
sān dà rèn wù
  • three major tasks
  1. 地勘单位面临的三大任务一项保障

    Three Major Tasks and One Guarantee Ahead of Geological Exploration Organization

  2. 是我国人民在八十年代的三大任务。

    These are the three major tasks of our people in this decade .

  3. 未来高技术战争空军后勤保障的三大任务

    Three tasks of air support in future high & tech operations

  4. 本文阐述了反应堆工程退役工作的三大任务之一&去污问题。

    The decontamination is one of the three major tasks in nuclear reactor decommissioning .

  5. 素质教育的三大任务:即素质教育将是教育史上的一次理论大综合;

    The writer generalizes quality education as three tasks : quality education will be the academic colligation ;

  6. 试论现阶段我国社会学研究的三大任务&从我国现实社会基本状况的分析说起

    On Three Main Tasks of Studies of Sociology From the Analysis of the Basic Situation of Our Existing Society

  7. 为实现“两基本、一进入”的战略目标,设计了发展、改革、保障三大任务。

    In order to fulfill the objectives , the Outline identifies three main tasks , i.e.development , reform and guarantee .

  8. 所以说身心安康的维护是家庭教育的三大任务之一。

    A saying goes that safeguarding mental and physical health is one of the three major tasks of family education .

  9. 若“天问一号”成功,将成为首个一次性完成“绕、落、巡”三大任务的火星探测器。

    If Tianwen 1 succeeds , it will become the first Mars expedition accomplishing all three goals with one probe , the company said .

  10. 第四章基于任务调度的思想,将精加工划分为三大任务模块,实现精加工工艺执行过程中的数据处理与任务调度。

    In chapter 4 , finish machining task is devided into three task modules according to task dispatcher , and data processing and task dispatcher in finish machining are realized .

  11. 坚持以社会主义现代化建设为核心,努力实现新世纪的三大任务,而搞好党的建设则是根本保证;要全面加强党的建设应当深刻认识和全面把握三个代表的基本方针。

    Adhere to the core of the socialist modern construction , strive to accomplish the three assignments in new century , to do the building of the Party well is basic guarantee .

  12. 电大现代远程教育教学管理肩负着人才培养过程的程序设计、教学质量保证因素的综合控制、人才培养活动的组织实施三大任务。

    Because the teaching administration has three main missions , which are programming during the process of talent-fostering , comprehensive controlling of protecting elements of the quality of teaching and the organization of talent-fostering - activities .

  13. 成立于1999年的中国东方资产管理公司肩负降低金融风险,实现不良资产回收价值的最大化,支持国有大中型企业深化改革、摆脱困境的三大任务。

    China Orient Asset Management Corporation ( COAMC ) , which was founded in 1999 , has three main tasks including reducing financial risk , retrieving the bad loans at the maximum degree and helping nation-owned enterprise to overcome difficulties .

  14. 优化决策结构、完善城市规划委员会制度、进行决策体制改革是我国城市规划行政决策体制建设的三大任务。

    To rationalize the decision structure , to make city planning committee system perfect , and to carry on decision-making system reform , are the three greatest missions for the construc - tion of decision-making system of city planning administrative decision-making in our country .

  15. 德国还提出了下届峰会的三大主要任务:一是维护世界经济稳定,二是关注未来发展战略,加强G20国的团队责任。

    Germany has also set the three main pillars of its G20 presidency , including maintaining the stability of the world economy , future development strategies and strengthening the G20 as a community of responsibility .

  16. 现代物流行业被看作是我国经济跨世纪发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点,国家已把发展现代物流业作为十五期间三大重点任务之一。

    Modern logistics is considered very important to the development of china 's economy .

  17. 在21世纪初期,国内和国际形势更加复杂多变,中国面临的三大历史任务中,完成祖国统一更具紧迫性。

    In the 21st century , more complex domestic and international situation , China faces three major tasks , complete reunification of the motherland is more urgent .

  18. 进入新世纪,要完成三大历史任务、实现中华民族伟大复兴,必须坚定不移地发扬统一战线的优良传统,进行统一战线的理论创新,推动统一战线工作的广泛深入、持续蓬勃的发展。

    In the new age , the excellent tradition of unified front must be firmly carried forward , and the theory also needs to be further promoted as well .

  19. 要完成这三大历史任务,我国将面临一系列的挑战,必须主动出击,为改造国际经济政治旧秩序,推动世界多极化向前发展作出更大的贡献。

    To accomplish this three great historic tasks , our country will faces with a series of challenges , and must initiatively sally , and having undertaken transforming the international past orders of economy and politics .

  20. 而个人信用中介机构在建立之后面临建立个人征信数据库、完善个人信用评估机制与征信数据库的网络化三大重要任务;

    After the credit information report agencies have already constructed , they will face three sturdy important responsibilities which are to construct personal credit consulting data-base , to perfect personal credit-grading mechanism and the data-base 's net-work .

  21. 中国作为该地区的重要大国,新世纪面临着全面推进小康,实现现代化,促进世界和和平和发展,完成祖国统一的三大历史任务。

    China is as the important big country of this region , and new century is being faced with pushing on the relatively comfortable life completely , and realizing the modernization drive and promoting the world peace developing , and accomplishing state reunion three great historic tasks .

  22. 着重讨论了GPS接收机中信号处理部分的COSTAS、码跟踪、帧同步生成电路三大模块的功能任务、原理、算法及其相应的电路设计。

    Emphasis is laid on the functions , theories , algorithms and corresponding circuit designs of the three modules of COSTAS module , code tracking module and frame synchronization related to signal processing in GPS receiver .

  23. 这一段别开生面的伟大实践,取得了新时期党实践三个代表的最新成果,为党经受新阶段三大考验提供了根本保证,夯实了党带领人民完成新世纪三大任务的重要基础。

    The great practice has had producted ' three-representatives ' to assure party to undergo ' three - trials ' in new period and lay a important foundation for party to complete three great task in new century .