
  • 网络Right to recognition;right of admission
  1. 在效力待定合同制度中,法律赋予相关第三人以承认权,赋予相对人以催告权和撤回权。承认只能向合同的相对人行使。

    The system of contract with pending validity , the law endows the interrelated third party with the right of acceptance and endows the counterpart with the right of admission and withdrawing .

  2. 实质上采矿权的客体是从地壳中分离前的矿产,清晰地裸露着,因此,应当大胆承认采矿权是自物权。

    Therefore , it should be an autonomous article right .

  3. 我当然不会承认旧权不该被缩减。

    I will not concede for a moment that old privileges should not dwindle .

  4. 然而,美国法院迟迟未承认隐私权。

    Courts in the United States , however , were slow to recognize a right to privacy .

  5. 从有利于债权人的立场出发,可以承认抵押权的不可分性,但应当设有例外。

    From the creditor 's stand , agree the indivisibility of mortgage , but should set a exception .

  6. 这两位律师警醒的见解最终导致美国确立了承认隐私权的普通法。

    The lawyers ' prescient observations eventually led to the recognition of a common law right to privacy in the United States .

  7. 如果承认抵押权的追及效力,第三人随时可能因为债权人行使抵押权而丧失对受让物的所有权。

    The third people may lose much money because the debtee ' ownership . If admits mortgaging making track for of power and effect .

  8. 法学界普遍承认绝对权和绝对法律关系存在的客观性,但目前还没有见到任何关于绝对法律行为和相对法律行为的论述。

    Absolute rights and absolute legal relationships are generally accepted by jurists , but as of no literature on the absolute legal act or relative legal act appears .

  9. 为此,我国应当在宪法典中明确承认请愿权概念,并制定专门法律,规范请愿权的行使。

    Hence , the concept of the right to petition should be legitimized and specific regulations should be set to promise the right to petition in our constitution .

  10. 承认请求权的竞合,有利于对当事人合法权益的保护,应当予以肯定。

    We think , acknowledging the concurrence of right to petition is favorable to the protection of party 's legitimate rights and interests , and should be given the affirmation .

  11. 纽约长老会医院的律师也主张,该州并未确立承认隐私权的普通法,且在钱科先生死亡后,他的所有隐私权也已随之终结。

    Lawyers for NewYork-Presbyterian have argued that the state does not recognize a common law right to privacy and that any privacy right Mr. Chanko did have ended upon his death .

  12. 加拿大政府现行的政策承认自治权是土著民族的基本权利,并设定了土著民族实现自治的原则和框架。

    The current policy of the government recognizes the right of self-government of the aboriginal people as a constitutional right and sets up several principles and a framework to enforce it .

  13. 另外,笔者认为应该承认隐私权具有财产权的属性,这样才能更加完善地保护我们的信息不被他人所滥用。

    In addition , the author thinks that we should acknowledge the proprietary attribute of the right to privacy , this can give our information more perfect protection against the abuse by others .

  14. 其认定原则主要包括主权国家认定原则、与国际接轨原则、严格认定标准原则、有条件承认优先权原则和依申请认定原则。

    The principles of hold mainly includes the principle of sovereign state hold , the principle of connection with the world , the principle of strict hold standard , the principle of admitting the priority with qualifications and the principle of hold according to application .

  15. 就我国而言,在市场经济条件下,承认人格权所蕴含的经济价值是可取的,但是由于传统人格权观念以及其他一些客观条件的约束,目前我国立法对此尚缺乏具体的规定。

    For our country , we should recognize the economic value in the personality rights , however , due to the constraints of the traditional concept of the right of personality and some other objective conditions , our legal system is still a lack of specific laws .

  16. 女房东承认我有权使用微波炉。

    The landlady conceded me the right to use the microwave oven .

  17. 不过,该法院承认警方应有权访问通信数据。

    Yet it accepted that police should have access to communications data .

  18. 我承认你有权提出这个问题。

    I recognize your right to ask that question .

  19. 我国承认破产抵销权。

    Our country admits such kind of right .

  20. 而且,曼彻斯特州在实践中也已承认了表决权信托的效力。

    Moreover , Manchester state has acknowledged the effectiveness of voting trust in practice .

  21. 承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。

    Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree .

  22. 从生存到承认:公民权视野下的农民工问题

    From " Existence " to " Recognition ": Issues of peasant workers in the view of citizenship

  23. 他与某些人相互勾结,要我们屈服于一种与我们的体制格格不入、没有为我们法律所承认的管辖权之下;

    He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution , and unacknowledged by our laws ;

  24. 定义:著作权这个词用来表示在法律上承认作者有权支配其著作,或者有权从其著作中取得利益。

    Definition : Copyright is the term used to characterize the legal recognition of rights to control or benefit from works of authorship .

  25. 虽然墨西哥总统承认美国有权控制其边境,但修建围墙的计划并不能解决非法移民问题。

    While acknowledging the right of the United States to control its border , the Mexican president said the proposed fence is not the solution to the immigration problem .

  26. 如在日本民法没有规定物权请求权,但是司法判例和学界普遍承认物权请求权的存在。

    For example , the Civil Law of Japan does not provide for right of real claim , but legal precedents and theorists generally admit the existence of right of the real claim .

  27. 目前世界上已经普遍承认商业秘密权是知识产权的一种,应当受到知识产权法、反不正当竞争法乃至民法的保护。

    The world has been generally recognized trade secret rights is a kind of intellectual property rights , should be subject to intellectual property law , the protection of the anti-unfair competition law and the civil law .

  28. 此外,虽然持肯定态度的学者承认法院有权变更指控罪名,但在法院变更指控罪名实体和程序的规制方面尚未达成共识。

    In addition , although the scholars holding the positive attitude toward admit that the court has the right to change charges , they have not yet reached a consensus about in entity and regulation procedures for it .

  29. 从西方国家的角度来看,他们在一年前在日内瓦达成的临时协议中赢得了一项重大的让步,那就是承认伊朗有权在伊朗境内发展浓缩铀。

    They won a major concession , really , from the Western point of view , in the interim deal that was agreed to in Geneva a year ago , and that was a recognition of the right to enrich some uranium on Iranian soil .

  30. 但这种主张在随后的判决中显现出越来越多的问题,不管是法官还是当事人都认为,如果不承认死者人格权中财产价值的可继承性,显然违背民法中的公平原则。

    But this claim in subsequent decisions showing more and more problems , whether the judge or the parties agree that if you do not recognize the moral rights of the deceased inheritable value of the property , is clearly contrary to the principle of fairness in civil law .