
  • 网络Technical History;Technology History
  1. 本论文从X射线成像技术历史发展的角度出发,概述了X射线显微成像和相衬成像技术的现状及研究进展。

    Beginning from the history of X-ray imaging technology , we summarize the state of the art of the X-ray microscopy and X-ray phase contrast imaging .

  2. 脂肪抽吸技术历史回顾和相关器械的演变

    A retrospection of the history of liposuction technique and evolution of related devices

  3. 天津滨海新区软土地基处理技术历史与发展

    History & Development of Soft Soil Foundation Improvement Technology in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  4. 从远古至今,蒙古族马奶酒酿制技术历史悠久。

    From ancient date , the Mongolian Kumiss brewing technology has a long history .

  5. 我国酿醋技术历史源远流长,是古代科学文化成就的重要组成部分。

    Making vinegar in china has a very long history . It is an important component of ancient science and culture achievement .

  6. 在梳理出技术历史发展的主框架和线索之后,进而推演出了体操技术发展演进的基本规律,即:由稳定到失稳是体操技术发展的诱因;

    Carding the main framework and clue of gymnastic skill development , the paper induces the basic revelation law of gymnastic skills as follows : the inducement is from steady to instability ;

  7. GIS技术在历史街区保护规划中的应用研究

    Studies on the Application of the GIS Technology to the Preservation Planning for Historic Blocks

  8. IBM虚拟化技术的历史

    A history of IBM 's virtualization technology

  9. 论文第一章简单回顾了SAR技术的历史、现状和发展趋势,以及SAR的特点和应用范围。

    Chapter 1 reviews the history , present situation and main trend of SAR , whereafter describes its characteristic and applied domain .

  10. 回顾中国石油化工总公司发展计算机应用技术的历史,提出着手计算机集成过程(CIP);

    The development history of the computer application in China Petrochemical Corporation is reviewed .

  11. 综述了群体决策支持系统技术发展历史、群体决策理论和应用发展现状及其存在的问题,研究了GDSS和DSS的区别与联系。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . The historical development of GDSS is reviewed from theory and practice .

  12. 本文从RNAi技术的历史、作用机制、研究策略、研究现状及应用前景等几个方面进行了综述,预测RNAi将会给基因治疗的发展带来新的希望。

    In this paper , the history and mechanism of RNAi as well as the method and advance of RNAi research were summarized .

  13. 论文回顾总结了与此研究相关的理论和技术的历史及发展现状,包括DEM、粉体力学、冲击阻尼、试验优化设计以及功率流等理论和实验等诸多内容。

    The development history and current situation of DEM , powder mechanics , impact damping , optimization of experiments and power flow have been reviewed in the thesis .

  14. 阐述建立公众参与城市规划制度的必要性,探讨了类型学方法与GIS技术在历史街区保护中的运用,以便为今后的保护工作提供依据。

    The paper proposes that it is necessary to establish institution in the public participation of urban planning and discusses the evolution of typology and GIS Technology as well as its application in the conservation of the historic districts .

  15. 首先介绍了P2P分布式对等计算技术的历史和发展现状,就P2P的机制原理、体系结构和主要特征等进行了讨论,并对P2P技术与客户/服务器技术在性能上作了一个全面的比较。

    First , the history and state-of-the-art of P2P computing technology are reviewed , and the principle , system structure and main features of P2P computing technology are exposed , and the capabilities between P2P and client / server are compared fully .

  16. 3S技术在历史、文化地理学研究中的应用分析由平谷早期文化遗存分布论其历史地理特征

    Application and Analysis of " 3S " in Research on Historical Geography and Cultural Geography A Study of the Historical and Geological Features of Ping Gu Based on the Distribution of Its Early Cultural Relics

  17. 控件通过ADO访问技术和历史数据库相连接,该控件界面友好,能同时显示8根颜色各异的曲线,而且可以随时隐藏已经显示的曲线。

    The control connects with history database through interface by ADO . and the control looks very beautiful and it can display eight color-various curve lines , furthermore , the curve line selected can be hide at any moment .

  18. 本文回顾了SAR及干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)技术的历史,叙述了SAR由非聚焦到完全聚焦,由光学处理到全数字式处理,由二维测绘到干涉三维测绘的发展历程。

    This paper takes a review on the development of SAR and its interferometric ( InSAR ) technology . The historic milestones of SAR development from unfocused to focused , from optical to digital processing , from 2-D to 3-D interferometric mapping are respectively described .

  19. 提出了利用中间件技术对历史遗留测试系统进行分布式开发的策略:对计算机配置高的历史遗留测试系统,结合其特点探索出了一种高效率、高性能的基于CORBA-DCOM的分布式开发方案;

    The exploitation strategies with middleware technology are provided to old information-islanded distributed measurement system . For the measurement systems with high performance computer equipment , according to their characters , a kind of exploitation strategy is explored , which is based on CORBA-DCOM with high efficiency and performance .

  20. 智能工程与控制技术:历史、发展与未来

    Intelligence Engineering and Control Techniques ── History , Development and Future

  21. 数据库查询优化技术的历史、现状与未来

    History , current situation and future of database query optimization

  22. CAD/CAM技术的历史、现状及发展

    History Present Condition and Development of CAD / CAM Technique

  23. 我国汉字识别技术的历史、现状和展望

    History , Present Condition and Prospect of Chinese Character Recognition in China

  24. 频率合成技术:历史、现状及发展

    Frequency synthesis technology : history , actuality and development

  25. 节水灌溉工程技术的历史、现状及展望

    History , present status and future on engineering technology of water saving irrigation

  26. 制造技术的历史回顾与面临的机遇和挑战

    History review and chance and challenge for manufacturing technology

  27. 网络社会是人类运用科学技术改变历史的又一次重要的飞跃。

    Network society is an important leap in human history of science and technology .

  28. 综述了水下焊接与切割技术的历史发展及目前状况;

    This paper overviews the state-of-the art and practice of underwater welding and cutting .

  29. 豫南稻区稻作技术的历史变迁与发展趋势

    The Historical Changes and Development Trend of Rice Cultivation Technology of South Henan Province

  30. 阐述了热镀机组原板连续退火技术的历史、现状及发展。

    The history , present situation and development of hot-dip galvanizing annealing system were presented .