
  • 网络technical disclosure
  1. 愿意把我们的技术公开展示给大家,愿意接受一切挑战。

    We 're willing to display our technology to the public , willing to accept all challenges .

  2. 我国专利技术公开标准的解读与评析&兼谈技术保护的方式

    Interpretation and Analysis on the Standards of the Open of Patented Technology in China & also on the modes of technology protection

  3. 现行的专利法律制度要求的有限公开的技术公开标准给专利保护和技术秘密保护相结合的技术保护方式提供了充分的法律依据。

    The limited technology open standards required by present laws and systems provide sufficient legal bases for technology protecting modes for both patented technology protection and technical secret protection .

  4. 发明创造建立在现有技术公开的技术信息的基础上,又在提供着成为日后现有技术的技术信息。

    The present invention is , therefore , based on the disclosure of technical information of the prior art , while carrying the information which will become the prior art therefrom .

  5. 这是透明的力量,利用移动互联网和其他IT技术公开的污染信息可能会使数百万公民通过对企业和政府机构的问责。

    It is the power of transparency , pollution information made public using mobile internet and other IT technologies may empower millions of citizens to speed change by holding corporations and government agencies accountable .

  6. 在网络应用越来越广泛的今天,网络技术公开化,网络环境变得越加复杂,如何应对网络非法入侵、网络攻击、网址数据泄密等等成了重要的问题。

    Nowadays , as the network is used more widely , the network technique becomes more open and the network environment becomes more complicated , important problems have shown , such as how to avoid illegal network invasion , network attack , url data leak and so on .

  7. Google的很多Web服务使用类似的技术来公开和连接它们,所以我特意给出了其中的几个例子。

    Many of Google 's Web services use similar techniques to expose and connect to them , so I have included a few additional examples .

  8. 其他一些简单技术用于公开Feed(RSS)和访问其他应用程序(HTTP、JMS)中的内容。

    Other simple technologies are used to expose feeds ( RSS ) and access content in other applications ( HTTP , JMS ) .

  9. 这是技术已经公开发表,你可以在MSDN上找到文章。

    This is a published technique ; you can find articles about it on MSDN .

  10. AVS基于创新技术和公开技术,编码效率比第一代标准(MPEG-2)高2~3倍,可节省一半以上信道资源。

    Based on innovative technology and public technology , AVS provides compression efficiency 2-3 times higher than the first generation standard ( MPEG-2 ) does . Therefore , it is able to save 50 % on the channel resource .

  11. 第二部分主要分析了技术方案公开的认定。

    The second chapter analyses the judgment of technology plan open .

  12. 本文主要介绍了计算机信息的常规加密技术和公开密钥加密技术,并对两者的优缺点和应用环境作了比较。

    This paper introduces the routine encryption of computer information and the publicity key encryption mainly , and compares the both and their environment .

  13. 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。

    Within the duration in which the recipient undertakes the obligation to keep confidential , if the technology is publicized not owing to there cipient , obligations to keep confidential undertaken by the recipient shall be immediately terminated .

  14. 致潜在股东的信:自谷歌开始,致信便成了所有重大技术公司首次公开募股的惯例,Facebook的首席执行官也因此为潜在的股东签发了信件。

    The letter : as is customary with every major tech IPO since Google ( GOOG ) , Facebook includes a letter to prospective shareholders from its CEO .

  15. 出于商业利益考虑,商用CA的关键技术通常并不公开,至今未能很好地弄清CA的密钥生成过程、密码算法的保密强度等。

    In consideration of commercial interest , the critical technology of commercial CA is not usually disclosed at present , it also fails to well known so far that the process of key generate of CA , cryptology algorithm , and secret intensity of the course of algorithm , etc.

  16. 继往开来再创辉煌&祝贺《实验科学与技术》杂志公开发行

    Congratulations on the publishing of the " Experiment Science & Technology "

  17. 这是脸书以来最大技术行业首次公开募股。

    It 's the biggest technology IPO since Facebook .

  18. 本实用新型属于管弦乐器技术领域,公开了一种扬琴。

    The utility model belongs to the technical field of orchestra instruments and discloses a cymbalo .

  19. 本实用新型属于密封件技术领域,公开了一种高速线材双唇密封。

    The utility model discloses a high-speed double-lip seal for wires , which belongs to the technical field of sealing elements .

  20. 本实用新型属于惯性机械技术领域,公开了一种液压启动惯性自动机。

    The utility model belongs to the technical field of inertial mechanisms , and discloses a hydraulic starting type inertial automatic machine .

  21. 这一批问题包括了例外和限制、公益灵活性、遏制反竞争行为、技术转让和公开。

    The package of issues included exception and limitation , public interest flexibilities , curbing of anti-competitive practices , transfer of technology and disclosure .

  22. 本实用新型属于机械工程技术领域,公开了一种转炉挡渣裙板的联接结构。

    The utility model discloses a connection structure of a converter slag apron board , which belongs to the technical field of mechanical engineering .

  23. 本实用新型属于搪瓷传热元件技术领域,公开了一种一次静电喷涂传热元件。

    The utility model belongs to the technical field of an enamel heat transmission element , and discloses a one-step electrostatic painting heat transmission element .

  24. 本实用新型属于桥梁工程技术领域,公开了一种适合于各种桥梁的桥梁伸缩装置。

    The utility model discloses a bridge extension device which is suitable for a plurality of bridges , belonging to a bridge engineering technical field .

  25. 专利权是一种独占性权利,它通过授予专利权人一定时期内商业上的垄断地位来换取其技术方案的公开,从而推动技术以及社会经济的发展。

    Patent is an exclusive right , through a certain period of time granted to the patentee of the commercial monopoly on the technology program in exchange for the public , thus promoting technical and socio-economic development .

  26. 在新颖性判定上,本文论述了现代中成药发明专利技术方案的公开问题,同时详细阐述了判定新颖性的三种主要情形。

    For novelty judge , this paper focused on the open question of technology options in the modern Chinese medicine invention patent . At the same time , this paper expounds the judgement of the three main case of novelty .

  27. 对货币政策进行研究的学术成果很多,但是详细深入地研究公开市场操作中的种种技术因素以及公开市场操作与其他货币政策工具、与整个金融市场发展情况的关系的文献并不多见。

    There has been lots of studies on monetary policies , however , there is still a lack of in-depth and specific studies on the various technical factors that affect open market operations and on the relations between open market operations and other monetary policy tools .

  28. 首先介绍了加密技术中的公开密钥加密体制和数字签名技术,并在此基础上研究了一对一安全通信方式以及多人签名的一种实现方法。

    This text has recommended the system of the open key in the encryption and the digital signature technology at first , and has studied the way of secure communication by one to one and a kind of implementation method that many people sign on this basis .

  29. 本实用新型涉及卫生间设备技术领域,它公开了一种带LED灯感应开关的镜柜。

    The utility model relates to the technical field of washroom devices , which discloses a mirror cabinet with an inductive switch of an LED lamp .

  30. 尽管可查询XML压缩器对于许多应用非常重要,但是它没有可靠的基于语法的XML压缩技术,也没有公开可用的可查询XML压缩器。

    While queriable XML compressors are very important for many applications , no solid implementations for grammar-based XML compression techniques and queriable XML compressors are publicly available .