
  • 网络technological innovation management;Technology Innovation Management;Management of Technological Innovation
  1. 最后,对天津XL汽车股份有限公司的技术创新管理进行了案例研究。

    Finally , Tianjin XL . technological innovation management case studies .

  2. 一种新的技术创新管理工具&创新管理成熟度模型研究(IMMM)

    A New Technological Innovation Management Tool & Research on the Innovation Management Maturity Model ( IMMM );

  3. 航展拾珍&从GE公司产品研发看技术创新管理

    Findings from Paris Air Show & The Technology Innovation Management of Product Development of GE Company

  4. XX(西安)软件公司的技术创新管理策略研究

    The Research on Technical Innovation Management of XX ( Xi'An ) Software Company

  5. 3M公司技术创新管理研究

    A Study on Technology Innovation Management of 3 M Company

  6. 同时,应用复合DEA对中俄国防科技企业技术创新管理机制绩效的影响因素对比分析。

    Meanwhile , comparison analysis on impact factor for technology innovation management mechanism performance of Sino-Russia national science technology enterprise is discussed by means of composite DEA .

  7. 目前,科技型中小企业正面临着知识经济时代、加入WTO的巨大挑战,因而研究我国科技型中小企业的技术创新管理,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    In the age of the knowledge economy and in the face of the great challenge of our joined WTO , the study on the technical innovation management of our country 's tech-typed SME is not only of the theoretical value but of practical value .

  8. 技术创新管理细化实现装置长周期运行

    Realization of long term continuous running by technology innovation and scientific management

  9. 加强技术创新管理实现跨越式发展

    Strengthening management of technical innovation and bringing about the spanning , development

  10. 企业技术创新管理体系研究

    A Study of the Management System of Corporate Technological Innovation

  11. 中小型装备制造企业技术创新管理研究

    Study of Small & Medium Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises ' Technological Innovation Management

  12. 高科技中小企业技术创新管理

    The Management of Technology Innovation of the Small and Middle High-Tech Corporations

  13. 复杂产品系统项目的组织与技术创新管理研究现状

    Review on the Organization and Technology Innovation Management of Complex Products and Systems

  14. 本文从产品-过程的角度提出了一个技术创新管理的框架。

    According to product-process , this paper proposes a frame in innovation management .

  15. 特别是对于高科技芯片设计公司,技术创新管理是这类公司管理的重中之重,如何做好技术创新管理是高科技公司最普遍关注的问题。

    Especially for high-tech chip design company technology innovation management is the top priority .

  16. 论企业技术创新管理的顾客关系焦点&战略基础与职能整合

    On the Customer-Relationship perspective of Technological Innovation Management & Strategic Foundation and Function Integrity

  17. 加强企业技术创新管理。

    To enhance enterprise technical innovation management .

  18. 现实期权理论与方法在技术创新管理中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Real Option Theory and Method in Management of Technology and Innovation

  19. 基于项目管理方法的技术创新管理

    Technology Innovation Management Based Project Management Method

  20. 加强企业内部模仿技术创新管理;

    To strengthen enterprises innovation management ;

  21. 第一部分,对制药企业技术创新管理的理论前提进行了研究,提出了制药企业技术创新管理的基本概念。

    This thesis discusses the management of technology innovation process on the standpoint of pharmaceutical enterprises .

  22. 最后,对企业家管理和技术创新管理两个部分进行了详细地探讨。

    Finally , I make an detailed discussion about two sections-management of entrepreneur and innovation strategy .

  23. 其主要原因是企业内部的技术创新管理薄弱。

    The main cause of the problem is the weakness of the enterprises internal technology innovation management .

  24. 建立我国中小企业技术创新管理服务体系的设想

    The Conception to Build Management Service System of Technological Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China

  25. 全面创新之道&海尔集团技术创新管理案例分析

    The way to total innovation management & The case study of technology innovation management of Haier group

  26. 三是发展中国家跨国公司如何以学习为核心来开展技术创新管理;

    Third , how does DG TNC develop technological innovation management with " learning " for core .

  27. 医疗技术创新管理的实践与体会卫生监督分设后深化疾控中心内部改革的实践与体会

    Some Practice and Experience in Deepening the Internal Reform in the Prophylactic Control Center after the Separation of Sanitary and Supervising Functions

  28. 论文首先根据我国企业技术创新管理实践中面临的这一突出问题和创新管理理论发展现状与不足,提出研究问题。

    This paper firstly brings forward the research issues according to the " innovation dilemma " which many Chinese enterprises facing currently .

  29. 现代经济增长更多地依赖于技术创新管理,现代企业发展的基础和动力也越来越多的依赖于技术创新管理。

    Technology innovation management is becoming the principal factor of modern economic growth , the major foundation and motivation for development of modern enterprise .

  30. 创新产品推出后,影响顾客采用和创新产品扩散的因素就成为一个重要的研究问题,在技术创新管理和市场营销领域占有重要的地位。

    Thus , after the appearance of the innovation products , the factors affect the adoption and diffusion of products becomes a key studied problem .