
chāo bào
  • copy and report;make a copy for;send a duplicate to
抄报 [chāo bào]
  • [report] 旧时官府发行的报章,通报诏会、奏章以及升迁等人事变动的情况

  1. 电能计量自动抄报系统中的通讯设计

    Communication Design for Automatic Report System of Energy Measurement

  2. 后来我自己做第二期手抄报,也被表扬了,我高兴得跳了起来。

    Then I do the second Shouchao Bao , was also praised , and I jumped with joy .

  3. 国家外汇管理局各分局应当将履约核准情况同时抄报国家外汇管理局备案。

    Branches of the State Administration of foreign exchange shall submit the examination and approval on the performance to the State Administration of foreign exchange for record .

  4. 以上事项涉及外汇管理和对外支付事项的,应同时抄报国家外汇管理局。

    If any of the above circumstances involves foreign exchange administration or external payments , the report shall also be copied to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange .

  5. 年度会计报表应抄报原审批机构。这份报告已呈报委员会审批。

    Copies of a joint venture 's annual accounting statements shall be sent to the original examining and approving agency . The report was submitted to the commission for its consideration .

  6. 出现粗差时及时报监理单位并同时抄报公司,监理项目部主持调查原因,并签发工程暂停令,其他相关单位必须予以积极配合。

    Gross errors detected shall be timely submitted to the supervision unit and copied to the company at the same time , the project supervision department then will investigate the causes and issue work suspension order , and other relevant units must actively cooperate .