

  22. 在本文中,您将了解基于J2EE的、多承租者SaaS应用程序的应用程序级安全需求,以及用来处理这些需求的相关机制。

    In this article you learn various application-level security requirements of J2EE-based multi-tenant SaaS applications and mechanisms to address these requirements .

  23. 混杂复合材料空间光学遥感器拉压承力杆件RTM成型工艺及性能研究

    RTM Technique and Property Study of Hybrid Composite Support Pole Used in Space Optical Sensor

  24. 总结了全介质自承式无金属架空(ADSS)光缆架设的整个过程。

    The whole process of the installation of ADSS cable is summarized .

  25. 运用CAD/CAE集成设计技术对某飞机承力密封框进行了设计:建立了CAD模型和CAE模型;

    This paper discusses the application of CAD / CAE integrated design to the fuselage airproof main frame , builds up a CAD structure model and a FEA model .

  26. 利用小波包分解对轴承的动态信号进行分析、提取特征,采用RBF神经网络进行承故障诊断。

    In testing , Wavelet transformation is used to extract features of dynamic vibration information and then a RBF neural network is instructed to test bearing faults .

  27. 对承钢黑山铁矿TiO2品位33%左右的粗钛精矿进行了不磨矿的粗粒级浮选或磨矿后细粒级浮选试验研究;

    The trial researches are conducted separately with coarse-grain flotation without grinding and fine-grain flotation after grinding for crude titaniferous concentrate with TiO2 grade of about 33 percent .

  28. 结果:开窍通腑法的代表方牛黄承气汤在降低脑组织含水量、形态学改变及SOD、MDA、NO的变化明显优于其他各组。

    Then the water dose contained in cerebral constitution , the change of morphology under the electron microscope and the dose of SOD , MDA , NO in serum were observed .

  29. 最后以重庆轻轨PC梁以及一中承式拱桥的实测及计算固有频率结果验证了实际边界条件变化对固有频率的显著影响。

    On the basis of the tested and calculated frequencies of PC beams on Chongqing light rail bridge as well as on a through arch bridge , the remarkable effects of boundary condition are verified .

  30. 讨论了气足、承片台系统及STAMP的设计和计算方法,并给出了设计数据与计算结果。

    The air foot , wafer supporting stage system , the design and calculating methods of STAMP are discussed , the design data and calculating results are given .