
  • 网络Anthropology of Technology
  1. 科学技术人类学是一门新兴的交叉学科,从对实验室的研究开始,研究领域在不断扩大,讨论的问题也在多样化。

    The Science and Technology-anthropology is a new cross subject , it begin from laboratory , and develop to a more field , and discussion to diverse .

  2. 就科学技术人类学研究对象的选择、研究重点的关注、事项研究和一般文化研究的关系,进行了探讨。

    The article discussed with the choices of objectives of the researches , the fist the concerns in research , the studies of scientific institutions and items in science and technology and their relations with the general cultural text .

  3. SDA特别推荐的课程,如技术写作、人类学研究方法等等;

    Electives where the SDA strongly recommended specific choices , e.g.Technical Writing to fill an English elective and Anthropological Research Methods to fill a social-science elective .

  4. 虽然现在将生物塑化技术普及到文物资料保存工作当中的难度还很大,但这种技术在考古学和人类学领域的应用将具有广阔的前景。

    There is much difficult in applying biological plastic techology in protection of culture relics data , but this techology will be used widely on archaeology and anthropology in the future .