
jì shù kāi fā
  • technological development
  1. 基于GIS的长春经济技术开发区土地集约利用评价研究

    Evaluation of Land Intensive Use in ChangChun Economic and Technological Development Zone Base on GIS

  2. GIS在铜山经济技术开发区规划管理信息系统中的应用

    The Application of GIS to Planning and Managing Information System of Tongshan Economic and Technological Development Zone

  3. 采用虚拟仪器技术开发一套虚拟校验仪

    Virtual instrument technology is applied to develop a virtual OECT calibrator .

  4. NET技术开发,模块化设计。

    Net technology development , Modular design .

  5. 利用Java技术开发Java数据库应用系统

    Use Java to Develope Date Base Application System

  6. 用JDBC技术开发WEB数据库应用

    Application of JDBC Technique in Developing WEB Database

  7. 用ASP技术开发互联网论坛

    How to Develop the Internet Forum Using the ASP Technology

  8. 基于ASP的企业进销存管理系统的技术开发

    The Technology Development Purchase Shipments and Stock Management System Based on ASP

  9. 用ASP技术开发网站图片管理系统

    Using ASP Technology to Develop Website Image Management System

  10. 在GIS软件的基础上,利用组件技术开发空间分析模块有着广泛的应用前景和实用价值。

    Based on the GIS software , developing space fractal analysis module has broad apply foreground and practical value .

  11. 利用ObjectARX技术开发组合网架自动设计软件

    Development of automatic design program for composite space grid structure with technique of Object ARX

  12. 利用ASP技术开发图书馆网络数据库使用统计程序

    Using ASP Technology to Develop a Statistical Program of Readers ' Utilization of Web Database in Libraries

  13. 采用Java、JSP技术开发了B/S模式下用户操作子系统。

    User operation subsystem which is under B / S mode is developed by adopting Java and JSP technology .

  14. 采用Foxproforwindows技术开发,实现了船舶签证的计算机管理。

    Based on Foxpro for windows , this paper develops the computer-aided management system of shipping visa .

  15. 使用EJB组件技术开发多层应用

    Use EJB-Base in Developing Multi-tier Application

  16. 普通拉丝代用钢(HL钢)生产技术开发研究

    Research & Development of Production Technology of Common Cold Drawn Steel HL

  17. 文论中述了用ASP技术开发B/S结构下的水环境预测系统的实现方法。

    The methods to realize the water environment prediction system based on B / S structure with ASP are discussed herein ;

  18. 利用TTS技术开发计算机语音功能

    Developing the computer 's voice function by utilizing TTS technology

  19. NET技术开发Web管理系统和Windows个人软件,实现WEB数据库动态连接,同时介绍了系统安全性的实现措施。

    The ASP . NET technique-based web administrative system and windows personal software will ensure a dynamic connection with WEB databank . Some measures guaranteeing the system 's safe operation are offered .

  20. 应用VISUALBASIC6.0图像识别技术开发了简易计算机读图软件。

    The software of computer reading graph was developed by using image recognition techniques of Visual Basic 6.0.The cor-relation graph was scanned into computer , and then was loaded into the software .

  21. 本文从使用LuceneV2.4.1和Java技术开发的样例应用程序中挑选了一些代码片段。

    This article uses code snippets from a sample application developed in Java technology using Lucene V2.4.1 .

  22. 信息安全工具包正是解决信息安全问题的基础,我们基于面向对象技术开发了自主版权的信息安全工具包CIST(ChineseInformationSecurityToolkit),它能够提供各种信息安全服务。

    Information security toolkit is just the key to these information security problems . Based on object-oriented techniques we developed self-copyrighted Chinese Information Security Toolkit ( CIST ), which provides various information security services .

  23. 介绍了以Java2标准中的Applet技术开发组合逻辑电路网络仿真实验平台的原理。

    The realization of a combinational logic circuit simulation platform with Applet technology of Java 2 is introduced in this paper .

  24. 使用Dhtml技术开发网上数学实验室

    Use Dhtml Technological Development Online Mathematics Laboratory

  25. 文中对大连经济技术开发区所建立的数字高程模型(DEM),可以用作进一步区域稳定性分区评价的基础资料。

    The DEM that is established on the Dalian Economic and Technology Development Zone in this paper could be applied as the basic information for further research .

  26. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库编程技术开发了高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统,使毕业生就业指导工作更加规范化和科学化。

    This paper , the MIS of University graduates obtain employment coach has been developed by using Visual Foxpro Programming technigues , So as to made it more standard and scientific .

  27. 新型PCC桩结构直立式海堤技术开发及其抗弯性能研究

    Development of New Type of Erect Dike of Cast-in-situ Concrete Thin-wall Pipe Pile and Study on the Moment Resistance of the Dike

  28. 使用J2EE技术开发一个符合GSP管理规范的医药销售管理系统,可以大大减少开发的开销和复杂度。

    Use J2EE one piece of technological development to accord with medicine of GSP standardard medical sale management system , can reduce expenses and complexity developed greatly .

  29. NET技术开发的工程试验过程管理软件系统,以此来解决工程试验过程管理中的实际问题,从而可以有效的提高企业的整体竞争力。

    The author raises a engineering testing process management system software based on ASP . NET technology to solve the practical problems in the engineering testing process management , then the whole ability of competition of enterprise will be great improved .

  30. 应用结果表明,在多种控制网络并存的工业企业中,采用OPC技术开发企业内部监控网络是一种很有推广价值的实用方法。

    The results indicate that it is the universal and practical method to adopt OPC technique in internal monitoring network of a modern enterprise which exists several control networks .