
  • Crazy;Mad;freak out;Berserk
  1. 男人喜欢不停地换台,这会让一些女人抓狂。

    Men like to zap the TV channels , something that can drive certain women berserk .

  2. 大时要使用抓狂!

    Great to use when going BERSERK !

  3. 呆在家里只会让他沮丧得抓狂。

    Sitting at home would only have had him climbing the walls with frustration .

  4. 他总和女友煲电话粥。令我抓狂的是电话费可是我们俩平摊的。

    He 's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend . We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad .

  5. 4.drive/makesbcrazy逼疯,抓狂她说话的方式让我抓狂。

    The way she talked drove / made me crazy .

  6. 多准备几套工作装,这样就不会因为找不到衣服穿而抓狂。

    Have a few work outfits3 ready , so you don 't have to scramble4 finding clothes to wear .

  7. 我比你大,而且Matt和Elena会抓狂的。

    I 'm older than you , and Matt and Elena would freak .

  8. 如果我们开发的应用有非常多的专用组件,还包含一些Web页面,那我们可能会被那么多不得不管理的文件弄到抓狂。

    If we are working on an application that is rich in specialized components and contains several web pages , then we might feel overwhelmed by the number of files we have to manage .

  9. 希望Damon没让你太抓狂吧。

    Stefan : I hope Damon didn 't drive you too crazy .

  10. 周二晚上他睡得安心一些。但是,周三来到办公室,他却看到了彭博(Bloomberg)终端上令人抓狂的数字。

    He slept better Tuesday night and arrived Wednesday to crazy numbers on his Bloomberg screens .

  11. 在令人抓狂的发现bug的几天之后,微软终于修复这个问题,并重新提交契约方。

    After several frantic days of trying to find the bug , Microsoft finally fixed the problem last Friday and reset escrow .

  12. 尽管Uber可能令人抓狂、咄咄逼人且具有美国人的做派,但它仍有值得借鉴的地方。

    Infuriating , aggressive and American it may be ; it is still worth learning from .

  13. 每个人的学习方式和速度都不一样,这也司空见惯了。但他们都走过来了,到现在要是碰到非得写Java不可的情况,每个人都会抓狂。

    As always , people learn at different speeds and in different ways , but all have come through that and nearly all now get frustrated when they have to write Java code .

  14. hold住是泰然自若一词的网络演绎版本,当下,婚姻、工作以及金钱等方面带来的压力很容易让人抓狂,而hold住也成为人们努力追求的特质之一。

    Holding steady , Internet slang for staying poised , is one of the qualities the public has been looking for lately as pressures on marriage , work and money can easily drive people crazy .

  15. 你看起来…我知道freak:反常的Jenny肯定要抓狂了。

    B 's Girl1 : You look ... - Blair : I know . - B 's Girl1 : Jenny 's gonna freak . -

  16. 零售咨询公司KantarRetail的戴维o马科特说:扩张太快会让他们抓狂的。

    They are ferocious about not expanding too rapidly , says David Marcotte of consulting firm Kantar Retail .

  17. 因为有一天我和Veronica去看电影,哪个女孩开始抓狂。

    That girl started tripping cuz I went to the movies with Veronica the other day .

  18. 我们都知道Twitter的Logo是天蓝色的,如果用户和营销人员发现自己手上的设备显示的Logo带点绿色,非抓狂不可。

    Knowing that Twitter uses a sky blue color for its logo , it can be jarring for users and marketers alike to see a version with a tinge of green .

  19. 在911攻击事件后,他需要访问很多不同的网站来全方位了解关于该事件的消息,这种低效率让他抓狂,从而萌生了创建google新闻的想法。

    The idea for the site occurred to him in the months after the attacks of September 11th 2001 , when he became frustrated by the inefficiency of visiting lots of different websites to get a broader picture of the news .

  20. 因为这是一件如果你没意识到,要这么做的话,可能会令你抓狂的一件事,你需要一个规范,来确定Python做了正确的事情。

    Because this is something that could certainly have screwed you up if you didn 't realize it did it , and you need to have that discipline to make sure it 's doing the right thing .

  21. 摇摆乐(swing)、咆勃爵士乐(bebop)、Sinatra、冷爵士(cooljazz)、摇滚――这些音乐都在声音和风格上更加专门化并且以年轻人为主导,它们让老一代人抓狂。

    Swing , bebop , Sinatra , cool jazz , rock ' n ' roll -- all were specialized , youth-oriented upheavals in sound and style , and they drove the older generation crazy .

  22. 这辆MG-B安装的是手摇式车窗,它的帆布软顶需要通过一个可拆卸式的支架才能安装起来,一旦天降暴雨便令人抓狂。

    The B came with roll-up windows but the canvas top still had to be assembled over a removable frame , which was no fun in a downpour .

  23. 但让人抓狂的是,走在街上,前面的人突然停下来,只为了看一眼手机上Snapchat(注:一款社交应用)的新通知。

    What drives people nuts , though , is when they 're walking down the street and the people in front of them decide to stop short because they need to check their latest Snapchat notifications .

  24. 她们每天的日程安排中布满了社会学家安妮特・拉罗(AnnetteLareau)和艾略特・魏因宁格(ElliotWeininger)所说的“压力点”,或者按照两位作者的话说就是,让她们生活变得“更抓狂”、毫无商量余地的要求。

    Their daily routine is speckled with what sociologists Annette Lareau and Elliot Weininger call ' pressure points , ' or nonnegotiable demands that make their lives , as the authors put it , ' more frenetic . '

  25. 该研究论文的联名作者、堪萨斯大学的马克・豪格(MarkHaug)说,“我最多只能说,九月份确实有些不同寻常的事发生。不管是什么,都很糟糕。但找不到一个合理的解释让人很抓狂。”

    From the best of my ability , I think there 's something up with September . No matter how you slice it up , it 's bad , ' says the University of Kansas ' Mark Haug , one of the authors of the report . ' It 's frustrating to not have an explanation . '

  26. 噢,女士们,有时候你们真让我抓狂!

    Oh , ladies , you make me so mad sometimes !

  27. 这非但没有让我感觉好一点,反而让我更加抓狂。

    But instead of feeling better I felt even more anxious .

  28. 我想那让你够抓狂的。

    I imagine that 's got to make you pretty angry .

  29. 但是他们至少没有对输球抓狂。

    They are , at least , not mad about losing .

  30. 你抓狂时还蛮可爱的。

    You 're kind of cute when you get all mad .